path: root/src/kernel
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/kernel')
-rw-r--r--src/kernel/mem/heap.std.h (renamed from src/kernel/mem/heap.h)4
11 files changed, 492 insertions, 267 deletions
diff --git a/src/kernel/config.h b/src/kernel/config.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ccad9cf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/kernel/config.h
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+#ifndef DEF_CONFIG_H
+#define DEF_CONFIG_H
+#define K_OS_NAME "Grapes"
+#define K_OS_VER "0.0.4"
+#define K_OS_CODENAME "Cat in my heart"
+ Two kernel heap implementations are available :
+ - Basic implementation, slow but bug-free
+ - Standard implementation, efficient, buggy, based on the heap code from JamesM's OSDev tutorial
+ Comment the following define to use the second version */
diff --git a/src/kernel/core/kmain.c b/src/kernel/core/kmain.c
index 6c9700e..8f14843 100644
--- a/src/kernel/core/kmain.c
+++ b/src/kernel/core/kmain.c
@@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
#include <types.h>
+#include <config.h>
#include "multiboot.h"
#include "monitor.h"
#include "sys.h"
@@ -24,7 +26,7 @@ void kmain(struct multiboot_info_t* mbd, int32_t magic) {
size_t totalRam = 0;
uint32_t i;
- mem_placementAddr = (size_t)&end;
+ mem_placementAddr = ((size_t)&end & 0xFFFFF000) + 0x1000;
mbd->cmdline += 0xE0000000; mbd->mods_addr += 0xE0000000;
struct module_t *mods = (struct module_t*)mbd->mods_addr;
for (i = 0; i < mbd->mods_count; i++) {
@@ -35,7 +37,12 @@ void kmain(struct multiboot_info_t* mbd, int32_t magic) {
mem_placementAddr = (mods[i].mod_end & 0xFFFFF000) + 0x1000;
- monitor_write("Grapes 0.0.4 'Cat in my heart' starting up :\n");
+ monitor_write(K_OS_NAME);
+ monitor_write(" version ");
+ monitor_write(K_OS_VER);
+ monitor_write(" codename '");
+ monitor_write(K_OS_CODENAME);
+ monitor_write("' starting up :\n");
@@ -47,6 +54,8 @@ void kmain(struct multiboot_info_t* mbd, int32_t magic) {
+ test_run();
monitor_write("\nLoading modules :\n");
for (i = 0; i < mbd->mods_count; i++) {
@@ -64,8 +73,6 @@ void kmain(struct multiboot_info_t* mbd, int32_t magic) {
- test_run();
monitor_write("Modules now RULE THE WORLD !\n");
diff --git a/src/kernel/core/test.c b/src/kernel/core/test.c
index fa26c7b..867a4b5 100644
--- a/src/kernel/core/test.c
+++ b/src/kernel/core/test.c
@@ -3,27 +3,35 @@
#include <mem/mem.h>
#include "sys.h"
-#define TEST_KMALLOC(var, sz) void *var = kmalloc(sz); ASSERT(var > 0xE0000000);
-#define TEST_KFREE(var) if (var != 0) { kfree(var); }
+static void test_run_kmalloc() {
+ monitor_write("\tkmalloc:\n");
+ int alloc_sizes[8] = { 10, 32, 16, 20, 64, 128, 32, 48 };
+ int *ptrs[8] = { 0 };
+ int t, i;
+ for (t = 0; t < 2; t++) {
+ for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
+ monitor_writeDec(i); monitor_write(" alloc "); monitor_writeDec(alloc_sizes[i]);
+ monitor_write(" : ");
+ ptrs[i] = kmalloc(alloc_sizes[i]);
+ ASSERT(ptrs[i] != 0);
+ *ptrs[i] = i;
+ monitor_writeHex((int)ptrs[i]); monitor_write("\n");
+ }
+ monitor_write("free : ");
+ for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
+ monitor_writeDec(i);
+ ASSERT(*ptrs[i] == i);
+ kfree(ptrs[i]);
+ monitor_write(".");
+ }
+ monitor_write("\n");
+ }
+/* This function is called when the kernel starts up.
