= 3, 'notes'); $noteid = intval($args[2]); $note = mysql_fetch_assoc(sql( "SELECT na.id AS id, na.title AS title, na.text AS text, na.public AS public, na.owner AS owner, ". "nb.title AS parent_title, nb.id AS parent_id, account.login AS ownername FROM notes na ". "LEFT JOIN notes nb ON na.parent = nb.id LEFT JOIN account ON account.id = na.owner ". "WHERE na.id = $noteid" )); assert_error($note && ($note['owner'] == $user['id'] || $user['priv'] >= $priv_admin), "This note does not exist, or you are not allowed to move it."); if (count($args) == 4) { $newparent = intval($args[3]); // SHOULD CHECK FOR TREE CONSISTENCY, SKIP FOR NOW. if ($newparent != 0) { $p = mysql_fetch_assoc(sql("SELECT id, owner FROM notes WHERE id = $newparent")); } if ($newparent != 0 && !$p) { $error = "Selected parent does not exist."; } else if ($newparent != 0 && $p['owner'] != $user['id']) { $error = "Selected parent is not belong to you."; } else { sql("UPDATE notes SET parent = $newparent WHERE id = $noteid"); header("Location: view-notes-$noteid"); die(); } } $notes_tree = array(); $n = sql("SELECT id, parent, title FROM notes ". "WHERE owner = " . $user['id'] . " AND id != $noteid AND parent != $noteid ORDER BY title ASC"); while ($nn = mysql_fetch_assoc($n)) { if (isset($notes_tree[$nn['parent']])) { $notes_tree[$nn['parent']][] = $nn; } else { $notes_tree[$nn['parent']] = array($nn); } } $title = "Move note : " . $note["title"]; require("tpl/notes/move.php");