#include #include #include int threads = 0; void thread_cascade(void* d) { int n = (int)d; threads ++; if (d == 0) { //printk("{#} 0 cascade element started => end\n"); printk("*"); } else { if (n < 0) { //printk("{#} - cascade element started\n"); printk("-"); n = 0 - n; } else { //printk("{#} + cascade element started\n"); printk("+"); } //printk("{#} FORK + ...\n"); printk(">"); thread_new(thread_cascade, (void*)(n - 1)); //printk("{#} FORK - ...\n"); printk("<"); thread_new(thread_cascade, (void*)(1 - n)); //printk("{#} Thread cascade element finished.\n"); printk("."); } threads--; } void list_dir(FILE f, int lv) { char buf[256]; int i = 0, k; int r; file_info info; while ((r = read(f, i, 256, buf)) > 0) { if (strcmp(buf, ".") == 0 || strcmp(buf, "..") == 0) { i++; continue; } for (k = 0; k < lv; k++) printk(" "); printk(buf); stat_relative(f, buf, &info); if (info.type & FT_DIR) printk("/"); printk(" \t"); if (info.type & FT_FILE) printk("file "); if (info.type & FT_DIR) printk("dir "); if (info.type & FT_SYMLINK) printk("symlink "); if (info.type & FT_DEV) printk("dev "); if (info.type & FT_TERMINAL) printk("term "); if (info.type & FT_DIR) { printk(" \t"); FILE ff = open_relative(f, buf, 0); if (ff <= 0) { printk("error: "); printk_int(ff); printk("\n"); } else { printk("fd: "); printk_int(ff); printk("\n"); list_dir(ff, lv+1); close(ff); } } else { printk("\n"); } i++; } } void fprint(FILE f, char *s) { write(f, 0, strlen(s), s); } int main(char** args) { char**a; if (args != 0) { printk("args"); for (a = args; *a != 0; a++) { printk(" - "); printk(*a); } printk("\n"); } printk("(test app) malloc(42) = "); printk_hex((uint32_t)malloc(42)); printk("\n"); printk(" -> Creating thread cascade (total 2**4 = 16 threads)\n"); thread_new(thread_cascade, (void*)4); printk(" -> Main thread now sleeping...\n"); while (1) { thread_sleep(100); if (threads == 0) break; } printk("\n -> Ok, let's try something else.\n"); FILE f = open("/", 0); if (f <= 0) { printk(" -> Could not open '/', error #"); printk_int(f); printk("...\n"); } else { printk("Now enumerating '/' (fd "); printk_int(f); printk(") :\n"); list_dir(f, 1); close(f); } f = open("/.ui/klog", 0); if (f <= 0) { printk(" -> Error #"); printk_int(f); printk(" - too bad. Exiting.\n"); } else { fprint(f, " -> Now reading && writing from/to virtual terminal '/.ui/klog'\n"); while (1) { fprint(f, " > "); char buffer[256]; int l = read(f, 0, 255, buffer); buffer[l] = 0; if (buffer[l-1] == '\n') { buffer[l-1] = 0; l--; if (strcmp(buffer, "about") == 0) { fprint(f, "Trivial/Computing Environment v0.1.0 - useless shell, first ediiton.\n"); } else if (strcmp(buffer, "help") == 0) { fprint(f, "Available commands: about, help, exit.\n"); } else if (strcmp(buffer, "exit") == 0) { fprint(f, "Exiting the shell. I think the system is pretty likely to panic.\n"); break; } else if (strcmp(buffer, "gotosleep") == 0) { while (1) thread_sleep(1000); } else { fprint(f, "Unknown command. "); fprint(f, buffer); } } else { fprint(f, " - - - oops\n"); } } } return 0; }