+ It runs some basic unit tests (for the moment, only tests kmalloc/kfree) */
void test_run() {
- monitor_write("Unit tests:\n\tkmalloc:");
- int i;
- for (i = 1; i <= 7; i++) {
- monitor_write(" #"); monitor_writeDec(i);
- TEST_KMALLOC(a, 32);
- TEST_KMALLOC(b, 64);
- TEST_KMALLOC(c, 256);
- TEST_KMALLOC(d, 512);
- TEST_KMALLOC(e, 1024);
- TEST_KMALLOC(f, 4096);
- TEST_KMALLOC(g, 16384);
- }
- monitor_write("\n >> Tests OK\n");
+ monitor_write("Unit tests:\n");
+ test_run_kmalloc();
+ monitor_write(" >> Tests OK\n");
diff --git a/src/kernel/mem/heap.basic.c b/src/kernel/mem/heap.basic.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d746deb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/kernel/mem/heap.basic.c
@@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
+#include "heap.basic.h"
+#include "paging.h"
+#include <lib/mutex.h>
+#include <core/sys.h>
+void heap_create(struct heap *heap, size_t start, size_t datasize, size_t maxdatasize) {
+ uint32_t i;
+ if (start & 0x0FFF) start = (start & 0xFFFFF000) + 0x1000;
+ // Allocate frames
+ for (i = start; i < start + datasize; i += 0x1000) {
+ page_map(pagedir_getPage(kernel_pagedir, i, 1), frame_alloc(), 0, 0);
+ }
+ heap->start_addr = start;
+ heap->end_addr = start + datasize;
+ heap->max_end = start + maxdatasize;
+ struct heap_header *first = (struct heap_header*)start;
+ first->magic = HH_FREE_MAGIC;
+ first->prev = first->next = first;
+ heap->first = first;
+ heap->first_free = first;
+ heap->mutex = 0;
+// ***** UTILITY FUNCTIONS *****
+#define BLK_SIZE(blk) (blk->next == blk ? ((size_t)heap->end_addr - (size_t)blk) : ((size_t)blk->next - (size_t)blk))
+#define BLK_FREE(blk) (blk->magic == HH_FREE_MAGIC)
+void blk_split(struct heap *heap, struct heap_header *hdr, size_t size) {
+ ASSERT (size >= MIN_BLK_SIZE);
+ ASSERT (BLK_SIZE(hdr) > size);
+ ASSERT (BLK_SIZE(hdr) - size >= MIN_BLK_SIZE);
+ struct heap_header *hdr_nxt = (struct heap_header*)((size_t)hdr + size);
+ hdr_nxt->magic = HH_FREE_MAGIC;
+ hdr_nxt->prev = hdr;
+ if (hdr->next == hdr) {
+ hdr_nxt->next = hdr_nxt;
+ } else {
+ hdr_nxt->next = hdr->next;
+ hdr->next->prev = hdr_nxt;
+ }
+ hdr->next = hdr_nxt;
+void blk_combine_next(struct heap *heap, struct heap_header *hdr) {
+ ASSERT (hdr != hdr->next); // make sure we are not the last block
+ ASSERT (hdr->magic == HH_FREE_MAGIC);
+ ASSERT (hdr->next->magic == HH_FREE_MAGIC);
+ struct heap_header *hdr_nxt = hdr->next;
+ if (hdr_nxt->next == hdr_nxt) {
+ hdr->next = hdr;
+ } else {
+ hdr->next = hdr_nxt->next;
+ hdr_nxt->next->prev = hdr;
+ }
+// ***** Allocation/Freeing functions *****
+void *heap_alloc(struct heap *heap, size_t sz) {
+ /* Algorithm :
+ 1 Use heap->first_free to find first effectively free block, update heap->first_free
+ 2 Find first free AND BIG ENOUGH block
+ - If no block can be found, return 0 (no heap expand yet)
+ 3 If that block is too big, split it in two
+ 4 Mark that block as used and return it's address + sizeof(heap_header) */
+ mutex_lock(&heap->mutex);
+ sz += sizeof(struct heap_header);
+ if (sz < MIN_BLK_SIZE) sz = MIN_BLK_SIZE;
+ if (sz % 4 != 0) sz = sz + 4 - (sz % 4);
+ // 1
+ struct heap_header *it = heap->first_free;
+ while (!BLK_FREE(it) && it != it->next) it = it->next;
+ if (!BLK_FREE(it) && it == it->next) {
+ mutex_unlock(&heap->mutex);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ heap->first_free = it;
+ // 2
+ while (BLK_SIZE(it) < sz && it != it->next) it = it->next;
+ if (BLK_SIZE(it) < sz) { // no block could be found
+ mutex_unlock(&heap->mutex);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ // 3
+ if (BLK_SIZE(it) >= sz + MIN_BLK_SIZE) blk_split(heap, it, sz);
+ // 4
+ void *ret = (void*)((size_t)it + sizeof(struct heap_header));
+ it->magic = HH_ALLOC_MAGIC;
+ mutex_unlock(&heap->mutex);
+ return ret;
+void heap_free(struct heap *heap, void *ptr) {
