Syscalls pass by int64. The identifier of the called function is in ebx, with eax = 0, parameters are in ecx, edx, esi, edi. Syscall list : id=ebx Name Parameters Description 1 thread_exit none Signal kernel that current thread has finished 2 schedule none Switch to next thread (might be the current one) 3 thread_sleep ecx: time (int) msecs Tell kernel to put current thread to sleep 4 process_exit ecx: return value (int) Tell kernel to end current process, cleaning up everything 5 printk ecx: addr of a string Print a message to screen 6 thread_new ecx: entry point Creates a new thread edx: data pointer esi: stack pointer 7 irq_wait ecx: irq number Waits for an IRQ (requires privilege PL_DRIVER) 8 proc_priv none Returns current process privilege level 9 sbrk ecx: size Allocates some memory 10 brk ecx: new_end Allocates/frees some memory 11 mmap (see linux specs) 12 munmap (see linux specs) If a processes wishes to exit with an error code, it HAS to use process_exit. thread_exit will do nothing.