#include "syscall.h" #include "task.h" #include "timer.h" #include #include #include #define CALL0(name, scname) static void scname(registers* r) { r->eax = name(); } #define CALL1(name, scname) static void scname(registers* r) { \ r->eax = name(r->ebx); } #define CALL2(name, scname) static void scname(registers* r) { \ r->eax = name(r->ebx, r->ecx); } #define CALL3(name, scname) static void scname(registers* r) { \ r->eax = name(r->ebx, r->ecx, r->edx); } #define CALL4(name, scname) static void scname(registers* r) { \ r->eax = name(r->ebx, r->ecx, r->edx, r->esi); } #define CALL0V(name, scname) static void scname(registers* r) { name(); } #define CALL1V(name, scname) static void scname(registers* r) { name(r->ebx); } #define CALL2V(name, scname) static void scname(registers* r) { name(r->ebx, r->ecx); } #define CALL3V(name, scname) static void scname(registers* r) { name(r->ebx, r->ecx, r->edx); } #define CALL4V(name, scname) static void scname(registers* r) { name(r->ebx, r->ecx, r->edx, r->esi); } CALL0V(thread_exit, thread_exit_sc); CALL0V(schedule, schedule_sc); CALL1V(thread_sleep, thread_sleep_sc); CALL1V(process_exit, process_exit_sc); CALL1V(idt_waitIrq, irq_wait_sc); CALL0(proc_priv, proc_priv_sc); CALL1(process_sbrk, proc_sbrk_sc); CALL1V(process_brk, proc_brk_sc); CALL1V(close, close_sc); static void printk_sc(registers *r) { monitor_write((char*)r->ebx); } static void thread_new_sc(registers* r) { cli(); new thread(current_process, (thread_entry)r->ebx, (void*)r->ecx, (void*)r->edx); sti(); } static void open_sc(registers *r) { r->eax = open((char*)r->ebx, r->ecx); } static void open_relative_sc(registers *r) { r->eax = open_relative(r->ebx, (char*)r->ecx, r->edx); } static void stat_sc(registers *r) { r->eax = stat((char*)r->ebx, (file_info*)r->ecx); } static void stat_relative_sc(registers *r) { r->eax = stat_relative(r->ebx, (char*)r->ecx, (file_info*)r->edx); } static void statf_sc(registers *r) { r->eax = statf(r->ebx, (file_info*)r->ecx); } static void read_sc(registers *r) { r->eax = read(r->ebx, r->ecx, r->edx, (char*)r->esi); } static void write_sc(registers *r) { r->eax = write(r->ebx, r->ecx, r->edx, (char*)r->esi); } static void link_sc(registers *r) { r->eax = link((char*)r->ebx, (char*)r->ecx, r->edx); } int_callback syscalls[NUMBER_OF_SYSCALLS] = { // This must correspond to common/include/tce/syscalls.h 0, // 0 thread_exit_sc, schedule_sc, thread_sleep_sc, process_exit_sc, printk_sc, //5 thread_new_sc, irq_wait_sc, proc_priv_sc, 0, proc_sbrk_sc, //10 proc_brk_sc, 0, 0, 0, 0, //15 0, 0, 0, 0, open_sc, //20 open_relative_sc, stat_sc, stat_relative_sc, statf_sc, close_sc, //25 read_sc, write_sc, link_sc, 0 }; /* Called in idt_.asm on a system call (interrupt 64). Calls the correct syscall handler (if any). */ extern "C" void idt_syscallHandler(registers regs) { if (regs.eax < NUMBER_OF_SYSCALLS && syscalls[regs.eax] != 0) { syscalls[regs.eax](®s); } }