+ /* Algorithm :
+ 1 Get block pointer to the block we are freeing
+ 2 Mark that block as free
+ 3 If block->next is free, combine_next(block)
+ 4 If block->prev is free, block = block->prev; combine_next(block)
+ 5 If block < heap->first_free; heap->first_free = block
+ */
+ mutex_lock(&heap->mutex);
+ // 1
+ struct heap_header *hdr = (struct heap_header*)((size_t)ptr - sizeof(struct heap_header));
+ if (hdr->magic != HH_ALLOC_MAGIC) return;
+ // 2
+ hdr->magic = HH_FREE_MAGIC;
+ // 3
+ if (hdr->next != hdr && hdr->next->magic == HH_FREE_MAGIC) blk_combine_next(heap, hdr);
+ // 4
+ if (hdr->prev != hdr && hdr->prev->magic == HH_FREE_MAGIC) {
+ hdr = hdr->prev;
+ blk_combine_next(heap, hdr);
+ }
+ // 5
+ if (hdr < heap->first_free) heap->first_free = hdr;
+ mutex_unlock(&heap->mutex);
diff --git a/src/kernel/mem/heap.basic.h b/src/kernel/mem/heap.basic.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c752750
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/kernel/mem/heap.basic.h
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+#ifndef DEF_HEAP_H
+#define DEF_HEAP_H
+/* This heap implementation is extra-simple and extra-slow. */
+#include "types.h"
+#define HH_ALLOC_MAGIC 0xA110A110
+#define HEAP_EXTEND_QUANTITY 0x00080000 // each time we extend the heap, extend it 512 k
+#define MIN_BLK_SIZE 0x20 // 32 bytes
+struct heap_header {
+ uint32_t magic;
+ struct heap_header *prev, *next;
+struct heap {
+ struct heap_header *first, *first_free; // first_free is not necessarily free, it's just an indication
+ size_t start_addr, end_addr, max_end;
+ uint32_t mutex;
+void heap_create(struct heap *heap, size_t start, size_t datasize, size_t maxdatasize);
+void *heap_alloc(struct heap *heap, size_t sz);
+void heap_free(struct heap *heap, void *ptr);
diff --git a/src/kernel/mem/heap.c b/src/kernel/mem/heap.c
index 79ef81e..a590c28 100644
--- a/src/kernel/mem/heap.c
+++ b/src/kernel/mem/heap.c
@@ -1,241 +1,12 @@
-#include "heap.h"
-#include "paging.h"
-#include <core/sys.h>
+// THIS EITHER INCLUDES heap.std.c OR heap.basic.c DEPENDING ON
+// WHAT'S SPECIFIED IN config.h
-#include <lib/stdlib.h>
+#include <config.h>
-#define HEAP_MIN_SIZE 0x4000
+#include "heap.basic.c"
-/* ******************* HEADER ****************** */
+#include "heap.std.c"
-/* For internal use only. Inserts a hole in the heap's hole index at the correct position. */
-static void heapIdx_insert(struct heap *heap, struct heap_header *e) {
- if ((heap->idxused + sizeof(struct heap_header*) + (size_t)heap->idx) >= heap->start_addr) return;
- uint32_t iterator = 0, pos;
- while (iterator < heap->idxused && heap->idx[iterator]->size <= e->size) {
- if (heap->idx[iterator] == e) return;
- iterator++;
- }
- if (iterator == heap->idxused) {
- heap->idx[heap->idxused++] = e;
- } else {
- pos = iterator;
- iterator = heap->idxused;
- while (iterator > pos) {
- heap->idx[iterator] = heap->idx[iterator - 1];
- iterator--;
- }
- heap->idxused++;
- heap->idx[pos] = e;
- }
-/* For internal use only. Removes a hole from the heap's hole index. */
-static void heapIdx_remove(struct heap *heap, struct heap_header *e) {
- uint32_t iterator;
- for (iterator = 0; iterator < heap->idxused; iterator++) {
- if (heap->idx[iterator] == e) break;
- }
- if (iterator == heap->idxused) return;
- heap->idxused--;
- while (iterator < heap->idxused) {
- heap->idx[iterator] = heap->idx[iterator + 1];
- iterator++;
- }
-/* ******************** CONTENTS ********************* */
-/* Initializes the heap, creates the correct data structures. */
-void heap_create(struct heap *heap, size_t start, size_t idxsize, size_t datasize, size_t maxdatasize) {
- uint32_t i;
- if (start & 0x0FFF) start = (start & 0xFFFFF000) + 0x1000;
- heap->start_addr = start + idxsize;
- heap->end_addr = start + idxsize + datasize;
- heap->max_end = start + idxsize + maxdatasize;
