path: root/judge/main.ml
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'judge/main.ml')
1 files changed, 171 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/judge/main.ml b/judge/main.ml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5155e02
--- /dev/null
+++ b/judge/main.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,171 @@
+open Core
+open Graphics
+(* ****************** *)
+(* The user interface *)
+(* ****************** *)
+exception Exit_judge
+module UI (C : CORE) : sig
+ val init : unit -> unit
+ val close : unit -> unit
+ val handle_events : unit -> unit
+ val display : unit -> unit
+end = struct
+ module G = C.G
+ (* Graphic helpers *)
+ let grey = rgb 64 64 64
+ let center () = size_x () / 2, size_y () / 2
+ let fullscreen_msg m =
+ clear_graph();
+ let tx, ty = text_size m in
+ let cx, cy = center () in
+ let w, h = tx/2, ty/2 in
+ set_color black;
+ let cr d =
+ draw_rect (cx - w - d) (cy - h - d)
+ (cx + w + d) (cy + h + d)
+ in cr 20; cr 22;
+ moveto (cx - w) (cy - h);
+ draw_string m
+ let tw m = fst (text_size m)
+ let text_l l x c m =
+ set_color c;
+ moveto x (size_y() - ((l+1) * 20));
+ draw_string m
+ let text1 l c m =
+ text_l l 20 c m
+ let text2 l c m =
+ text_l l (size_x()/2 - 20 - tw m) c m
+ let text3 l c m =
+ text_l l (size_x()/2 + 20) c m
+ let text4 l c m =
+ text_l l (size_x() - 20 - tw m) c m
+ let hl () =
+ draw_poly_line
+ [| 10, size_y() - 50;
+ size_x() - 10, size_y() - 50 |]
+ (* Init/Close *)
+ let init () =
+ open_graph " 800x600";
+ fullscreen_msg "Starting up..."
+ let close () =
+ close_graph ()
+ (* View types *)
+ type view =
+ | ScoreBoard
+ | MatchList of bool
+ | ViewGame of C.game
+ | Question of string * (unit -> unit) * view
+ let rec handle_events () =
+ while key_pressed () do
+ match !curr_view, read_key() with
+ | ScoreBoard, '\t' -> curr_view := MatchList false
+ | MatchList _, '\t' -> curr_view := ScoreBoard
+ | MatchList e, 'f' -> curr_view := MatchList (not e)
+ | Question(_, y, n), 'y' -> y()
+ | Question(_, y, n), 'n' -> curr_view := n
+ | v, 'q' ->
+ curr_view := Question(
+ "Really quit?",
+ (fun () ->
+ fullscreen_msg "Exiting...";
+ raise Exit_judge),
+ v)
+ | _ -> ()
+ done
+ and display () =
+ clear_graph ();
+ match !curr_view with
+ | ScoreBoard -> scoreboard_disp ()
+ | MatchList f -> matchlist_disp f
+ | ViewGame g -> game_disp g
+ | Question (q, _, _) -> fullscreen_msg (q ^ " (y/n)")
+ and curr_view = ref ScoreBoard
+ (* Scoreboard view *)
+ and scoreboard_disp () =
+ text1 2 black "score board";
+ text4 2 grey "match list >";
+ hl();
+ let scores = List.sort
+ (fun (_, sc) (_, sc') -> sc' - sc)
+ (C.scores())
+ in
+ let xx l (n, s) t =
+ text1 l black t;
+ text1 (l+1) black (" "^n);
+ text2 (l+1) black (string_of_int s)
+ in
+ let scores = match scores with
+ | first::q -> xx 4 first "first place"; q
+ | [] -> []
+ in
+ let scores = match scores with
+ | sec::q -> xx 7 sec "second place"; q
+ | [] -> []
+ in
+ let scores = match scores with
+ | thrd::q -> xx 10 thrd "third place"; q
+ | [] -> []
+ in
+ let show_sc i (n, s) =
+ text3 (i+4) black ((string_of_int (i+3))^". "^n);
+ text4 (i+1) black (string_of_int s)
+ in
+ List.iteri show_sc scores
+ (* Match list view *)
+ and matchlist_disp show_only_running =
+ (* TODO *)
+ ()
+ (* Game view *)
+ and game_disp g =
+ (* TODO *)
+ ()
+(* ************* *)
+(* The main loop *)
+(* ************* *)
+module Juge (C : CORE) : sig
+ val run : unit -> unit
+end = struct
+ module UI = UI(C)
+ let run () =
+ C.init();
+ UI.init();
+ begin try while true do
+ C.handle_events ();
+ UI.handle_events ()
+ done with
+ Exit_judge ->
+ C.finish ();
+ UI.close ()
+ end