Syscalls pass by int64. The identifier of the called function is in eax, parameters are in ebx, ecx, edx, esi, edi. Syscall list : id=eax Name Parameters Description 0 thread_exit none Signal kernel that current thread has finished 1 schedule none Switch to next thread (might be the current one) 2 thread_sleep ebx: time (int) msecs Tell kernel to put current thread to sleep 3 process_exit ebx: return value (int) Tell kernel to end current process, cleaning up everything 4 printk ebx: addr of a string Print a message to screen 5 thread_new ebx: entry point Creates a new thread ecx: data pointer 6 irq_wait ebx: irq number Waits for an IRQ (requires privilege PL_DRIVER) 7 proc_priv none Returns current process privilege level 8 shm_create ebx: offset Create a shared memory segment at offset (ret = errcode) ecx: length 9 shm_delete ebx: offset Delete a shared memory segment at offset (ret = errcode) 10 object_create none Creates an object for current process (returns a descriptor to it) 11 object_owned ebx: object descriptor True (1) if object with this descriptor is ours, false(0) elsewhere 12 object_close ebx: object descriptor Closes descriptor to an object (deleting it if necessary) 13 request_get ebx: object descriptor Gets a request pending on object (only if we own it) ecx: pointer to write request edx: wait for a request ? 14 request_has ebx: object descriptor Is there a request waiting on this object ? 15 request_answer ebx: object descriptor ecx, edx: answer Answer a request on object 16 request_mapShm ebx: object descriptor Map shared memory sent with request to receiver's address space ecx: offset edx: parameter number (0, 1 or 2) 17 request ebx: object descriptor Send a blocking request to object ecx: pointer to user_sendrequest struct with information 18 send_msg same as above Send a nonblocking request to object, same as above 19 proc_setheap ebx: start address Creates/resizes/moves the heap segment allocated to this process (one per process) ecx: end address If a processes wishes to exit with an error code, it HAS to use process_exit. thread_exit will do nothing. ====== SYSCALL DESCRIPTION ====== = object_create (10) Parameters: none Returns: descriptor to created object, 0 if failure (should not happen) Creates an object belonging to current proces. = object_owned (11) Parameters: an object descriptor Returns: - 1 if object belongs to current process - 0 if object does not belong to current process - -10 if descriptor does not exist = object_close (12) Parameters: an object descriptor Returns: nothing Closes a given descriptor to an object. If descriptor does not exist, call is ignored. = request_get (13) Parameters: an object descriptor, a pointer to a location to write request, a boolean : wait for a request? Returns: - -10 if descriptor does not exist - -2 if object is not possesed by current process - -3 if a blocking request is currently being processed - -1 if no request is pending and [wait] is not set - 0 if a request was written to location (call successful) Fetches a waiting request or message on object, and deletes it or acknowledge it. = request_has (14) Parameters: an object descriptor Returns: - -10 if descriptor does not exist - -2 if object is not possesed by current process - 0 if no request is pending - 1 if a waiting request is there - 2 if a request is being processed = request_answer (15) Parameters: an object descriptor, two ints forming a long long if necessary, an int which is the return status (error code) of the function Returns: nothing Answers a request marked as currently being processed, ignoring cases where : - descriptor does not exist - object does not belong to process - no request was being processed = request_mapShm (16) Parameters: [id] object descriptor, [pos] pointer to a location, [number] int Returns: - -9 if [number] < 0 or [number] > 2 - -10 if descriptor does not exist - -2 if object is not possesed by current process - -3 if no request is being processed - -4 if there is usually no shared memory in parameter [number] - -7 if sender process is receiver process, in which case memory is already mapped somewhere - -5 if no shared memory was sent by this parameter - 0 if shared memory in parameter [number] of currently processed request of object [id] was mapped at [pos] = request (17) Parameters: [id] object descriptor, [pos] pointer to request data Returns: - -1 if an unknown error happened (should not happen) - -10 if descriptor does not exist - -11 if objet cannot handle requests - -2 if request was interrupted - 0 if request was handled and result written in [pos]->answer = send_msg (18) Parameters: [id] object descriptor, [pos] pointer to request data Returns: - -1 if an unknown error happened (should not happen) - -10 if descriptor does not exist - -11 if object cannot handle requests - 0 if nonblocking message was sent