- for (i = start; i < heap->end_addr; i += 0x1000) {
- page_map(pagedir_getPage(kernel_pagedir, i, 1), frame_alloc(), 0, 0);
- }
- heap->idx = (struct heap_header**)start;
- heap->idxused = 0;
- struct heap_header *hole = (struct heap_header*) heap->start_addr;
- hole->size = (heap->end_addr - heap->start_addr);
- hole->magic = HEAP_MAGIC;
- hole->is_hole = 1;
- struct heap_footer *hole_footer = (struct heap_footer*)(heap->end_addr - sizeof(struct heap_footer));
- hole_footer->header = hole;
- hole_footer->magic = HEAP_MAGIC;
- heapIdx_insert(heap, hole);
-/* For internal use only. Called by heap_alloc when necessary. Expands the heap to take more space. */
-static uint32_t heap_expand(struct heap *heap, size_t quantity) {
- uint32_t i;
- if (quantity & 0x0FFF) {
- quantity = (quantity & 0xFFFFF000) + 0x1000;
- }
- if (heap->end_addr + quantity > heap->max_end) return 0;
- size_t newEnd = heap->end_addr + quantity;
- for (i = heap->end_addr; i < newEnd; i += 0x1000) {
- page_map(pagedir_getPage(kernel_pagedir, i, 1), frame_alloc(), 0, 0);
- }
- struct heap_footer *last_footer = (struct heap_footer*)(heap->end_addr - sizeof(struct heap_footer));
- struct heap_header *last_header = last_footer->header;
- if (last_header->is_hole) {
- heapIdx_remove(heap, last_header);
- last_header->size += quantity;
- last_footer = (struct heap_footer*)(newEnd - sizeof(struct heap_footer));
- last_footer->magic = HEAP_MAGIC;
- last_footer->header = last_header;
- heapIdx_insert(heap, last_header);
- } else {
- last_header = (struct heap_header*)heap->end_addr;
- last_footer = (struct heap_footer*)(newEnd - sizeof(struct heap_footer));
- last_header->is_hole = 1;
- last_header->magic = HEAP_MAGIC;
- last_header->size = quantity;
- last_footer->magic = HEAP_MAGIC;
- last_footer->header = last_header;
- heapIdx_insert(heap, last_header);
- }
- heap->end_addr = newEnd;
- return 1;
-/* For internal use only. Called by heap_free when necessary. Reduces the heap's size. */
-static void heap_contract(struct heap *heap) {
- return; //TODO: this function bugs everything
- struct heap_footer *last_footer = (struct heap_footer*)(heap->end_addr - sizeof(struct heap_footer));
- struct heap_header *last_header = last_footer->header;
- if (last_header->is_hole == 0) return;
- if (last_header->size <= 0x1000) return;
- size_t quantity = ((heap->end_addr - heap->start_addr) & 0xFFFFF000) - 0x1000;
- while ((heap->end_addr - heap->start_addr) - quantity < HEAP_MIN_SIZE ||
- last_header->size - 0x4000 < quantity)
- quantity -= 0x1000;
- if (quantity == 0) return;
- size_t newEnd = heap->end_addr - quantity;
- heapIdx_remove(heap, last_header);
- last_header->size -= quantity;
- last_footer = (struct heap_footer*)((size_t)last_footer - quantity);
- last_footer->magic = HEAP_MAGIC;
- last_footer->header = last_header;
- heapIdx_insert(heap, last_header);
- for (heap->end_addr -= 0x1000; heap->end_addr >= newEnd; heap->end_addr -= 0x1000) {
- page_unmapFree(pagedir_getPage(kernel_pagedir, heap->end_addr, 0));
- }
-/* Alocate some bytes on the heap. */
-void* heap_alloc(struct heap *heap, size_t sz) {
- ASSERT(heap > 0xE0000000);
- size_t newsize = sz + sizeof(struct heap_header) + sizeof(struct heap_footer);
- uint32_t iterator = 0;
- while (iterator < heap->idxused) {
- if (heap->idx[iterator]->size >= newsize) break;
- iterator++;
- }
- if (iterator == heap->idxused) { //No hole is big enough
- if (heap_expand(heap,
- MAX((heap->end_addr - heap->start_addr) & 0xFFFFF000, (newsize & 0xFFFFF000) + 0x1000)
- ) == 0) return 0; //FAILED
- return heap_alloc(heap, sz);
- }
- struct heap_header *loc = heap->idx[iterator];
- heapIdx_remove(heap, loc);
- struct heap_footer *footer = (struct heap_footer*)((size_t)loc + loc->size - sizeof(struct heap_footer));
- loc->is_hole = 0;
- //If we have enough space to create a USEFUL new hole next to the allocated block, do it.
