local draw = require 'lx.draw' local sys = require 'lx.sys' local tk = {} --[[ Widgets: window manager widget Window manager Widows are any widget which determine their own size box widget A box that can be: - scrollable (H/V) - resizable (H/V) Has a single child. Can either: a. constrain the size of the child to the size of the box b. let the child widget determine its size Can have a margin (outer margin) with associated outer background color, a padding (inner margin) with associated background color, a border with its color Can have onclick events to implement buttons. grid widget A grid widget, organizes its children in a grid, which can make a table or any kind of layout. It: - resizes its childs and repositions them to make a grid - accepts when its childs are resized and changes the width of columns or the height of lines accordingly - draws borders/spacing between elements text widget image widget border widget centered widget text input text box text_layout_widget Positions text widgets and images widgets in a subtle and intelligent manner (lol) How to make a table: widget = tk.grid({}, { { tk.box({h_resizable = true, width = 200}, tk.text("name")), tk.box({h_resizable = true, width = 100}, tk.text("actions")) }, { tk.box({padding = 4}, tk.text("file A")), tk.grid({}, {{ tk.box({padding = 4, border = 1, border_color = red, on_click = function() do something end}, tk.text("open")) }}) } } --]] -- UTIL function region_operation(reg1, reg2, sel_fun) local xs = {reg1.x, reg1.x + reg1.w, reg2.x, reg2.x + reg2.w} local ys = {reg1.y, reg1.y + reg1.h, reg2.y, reg2.y + reg2.h} table.sort(xs) table.sort(ys) local pieces = {} local function add_region(x, y, w, h) for i, r in pairs(pieces) do if r.y == y and r.h == h and r.x + r.w == x then table.remove(pieces, i) add_region(r.x, r.y, r.w + w, r.h) return elseif r.x == x and r.w == w and r.y + r.h == y then table.remove(pieces, i) add_region(r.x, r.y, r.w, r.h + h) return end end table.insert(pieces, {x = x, y = y, w = w, h = h}) end for i = 1, 3 do for j = 1, 3 do local x0, x1, y0, y1 = xs[i], xs[i+1], ys[j], ys[j+1] if x1 > x0 and y1 > y0 then if sel_fun(x0, x1, y0, y1) then add_region(x0, y0, x1 - x0, y1 - y0) end end end end return pieces end function region_diff(reg1, reg2) return region_operation(reg1, reg2, function(x0, x1, y0, y1) return (x0 >= reg1.x and x0 < reg1.x + reg1.w and y0 >= reg1.y and y0 < reg1.y + reg1.h) and not (x0 >= reg2.x and x0 < reg2.x + reg2.w and y0 >= reg2.y and y0 < reg2.y + reg2.h) end ) end function region_inter(reg1, reg2) return region_operation(reg1, reg2, function(x0, x1, y0, y1) return (x0 >= reg1.x and x0 < reg1.x + reg1.w and y0 >= reg1.y and y0 < reg1.y + reg1.h) and (x0 >= reg2.x and x0 < reg2.x + reg2.w and y0 >= reg2.y and y0 < reg2.y + reg2.h) end ) end function region_union(reg1, reg2) return region_operation(reg1, reg2, function(x0, x1, y0, y1) return (x0 >= reg1.x and x0 < reg1.x + reg1.w and y0 >= reg1.y and y0 < reg1.y + reg1.h) or (x0 >= reg2.x and x0 < reg2.x + reg2.w and y0 >= reg2.y and y0 < reg2.y + reg2.h) end ) end -- ACTUAL TK STUFF function tk.widget(width, height, opts) local w = { x = 0, y = 0, width = width, height = height, } if opts then for k, v in pairs(opts) do w[k] = v end end function w:resize(width, height) if width then w.width = width end if width then w.height = height end end function w:get_draw_buffer(x0, y0, w, h) -- Replaced by parent by a function that returns the buffer for return nil end function w:finalize_draw_buffer() if self.parent ~= nil then self.parent:finalize_draw_buffer() end end function w:redraw(x0, y0, buf) -- Replaced by widget code by a function that does the actual drawing end function w:redraw_sub(x0, y0, buf, subwidget) local region = {x = x0, y = y0, w = buf:width(), h = buf:height()} local subregion = {x = subwidget.x, y = subwidget.y, w = subwidget.width, h = subwidget.height} local inter = region_inter(region, subregion) for _, z in pairs(inter) do subwidget:redraw(z.x - subwidget.x, z.y - subwidget.y, buf:sub(z.x - x0, z.y - y0, z.w, z.h)) end end function w:on_mouse_down(x, y, lb, rb, mb) if lb then -- Handler for mouse