#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <kogata/debug.h>
#include <kogata/syscall.h>
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
dbg_print("[login] Starting up.\n");
// communication channel between terminal && shell
fd_pair_t tc = make_channel(false);
// just launch a terminal
pid_t term_pid = new_proc();
if (term_pid == 0) {
PANIC("[login] Could not launch terminal");
bool ok;
ok = bind_fs(term_pid, "sys", "sys")
&& bind_fs(term_pid, "config", "config")
&& bind_fd(term_pid, 1, 1)
&& bind_fd(term_pid, 2, tc.a);
if (!ok) PANIC("[login] Could not bind to terminal process.");
ok = proc_exec(term_pid, "sys:/bin/terminal.bin");
if (!ok) PANIC("[login] Could not run terminal.bin");
// and launch the shell
pid_t shell_pid = new_proc();
if (shell_pid == 0) {
PANIC("[login] Could not launch shell");
ok = bind_fs(shell_pid, "root", "root")
&& bind_fs(shell_pid, "sys", "sys")
&& bind_fs(shell_pid, "config", "config")
&& bind_fd(shell_pid, 1, tc.b);
if (!ok) PANIC("[login] Could not bind to shell process.");
ok = proc_exec(shell_pid, "sys:/bin/shell.bin");
if (!ok) PANIC("[login] Could not run shell.bin");
proc_status_t s;
proc_wait(0, true, &s);
return 0;
/* vim: set ts=4 sw=4 tw=0 noet :*/