- //If we do not, we might return a block that is a few bytes bigger than needed.
- if (loc->size > (newsize + sizeof(struct heap_header) + sizeof(struct heap_footer))) {
- loc->size = newsize;
- //Write footer for block we return
- struct heap_footer *newfooter = (struct heap_footer*)((size_t)loc + newsize - sizeof(struct heap_footer));
- newfooter->header = loc;
- newfooter->magic = HEAP_MAGIC;
- //Write header for new hole we create
- struct heap_header *nextloc = (struct heap_header*)((size_t)loc + newsize);
- nextloc->is_hole = 1;
- nextloc->magic = HEAP_MAGIC;
- nextloc->size = ((size_t)footer - (size_t)nextloc + sizeof(struct heap_footer));
- footer->header = nextloc; //Update footer
- footer->magic = HEAP_MAGIC;
- heapIdx_insert(heap, nextloc);
- }
- return (void*)((size_t)loc + sizeof(struct heap_header));
-/* Frees a block previously allocated on the heap. */
-void heap_free(struct heap *heap, void* ptr) {
- if (ptr == 0) return;
- if ((size_t)ptr < heap->start_addr || (size_t)ptr > heap->end_addr) return;
- struct heap_header *header = (struct heap_header*)((size_t)ptr - sizeof(struct heap_header));
- struct heap_footer *footer = (struct heap_footer*)((size_t)header + header->size - sizeof(struct heap_footer));
- if (header->magic != HEAP_MAGIC || footer->magic != HEAP_MAGIC) return;
- //Unify left
- struct heap_footer *prev_footer = (struct heap_footer*)((size_t)header - sizeof(struct heap_footer));
- if (prev_footer->magic == HEAP_MAGIC && prev_footer->header->is_hole) {
- header = prev_footer->header;
- heapIdx_remove(heap, header);
- footer->header = header;
- header->size = ((size_t)footer - (size_t)header + sizeof(struct heap_footer));
- }
- //Unify right
- struct heap_header *next_header = (struct heap_header*)((size_t)footer + sizeof(struct heap_footer));
- if (next_header->magic == HEAP_MAGIC && next_header->is_hole) {
- heapIdx_remove(heap, next_header);
- footer = (struct heap_footer*)((size_t)footer + next_header->size);
- footer->header = header;
- header->size = ((size_t)footer - (size_t)header + sizeof(struct heap_footer));
- }
- header->is_hole = 1;
- heapIdx_insert(heap, header);
- if ((size_t)footer == (heap->end_addr - sizeof(struct heap_footer)) &&
- header->size >= 0x2000 && (heap->end_addr - heap->start_addr > HEAP_MIN_SIZE)) {
- heap_contract(heap);
- }
diff --git a/src/kernel/mem/heap.std.c b/src/kernel/mem/heap.std.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5b2d025
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/kernel/mem/heap.std.c
@@ -0,0 +1,241 @@
+#include "heap.std.h"
+#include "paging.h"
+#include <core/sys.h>
+#include <lib/stdlib.h>
+#define HEAP_MIN_SIZE 0x4000
+/* ******************* HEADER ****************** */
+/* For internal use only. Inserts a hole in the heap's hole index at the correct position. */
+static void heapIdx_insert(struct heap *heap, struct heap_header *e) {
+ if ((heap->idxused + sizeof(struct heap_header*) + (size_t)heap->idx) >= heap->start_addr) return;
+ uint32_t iterator = 0, pos;
+ while (iterator < heap->idxused && heap->idx[iterator]->size <= e->size) {
+ if (heap->idx[iterator] == e) return;
+ iterator++;
+ }
+ if (iterator == heap->idxused) {
+ heap->idx[heap->idxused++] = e;
+ } else {
+ pos = iterator;
+ iterator = heap->idxused;
+ while (iterator > pos) {
+ heap->idx[iterator] = heap->idx[iterator - 1];
+ iterator--;
+ }
+ heap->idxused++;
+ heap->idx[pos] = e;
+ }
+/* For internal use only. Removes a hole from the heap's hole index. */
+static void heapIdx_remove(struct heap *heap, struct heap_header *e) {
+ uint32_t iterator;