down event self.left_click_valid = true end end function w:on_mouse_up(x, y, lb, rb, mb) -- Handler for mouse up event if lb and self.left_click_valid then self:on_click() end end function w:on_mouse_move(prev_x, prev_y, new_x, new_y) -- Handler for mouse move event self.left_click_valid = false end function w:on_click() end function w:on_text_input(char) -- Handler for text input end function w:on_key_down(key) -- Handler for key press end function w:on_key_up(key) -- Handler for key release end return w end function tk.init(gui, root_widget) if tk.root_widget ~= nil then return end tk.root_widget = root_widget if root_widget.parent ~= nil then return end root_widget.parent = gui tk.fonts = { ["vera.ttf"] = draw.load_ttf_font("sys:/fonts/vera.ttf"), ["veraserif.ttf"] = draw.load_ttf_font("sys:/fonts/veraserif.ttf"), ["veramono.ttf"] = draw.load_ttf_font("sys:/fonts/veramono.ttf"), } tk.fonts.default = tk.fonts["vera.ttf"] function tk.rgb(r, g, b) return gui.surface:rgb(r, g, b) end root_widget:resize(gui.surface:width(), gui.surface:height()) gui.on_key_down = function(key) root_widget:on_key_down(key) end gui.on_key_up = function(key) root_widget:on_key_up(key) end gui.on_text_input = function(key) root_widget:on_text_input(char) end gui.on_mouse_move = function(ox, oy, nx, ny) root_widget:on_mouse_move(ox, oy, nx, ny) end gui.on_mouse_down = function(lb, rb, mb) root_widget:on_mouse_down(gui.mouse_x, gui.mouse_y, lb, rb, mb) end gui.on_mouse_up = function(lb, rb, mb) root_widget:on_mouse_up(gui.mouse_x, gui.mouse_y, lb, rb, mb) end function root_widget:get_draw_buffer(x0, y0, w, h) if gui.cursor_visible and #region_inter({x=x0, y=y0, w=w, h=h}, {x=gui.mouse_x, y=gui.mouse_y, w=gui.cursor:width(), h=gui.cursor:height()})>0 then tk.must_reshow_cursor_on_finalize = true gui.hide_cursor() end return gui.surface:sub(x0, y0, w, h) end function root_widget:finalize_draw_buffer() if tk.must_reshow_cursor_on_finalize then tk.must_reshow_cursor_on_finalize = false gui.show_cursor() end end root_widget:redraw(0, 0, root_widget:get_draw_buffer(0, 0, root_widget.width, root_widget.height)) root_widget:finalize_draw_buffer() end -- #### #### STANDARD WIDGETS #### #### function tk.image(a, b) local img = b or a local opts = b and a or {} local image = tk.widget(img:width(), img:height(), opts) image.img = img function image:resize(width, height) if width then self.width = width if self.width < self.img:width() then self.width = self.img:width() end end if height then self.height = height if self.height < self.img:height() then self.height = self.img:height() end end end function image:redraw(x0, y0, buf) local step = 20 local halfstep = 10 for x = x0 - (x0 % step), x0 + buf:width(), step do for y = y0 - (y0 % step), y0 + buf:height(), step do buf:fillrect(x - x0, y - y0, halfstep, halfstep, buf:rgb(150, 150, 150)) buf:fillrect(x - x0 + halfstep, y - y0 + halfstep, halfstep, halfstep, buf:rgb(150, 150, 150)) buf:fillrect(x - x0 + halfstep, y - y0, halfstep, halfstep, buf:rgb(170, 170, 170)) buf:fillrect(x - x0, y - y0 + halfstep, halfstep, halfstep, buf:rgb(170, 170, 170)) end end if x0 < self.img:width() and y0 < self.img:height() then buf:blit(0, 0, self.img:sub(x0, y0, self.img:width(), self.img:height())) end end return image end function tk.text(a, b) local text = b or a local opts = b and a or {} -- Some defaults opts.text_size = opts.text_size or 16 opts.padding = opts.padding or 2 opts.background = opts.background or tk.rgb(255, 255, 255) opts.color = opts.color or tk.rgb(0, 0, 0) opts.line_spacing = opts.line_spacing or 1 if opts.word_wrap == nil then opts.word_wrap = true end opts.font = opts.font or tk.fonts.default opts.dy = opts.dy or -(opts.text_size//8) local txt = tk.widget(100, #string.split(text, "\n")*(opts.text_size + opts.line_spacing) - opts.line_spacing + 2*opts.padding, opts) txt.text = text function txt:redraw(x0, y0, buf) local lines = string.split(self.text, "\n") buf:fillrect(0, 0, buf:width(), buf:height(), self.background) local acceptable_surface = region_inter({x = x0, y = y0, w = buf:width(), h = buf:height()}, {x = self.padding, y = self.padding, w = self.width - 2*self.padding, h = self.height - 2*self.padding}) for _, s in pairs(acceptable_surface) do local buf2 = buf:sub(s.x - x0, s.y - y0, s.w, s.h) for i = 1, #lines do -- TODO word wrap buf2:write(self.padding - s.x, (i-1) * (self.text_size + self.line_spacing) + self.padding - s.y + self.dy, lines[i], self.font, self.text_size, self.color) end end end return txt end function tk.box(a, b) local content = b or a local opts = b and a or {} -- Some defaults opts.hresize = opts.hresize or false opts.vresize = opts.vresize or false opts.hscroll = opts.hscroll or false opts.vscroll = opts.vscroll or false opts.center_content = opts.center_content or false opts.constrain_size = opts.constrain_size or nil opts.background_color = opts.background_color or tk.rgb(190, 190, 190) opts.control_size = 12 local box = tk.widget(content.width, content.height, opts) box.content = content if box.center_content then if box.width > box.content.width then box.content.x = (box.width - box.content.width) // 2 else box.content.x = 0 end if box.height > box.content.height then box.content.y = (box.height - box.content.height) // 2 else box.content.y = 0 end else box.content.x = 0 box.content.y = 0 end function box:resize(width, height) local ow, oh = self.width, self.height if self.constrain_size then self.content:resize(width, height) self.width = content.width self.height = content.height else if width then self.width = width end if height then self.height = height end if self.center_content then if self.width > self.content.width then self.content.x = (self.width - self.content.width) // 2 else self.content.x = math.min(0, math.max(-(self.content.width - self.width), self.content.x)) end if self.height > self.content.height then self.content.y = (self.height - self.content.height) // 2 else self.content.y = math.min(0, math.max(-(self.content.height - self.height), self.content.y)) end end end if self.parent and (self.width ~= ow or self.height ~= oh) then self.parent:child_resized(self) end end function box:move_content(x, y) local ox, oy = self.content.x, self.content.y if x then self.content.x = math.min(0, math.max(-(self.content.width - self.width), x)) end if y then self.content.y = math.min(0, math.max(-(self.content.height - self.height), y)) end if self.parent and (self.content.x ~= ox or self.content.y ~= oy) then self.parent:child_resized(self) end end function box:barcalc(pos, insize, outsize) local csz = self.control_size local barsize = (outsize - csz) * outsize // insize local baravail = outsize - csz - barsize local barpos = -pos * baravail // (insize - outsize) return barsize, barpos, baravail end function box:redraw(x0, y0, buf) local csz = self.control_size local acceptable_surface = region_inter({x = x0, y = y0, w = buf:width(), h = buf:height()}, {x = self.content.x, y = self.content.y, w = self.content.width, h = self.content.height}) for _, s in pairs(acceptable_surface) do local buf2 = buf:sub(s.x - x0, s.y - y0, s.w, s.h) self.content:redraw(s.x - self.content.x, s.y - self.content.y, buf2) end local background_surface = region_diff({x = x0, y = y0, w = buf:width(), h = buf:height()}, {x = self.content.x, y = self.content.y, w = self.content.width, h = self.content.height}) for _, s in pairs(background_surface) do buf:fillrect(s.x - x0, s.y - y0, s.w, s.h, self.background_color) end if self.vresize or self.hresize then buf:rect(self.width - csz - x0, self.height - csz - y0, csz, csz, buf:rgb(0, 0, 0)) buf:fillrect(self.width - csz + 1 - x0, self.height - csz + 1 - y0, csz - 2, csz - 2, buf:rgb(255, 255, 255)) end if self.hscroll and self.width < self.content.width then local barsize, barpos = self:barcalc(self.content.x, self.content.width, self.width) buf:fillrect(barpos + 4 - x0, self.height - csz + 2 - y0, barsize - 8, csz - 4, buf:rgb(0, 0, 0)) end if self.vscroll and self.height < self.content.height then local barsize, barpos = self:barcalc(self.content.y, self.content.height, self.height) buf:fillrect(self.width - csz + 2 - x0, barpos + 4 - y0, csz - 4, barsize - 8, buf:rgb(0, 0, 0)) end end function box:on_mouse_down(x, y, lb, mb, rb) local csz = self.control_size if lb and (self.vresize or self.hresize) and x >= self.width - csz and y >= self.height - csz then self.resizing = true self.resize_initw = self.width self.resize_inith = self.height self.resize_initmx = x self.resize_initmy = y elseif lb and self.vscroll and x >= self.width - csz and self.height < self.content.height then local barsize, barpos = self:barcalc(self.content.y, self.content.height, self.height) if y < barpos then self:move_content(nil, self.content.y + self.height * 2 // 3) elseif y >= barpos + barsize then self:move_content(nil, self.content.y - self.height * 2 // 3) else self.vscrolling = true self.vscrolling_inity = self.content.y self.vscrolling_initmy = y end elseif lb and self.hscroll and y >= self.height - csz and self.width < self.content.width then local barsize, barpos = self:barcalc(self.content.x, self.content.width, self.width) if x < barpos then self:move_content(self.content.x + self.width * 2 // 3, nil) elseif x >= barpos + barsize then self:move_content(self.content.x - self.width * 2 // 3, nil) else self.hscrolling = true self.hscrolling_initx = self.content.x self.hscrolling_initmx = x end else self.content:on_mouse_down(x - self.content.x, y - self.content.y, lb, mb, rb) end end function box:on_mouse_up(x, y, lb, mb, rb) if lb and self.resizing then self.resizing = false elseif lb and self.vscrolling then self.vscrolling = false elseif lb and self.hscrolling then self.hscrolling = false else self.content:on_mouse_up(x - self.content.x, y - self.content.y, lb, mb, rb) end end function box:on_mouse_move(px, py, nx, ny) if self.resizing then local w = self.hresize and self.resize_initw + nx - self.resize_initmx local h = self.vresize and self.resize_inith + ny - self.resize_initmy self:resize(w, h) elseif self.vscrolling then local barsize, barpos, baravail = self:barcalc(self.content.y, self.content.height, self.height) self:move_content(nil, self.vscrolling_inity - (ny - self.vscrolling_initmy) * (self.content.height - self.height) // baravail) elseif self.hscrolling then local barsize, barpos, baravail = self:barcalc(self.content.x, self.content.width, self.width) self:move_content(self.hscrolling_initx - (nx - self.hscrolling_initmx) * (self.content.width - self.width) // baravail) else self.content:on_mouse_move(px - self.content.x, py - self.content.y, nx - self.content.x, ny - self.content.y) end end return box end -- #### #### WINDOW MANAGER WIDGET #### #### function tk.window_manager() local wm = tk.widget(100, 100) wm.windows = {} -- Last = on top wm.window_pos = {} wm.mouse_lb = false wm.mouse_rb = false wm.mouse_mb = false wm.mouse_win = nil function wm:add(content, title, x, y) local win = tk.widget(content.width + 2, content.height + 22) win.parent = self win.x = x or 24 win.y = y or 24 win.title = title win.visible = true table.insert(self.windows, win) self.window_pos[win] = {x = win.x, y = win.y, h = win.height, w = win.width} win.content = content content.parent = win content.x = 1 content.y = 21 function content:get_draw_buffer(x0, y0, w, h) if x0 + w > self.width then w = self.width - x0 end if y0 + h > self.height then h = self.height - y0 end return win:get_draw_buffer(x0 + 1, y0 + 21, w, h) end function win:get_draw_buffer(x0, y0, w, h) -- TODO clipping etc end function win:child_resized(c) assert(c == self.content) local reg1 = wm.window_pos[self] self.width = c.width + 2 self.height = c.height + 22 wm.window_pos[self] = {x = self.x, y = self.y, w = self.width, h = self.height} local reg2 = wm.window_pos[self] local pieces = region_union(reg1, reg2) for _, p in pairs(pieces) do wm:redraw_region(p.x, p.y, p.w, p.h) end end function win:redraw(x0, y0, buf) self:redraw_sub(x0, y0, buf, self.content) buf:rect(-x0, -y0, self.width, self.height, buf:rgb(255, 128, 0)) buf:fillrect(-x0+1, -y0+1, win.width-2, 20, buf:rgb(200, 200, 200)) if win.title then buf:write(-x0+2, -y0+2, win.title, tk.fonts.default, 16, buf:rgb(0, 0, 0)) end end function win:on_mouse_down(x, y, lb, rb, mb) if y < 22 and lb then self.moving = true else self.content:on_mouse_down(x-1, y-21, lb, rb, mb) end end function