= 3, 'list'); $batchid = intval($args[2]); $batch = mysql_fetch_assoc(sql( "SELECT lists.id AS listid, lists.owner AS listowner, lists.name AS listname, batches.name AS name, ". "batches.model AS model, batches.contents AS contents ". "FROM batches LEFT JOIN lists ON lists.id = batches.list ". "WHERE batches.id = $batchid")); assert_error($batch && $batch['listowner'] == $user['id'], "this batch does not exist, or you are not allowed to edit it."); token_validate("Do you really want to delete this batch ?", "view-list-" . $batch['listid']); sql("DELETE FROM batches WHERE id = $batchid"); sql("DELETE FROM batch_study WHERE batch = $batchid"); sql("DELETE FROM batch_review WHERE batch = $batchid"); header("Location: view-list-" . $batch['listid']); die();