+ for (iterator = 0; iterator < heap->idxused; iterator++) {
+ if (heap->idx[iterator] == e) break;
+ }
+ if (iterator == heap->idxused) return;
+ heap->idxused--;
+ while (iterator < heap->idxused) {
+ heap->idx[iterator] = heap->idx[iterator + 1];
+ iterator++;
+ }
+/* ******************** CONTENTS ********************* */
+/* Initializes the heap, creates the correct data structures. */
+void heap_create(struct heap *heap, size_t start, size_t idxsize, size_t datasize, size_t maxdatasize) {
+ uint32_t i;
+ if (start & 0x0FFF) start = (start & 0xFFFFF000) + 0x1000;
+ heap->start_addr = start + idxsize;
+ heap->end_addr = start + idxsize + datasize;
+ heap->max_end = start + idxsize + maxdatasize;
+ for (i = start; i < heap->end_addr; i += 0x1000) {
+ page_map(pagedir_getPage(kernel_pagedir, i, 1), frame_alloc(), 0, 0);
+ }
+ heap->idx = (struct heap_header**)start;
+ heap->idxused = 0;
+ struct heap_header *hole = (struct heap_header*) heap->start_addr;
+ hole->size = (heap->end_addr - heap->start_addr);
+ hole->magic = HEAP_MAGIC;
+ hole->is_hole = 1;
+ struct heap_footer *hole_footer = (struct heap_footer*)(heap->end_addr - sizeof(struct heap_footer));
+ hole_footer->header = hole;
+ hole_footer->magic = HEAP_MAGIC;
+ heapIdx_insert(heap, hole);
+/* For internal use only. Called by heap_alloc when necessary. Expands the heap to take more space. */
+static uint32_t heap_expand(struct heap *heap, size_t quantity) {
+ uint32_t i;
+ if (quantity & 0x0FFF) {
+ quantity = (quantity & 0xFFFFF000) + 0x1000;
+ }
+ if (heap->end_addr + quantity > heap->max_end) return 0;
+ size_t newEnd = heap->end_addr + quantity;
+ for (i = heap->end_addr; i < newEnd; i += 0x1000) {
+ page_map(pagedir_getPage(kernel_pagedir, i, 1), frame_alloc(), 0, 0);
+ }
+ struct heap_footer *last_footer = (struct heap_footer*)(heap->end_addr - sizeof(struct heap_footer));
+ struct heap_header *last_header = last_footer->header;
+ if (last_header->is_hole) {
+ heapIdx_remove(heap, last_header);
+ last_header->size += quantity;
+ last_footer = (struct heap_footer*)(newEnd - sizeof(struct heap_footer));
+ last_footer->magic = HEAP_MAGIC;
+ last_footer->header = last_header;
+ heapIdx_insert(heap, last_header);
+ } else {
+ last_header = (struct heap_header*)heap->end_addr;
+ last_footer = (struct heap_footer*)(newEnd - sizeof(struct heap_footer));
+ last_header->is_hole = 1;
+ last_header->magic = HEAP_MAGIC;
+ last_header->size = quantity;
+ last_footer->magic = HEAP_MAGIC;
+ last_footer->header = last_header;
+ heapIdx_insert(heap, last_header);
+ }
+ heap->end_addr = newEnd;
+ return 1;
+/* For internal use only. Called by heap_free when necessary. Reduces the heap's size. */
+static void heap_contract(struct heap *heap) {
+ return; //TODO: this function bugs everything
+ struct heap_footer *last_footer = (struct heap_footer*)(heap->end_addr - sizeof(struct heap_footer));
+ struct heap_header *last_header = last_footer->header;
+ if (last_header->is_hole == 0) return;
+ if (last_header->size <= 0x1000) return;
+ size_t quantity = ((heap->end_addr - heap->start_addr) & 0xFFFFF000) - 0x1000;
+ while ((heap->end_addr - heap->start_addr) - quantity < HEAP_MIN_SIZE ||
+ last_header->size - 0x4000 < quantity)
+ quantity -= 0x1000;
+ if (quantity == 0) return;
+ size_t newEnd = heap->end_addr - quantity;
+ heapIdx_remove(heap, last_header);
+ last_header->size -= quantity;
+ last_footer = (struct heap_footer*)((size_t)last_footer - quantity);
+ last_footer->magic = HEAP_MAGIC;
+ last_footer->header = last_header;
+ heapIdx_insert(heap, last_header);