win:on_mouse_up(x, y, lb, rb, mb) if self.moving then self.moving = false else self.content:on_mouse_up(x-1, y-21, lb, rb, mb) end end function win:on_mouse_move(px, py, nx, ny) if self.moving then local reg1 = wm.window_pos[self] self.x = self.x + nx - px self.y = self.y + ny - py wm.window_pos[self] = {x = self.x, y = self.y, w = self.width, h = self.height} local reg2 = wm.window_pos[self] local pieces = region_union(reg1, reg2) for _, p in pairs(pieces) do wm:redraw_region(p.x, p.y, p.w, p.h) end else self.content:on_mouse_move(px-1, py-21, nx-1, ny-21) end end self:redraw_win(win) end function wm:remove(win) if win.parent ~= self then return end win.parent = nil win.get_draw_buffer = function() return nil end win.content.parent = nil win.content.get_draw_buffer = function() return nil end for i, w2 in pairs(self.windows) do if w2 == win then table.remove(self.windows, i) return end end end function wm:redraw_region(x, y, w, h) local ok = region_inter({x = 0, y = 0, w = self.width, h = self.height}, {x = x, y = y, w = w, h = h}) for _, r in pairs(ok) do self:redraw(r.x, r.y, self:get_draw_buffer(r.x, r.y, r.w, r.h)) self:finalize_draw_buffer() end end function wm:redraw_win(win) self:redraw_region(win.x, win.y, win.width, win.height) end function wm:redraw(x0, y0, buf) local remaining = { {x = x0, y = y0, w = buf:width(), h = buf:height()} } -- TODO do this in inverse order and clip regions of hidden windows -- so that less redrawing is done for i = #self.windows, 1, -1 do win = self.windows[i] if win.visible then local remaining2 = {} local win_reg = {x = win.x, y = win.y, w = win.width, h = win.height} for _, reg in pairs(remaining) do local draw_to = region_inter(reg, win_reg) for _, reg2 in pairs(draw_to) do win:redraw(reg2.x - win.x, reg2.y - win.y, buf:sub(reg2.x - x0, reg2.y - y0, reg2.w, reg2.h)) end local remain_to = region_diff(reg, win_reg) for _, reg2 in pairs(remain_to) do table.insert(remaining2, reg2) end end remaining = remaining2 end end -- Draw background function draw_background(x0, y0, buf) local step = 32 local halfstep = 16 for x = x0 - (x0 % step), x0 + buf:width(), step do for y = y0 - (y0 % step), y0 + buf:height(), step do buf:fillrect(x - x0, y - y0, halfstep, halfstep, buf:rgb(110, 110, 140)) buf:fillrect(x - x0 + halfstep, y - y0 + halfstep, halfstep, halfstep, buf:rgb(110, 110, 140)) buf:fillrect(x - x0 + halfstep, y - y0, halfstep, halfstep, buf:rgb(110, 140, 110)) buf:fillrect(x - x0, y - y0 + halfstep, halfstep, halfstep, buf:rgb(110, 140, 110)) end end end for _, reg in pairs(remaining) do draw_background(reg.x, reg.y, buf:sub(reg.x - x0, reg.y - y0, reg.w, reg.h)) end end function wm:find_win(x, y) for i = #self.windows, 1, -1 do local win = self.windows[i] if win.visible and x >= win.x and y >= win.y and x < win.x + win.width and y < win.y + win.height then return win end end return nil end function wm:on_mouse_down(x, y, lb, rb, mb) self.mouse_lb = self.mouse_lb or lb self.mouse_rb = self.mouse_rb or rb self.mouse_mb = self.mouse_mb or mb local on_win = self:find_win(x, y) if self.mouse_win then on_win = self.mouse_win else self.mouse_win = on_win end if on_win then sys.dbg_print(string.format("Mouse down on window %s\n", on_win.title)) if self.windows[#self.windows] ~= on_win then for i, w in pairs(self.windows) do if w == on_win then table.remove(self.windows, i) break end end table.insert(self.windows, on_win) self:redraw_win(on_win) end on_win:on_mouse_down(x - on_win.x, y - on_win.y, lb, rb, mb) end end function wm:on_mouse_up(x, y, lb, rb, mb) local on_win = self.mouse_win or self:find_win(x, y) if on_win then on_win:on_mouse_up(x - on_win.x, y - on_win.y, lb, rb, mb) end self.mouse_lb = self.mouse_lb and not lb self.mouse_rb = self.mouse_rb and not rb self.mouse_mb = self.mouse_mb and not mb if not (self.mouse_lb or self.mouse_mb or self.mouse_rb) then self.mouse_win = nil end end function wm:on_mouse_move(prev_x, prev_y, new_x, new_y) local on_win = self.mouse_win or self:find_win(prev_x, prev_y) if on_win then on_win:on_mouse_move(prev_x - on_win.x, prev_y - on_win.y, new_x - on_win.x, new_y - on_win.y) end end return wm end return tk