#include "String.class.h" #include using namespace CMem; //strlen and memcpy String String::hex(u32int number) { String ret; ret.m_length = 10; ret.m_string = new WChar[11]; ret.m_string[0] = '0'; ret.m_string[1] = 'x'; ret.m_string[10] = 0; char hexdigits[] = "0123456789ABCDEF"; for (unsigned int j = 0; j < 8; j++) { ret.m_string[j + 2] = hexdigits[(number & 0xF0000000) >> 28]; number = number << 4; } return ret; } String String::number(s32int number) { if (number == 0) return String("0"); bool negative = false; if (number < 0) { negative = true; number = 0 - number; } u32int order = 0, temp = number; char numbers[] = "0123456789"; while (temp > 0) { order++; temp /= 10; } String ret; ret.m_length = order; ret.m_string = new WChar[order + 1]; for (u32int i = order; i > 0; i--) { ret.m_string[i - 1] = numbers[number % 10]; number /= 10; } ret.m_string[order] = 0; if (negative) return String("-") += ret; return ret; } String String::unserialize(u32int w) { if (w == (u32int) - 1) return String(); u32int* a = (u32int*)w; String ret; ret.m_length = a[0]; ret.m_string = (WChar*)Mem::alloc(a[0] * sizeof(WChar)); for (u32int i = 0; i < a[0]; i++) { ret[i] = a[i + 1]; } return ret; } u32int String::serialize() const { u32int* x = (u32int*)Mem::mkXchgSpace((m_length + 1) * sizeof(u32int)); x[0] = m_length; for (u32int i = 0; i < m_length; i++) { x[i + 1] = m_string[i]; } return (u32int)x; } String::String(const char* string, u8int encoding) { m_string = 0; m_length = 0; affect(string, encoding); } void String::affect (const char* string, u8int encoding) { m_length = WChar::utfLen(string, encoding); if (m_string != 0) delete [] m_string; if (m_length == 0) { m_string = 0; return; } m_string = new WChar[m_length + 1]; u32int i = 0, c = 0; while (c < m_length) { i += m_string[c].affect(string + i, encoding); c++; } m_string[m_length] = 0; } bool String::compare (const char* string, u8int encoding) const { if (m_length != WChar::utfLen(string, encoding)) return false; int i = 0, l = strlen(string), c = 0; WChar tmp; while (i < l) { i += tmp.affect(string + i, encoding); if (m_string[c] != tmp) return false; c++; } return true; } String& String::append (const char* other, u8int encoding) { WChar* newdata = new WChar[m_length + WChar::utfLen(other, encoding) + 1]; for (u32int i = 0; i < m_length; i++) { newdata[i] = m_string[i]; } int i = 0, l = strlen(other), c = 0; while (i < l) { i += newdata[c + m_length].affect(other + i, encoding); c++; } if (m_string != 0) delete [] m_string; m_string = newdata; m_length += strlen(other); m_string[m_length] = 0; return *this; } String String::concat (const String &other) const { //Can be optimized String ret(*this); return (ret += other); } String String::concat (const char* other, u8int encoding) const { //Can be optimized String ret(*this); return (ret.append(other, encoding)); } String String::concat (WChar other) const { String ret(*this); return (ret += other); } s64int String::toInt() const { if (m_string == 0) return 0; s32int pos = 0; s64int number = 0; bool negative = false; if (m_string[0].value == '-') { negative = true; pos = 1; } while (m_string[pos] >= '0' && m_string[pos] <= '9') { number *= 10; number += (m_string[pos].value - '0'); pos++; } if (negative) return 0 - number; return number; } u64int String::toInt16() const { if (m_string == 0) return 0; u32int pos = 0; u64int number = 0; if (m_string[0].value == '0' && m_string[1].value == 'x') pos = 2; while (1) { char c = m_string[pos]; pos++; if (c >= 'a' && c <= 'f') c -= ('a' - 'A'); //To uppercase if (c >= '0' && c <= '9') { number *= 16; number += (c - '0'); continue; } if (c >= 'A' && c <= 'F') { number *= 16; number += (c - 'A' + 10); continue; } break; } return number; } Vector String::split(WChar c) const { Vector ret; ret.push(String("")); for (u32int i = 0; i < m_length; i++) { if (m_string[i] == c) { ret.push(String("")); } else { ret.back() += m_string[i]; } } return ret; } String String::substr(s32int start, s32int size) { if (size == 0) return String(); if (start < 0) start = m_length - start; if (size == -1) size = m_length - start; if (start + size >= (int)m_length) size = m_length - start; String ret; ret.m_string = new WChar[size + 1]; ret.m_length = size; memcpy((u8int*)ret.m_string, (const u8int*)(m_string + start), size * sizeof(WChar)); ret.m_string[size] = 0; return ret; }