+ for (heap->end_addr -= 0x1000; heap->end_addr >= newEnd; heap->end_addr -= 0x1000) {
+ page_unmapFree(pagedir_getPage(kernel_pagedir, heap->end_addr, 0));
+ }
+/* Alocate some bytes on the heap. */
+void* heap_alloc(struct heap *heap, size_t sz) {
+ ASSERT(heap > 0xE0000000);
+ size_t newsize = sz + sizeof(struct heap_header) + sizeof(struct heap_footer);
+ uint32_t iterator = 0;
+ while (iterator < heap->idxused) {
+ if (heap->idx[iterator]->size >= newsize) break;
+ iterator++;
+ }
+ if (iterator == heap->idxused) { //No hole is big enough
+ if (heap_expand(heap,
+ MAX((heap->end_addr - heap->start_addr) & 0xFFFFF000, (newsize & 0xFFFFF000) + 0x1000)
+ ) == 0) return 0; //FAILED
+ return heap_alloc(heap, sz);
+ }
+ struct heap_header *loc = heap->idx[iterator];
+ heapIdx_remove(heap, loc);
+ struct heap_footer *footer = (struct heap_footer*)((size_t)loc + loc->size - sizeof(struct heap_footer));
+ loc->is_hole = 0;
+ //If we have enough space to create a USEFUL new hole next to the allocated block, do it.
+ //If we do not, we might return a block that is a few bytes bigger than needed.
+ if (loc->size > (newsize + sizeof(struct heap_header) + sizeof(struct heap_footer))) {
+ loc->size = newsize;
+ //Write footer for block we return
+ struct heap_footer *newfooter = (struct heap_footer*)((size_t)loc + newsize - sizeof(struct heap_footer));
+ newfooter->header = loc;
+ newfooter->magic = HEAP_MAGIC;
+ //Write header for new hole we create
+ struct heap_header *nextloc = (struct heap_header*)((size_t)loc + newsize);
+ nextloc->is_hole = 1;
+ nextloc->magic = HEAP_MAGIC;
+ nextloc->size = ((size_t)footer - (size_t)nextloc + sizeof(struct heap_footer));
+ footer->header = nextloc; //Update footer
+ footer->magic = HEAP_MAGIC;
+ heapIdx_insert(heap, nextloc);
+ }
+ return (void*)((size_t)loc + sizeof(struct heap_header));
+/* Frees a block previously allocated on the heap. */
+void heap_free(struct heap *heap, void* ptr) {
+ if (ptr == 0) return;
+ if ((size_t)ptr < heap->start_addr || (size_t)ptr > heap->end_addr) return;
+ struct heap_header *header = (struct heap_header*)((size_t)ptr - sizeof(struct heap_header));
+ struct heap_footer *footer = (struct heap_footer*)((size_t)header + header->size - sizeof(struct heap_footer));
+ if (header->magic != HEAP_MAGIC || footer->magic != HEAP_MAGIC) return;
+ //Unify left
+ struct heap_footer *prev_footer = (struct heap_footer*)((size_t)header - sizeof(struct heap_footer));
+ if (prev_footer->magic == HEAP_MAGIC && prev_footer->header->is_hole) {
+ header = prev_footer->header;
+ heapIdx_remove(heap, header);
+ footer->header = header;
+ header->size = ((size_t)footer - (size_t)header + sizeof(struct heap_footer));
+ }
+ //Unify right
+ struct heap_header *next_header = (struct heap_header*)((size_t)footer + sizeof(struct heap_footer));
+ if (next_header->magic == HEAP_MAGIC && next_header->is_hole) {
+ heapIdx_remove(heap, next_header);
+ footer = (struct heap_footer*)((size_t)footer + next_header->size);
+ footer->header = header;
+ header->size = ((size_t)footer - (size_t)header + sizeof(struct heap_footer));
+ }
+ header->is_hole = 1;
+ heapIdx_insert(heap, header);
+ if ((size_t)footer == (heap->end_addr - sizeof(struct heap_footer)) &&
+ header->size >= 0x2000 && (heap->end_addr - heap->start_addr > HEAP_MIN_SIZE)) {
+ heap_contract(heap);
+ }
diff --git a/src/kernel/mem/heap.h b/src/kernel/mem/heap.std.h
index 8f8cdcf..a7ba173 100644
--- a/src/kernel/mem/heap.h
+++ b/src/kernel/mem/heap.std.h
@@ -1,9 +1,11 @@
#ifndef DEF_HEAP_H
#define DEF_HEAP_H
+#error "Using standard heap ! It's all buggy everywhere !"
