require ("lib/conf/blog.php");
$title = $blog_title;
$filters = array (
"order" => array (
"title" => "title",
"owner" => "author name",
"date" => "date published",
"way" => $ord_ways,
$fdefaults = array (
"order" => "date",
"way" => "DESC",
$posts = array();
$fa = array (
"author" => array(),
"date" => array(),
"tag" => array(),
$fvalues = array();
for ($i = 2; $i < count($args); $i += 2) {
if (isset($args[$i+1])) {
$fvalues[$args[$i]] = urldecode($args[$i+1]);
function count_in($fat, $v, $d) {
global $fa;
if (isset($fa[$fat][$v])) {
} else {
$fa[$fat][$v] = array('name' => $d, 'count' => 1);
$q =
"SELECT blog_posts.id AS id, blog_posts.title AS title, blog_posts.date AS date, ".
"UNIX_TIMESTAMP(blog_posts.date) AS date_ts, ".
"DATE_FORMAT(blog_posts.date, '%Y-%m') AS month, ".
"blog_posts.text_html AS text_html, GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT ba.tag SEPARATOR ', ') AS tags, ".
"COUNT(DISTINCT blog_comments.id) AS comments, ".
"account.login AS owner, account.id AS owner_id ".
"FROM blog_posts LEFT JOIN account ON blog_posts.owner = account.id ".
"LEFT JOIN blog_comments ON blog_comments.post = blog_posts.id ".
"LEFT JOIN blog_tags ba ON ba.post = blog_posts.id ".
(isset($fvalues['tag']) ? "LEFT JOIN blog_tags bb ON bb.post = blog_posts.id AND bb.tag = '" . escs($fvalues['tag'])."' " : "").
"WHERE blog_posts.draft = 0 ".
(isset($fvalues['author']) ? 'AND blog_posts.owner = ' . intval($fvalues['author']) .' ' : '').
(isset($fvalues['date']) ? "AND blog_posts.date >= '" . escs(str_replace('_', '-', $fvalues['date'])) ."-01 00:00:00' " .
"AND blog_posts.date <= '" . escs(str_replace('.', '-', $fvalues['date'])) . "-31 23:59:59'" : '').
(isset($fvalues['tag']) ? " AND bb.post != 0 " : "").
"GROUP BY blog_posts.id ".
"ORDER BY " . get_filter('order') . " " . get_filter('way');
$n = sql($q);
while ($pp = mysql_fetch_assoc($n)) {
$posts[] = $pp;
count_in('author', $pp['owner_id'], $pp['owner']);
$tags = explode(', ', $pp['tags']);
foreach ($tags as $tag) {
if ($tag == "") continue;
count_in('tag', $tag, $tag);
count_in('date', str_replace('-', '_', $pp['month']), $pp['month']);
$can_post = ($user['priv'] >= $apps['blog']['drafts'] && $user['id'] != 0);
$can_edit = ($user['priv'] >= $apps['blog']['edit'] && $user['id'] != 0);
$can_delete = ($user['priv'] >= $apps['blog']['delete'] && $user['id'] != 0);
if (isset($fvalues['feed']) && $fvalues['feed'] == "atom") {
} else {