/* The heap is the data structure that permits allocating and freeing memory easily.
The functions in this file are only used by mem.c, which provides kmalloc and kfree.
- The heap algorithm used is the one described here :
+ The heap algorithm used is based on the one described here : */
#include "types.h"
diff --git a/src/kernel/mem/mem.c b/src/kernel/mem/mem.c
index 2061aff..c6494b7 100644
--- a/src/kernel/mem/mem.c
+++ b/src/kernel/mem/mem.c
@@ -2,12 +2,19 @@
#include <core/sys.h>
#include <core/monitor.h>
#include "paging.h"
-#include "heap.h"
+#include <config.h>
+#include "heap.basic.h"
+#include "heap.std.h"
-#define KHEAP_IDXSIZE 0x1000
-#define KHEAP_INITSIZE 0x80000
+#define KHEAP_IDXSIZE 0x4000 // only used with heap.std.h
+#define KHEAP_INITSIZE 0x00080000
#define KHEAP_MAXSIZE 0x08000000
size_t mem_placementAddr;
@@ -76,7 +83,11 @@ static struct heap kheap;
/* Called on kernel start. Creates the kernel heap. */
void kheap_init() {
+ heap_create(&kheap, (mem_placementAddr & 0xFFFFF000) + 0x1000, KHEAP_INITSIZE, KHEAP_MAXSIZE);
heap_create(&kheap, (mem_placementAddr & 0xFFFFF000) + 0x1000, KHEAP_IDXSIZE, KHEAP_INITSIZE, KHEAP_MAXSIZE);
kheap_working = 1;
monitor_write("[KHeap] ");
diff --git a/src/kernel/task/syscall.c b/src/kernel/task/syscall.c
index 46ccff6..3ae546f 100644
--- a/src/kernel/task/syscall.c
+++ b/src/kernel/task/syscall.c
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
#include "syscall.h"
#include "task.h"
+#include <core/sys.h>
#define CALL0(name, scname) static void scname(struct registers* r) { r->eax = name(); }
#define CALL1(name, scname) static void scname(struct registers* r) { \
@@ -26,7 +27,9 @@ CALL2(shm_create, shm_create_sc);
CALL1(shm_delete, shm_delete_sc);
static void thread_new_sc(struct registers* r) {
+ cli();
thread_new(current_thread->process, (thread_entry)r->ebx, (void*)r->ecx, (void*)r->edx);
+ sti();
int_callback syscalls[NUMBER_OF_SYSCALLS] = {
diff --git a/src/kernel/task/task.c b/src/kernel/task/task.c
index f074c77..3d322c1 100644
--- a/src/kernel/task/task.c
+++ b/src/kernel/task/task.c
@@ -35,9 +35,9 @@ void tasking_init() {
kernel_process->parent = kernel_process;
kernel_process->pagedir = kernel_pagedir;
kernel_process->next = 0;
+ kernel_process->threads = 0;
current_thread = 0;
idle_thread = thread_new(kernel_process, task_idle, 0, 0);
- kernel_process->threads = idle_thread;
monitor_write("[Tasking] ");
@@ -278,6 +278,7 @@ struct process *process_new(struct process* parent, uint32_t uid, uint32_t privi
p->pid = (nextpid++);
p->uid = uid;
p->thread_count = 0;
+ p->threads = 0;
p->privilege = privilege;
p->parent = parent;
p->pagedir = pagedir_new();