#include "FATFS.class.h" #include #include "FATFileNode.class.h" #include "FATDirectoryNode.class.h" #include #include #define FIRSTCLUS(node) ((u32int&)(node->type() == NT_DIRECTORY ? \ ((FATDirectoryNode*)(node))->m_firstCluster : \ ((FATFileNode*)(node))->m_firstCluster)) #define FIRSTDEID(node) ((u32int&)(node->type() == NT_DIRECTORY ? \ ((FATDirectoryNode*)(node))->m_firstDirEntryID : \ ((FATFileNode*)(node))->m_firstDirEntryID)) FileSystem* FATFS::mount(Partition* p, DirectoryNode* mountpoint, bool readwrite) { if (readwrite) return 0; if (mountpoint != 0 and !mountpoint->mountpointable()) return 0; // *** READ BOOT SECTOR *** union { fat_BS_t s; u8int c[512]; } bs; if (!p->readBlocks(0, 1, bs.c)) return 0; // *** CHECK FILESYSTEM TYPE *** if (bs.s.extBS_16.boot_signature != 0x28 and bs.s.extBS_16.boot_signature != 0x29 and bs.s.extBS_32.boot_signature != 0x28 and bs.s.extBS_32.boot_signature != 0x29) return 0; // *** DO SOME CALCULATIONS *** FATFS* fs = new FATFS(p); fs->m_fatSize = (bs.s.table_size_16 == 0 ? bs.s.extBS_32.table_size_32 : bs.s.table_size_16); fs->m_totalSectors = (bs.s.total_sectors_16 == 0 ? bs.s.total_sectors_32 : bs.s.total_sectors_16); fs->m_rootDirSectors = ((bs.s.root_entry_count * 32) + (bs.s.bytes_per_sector - 1)) / bs.s.bytes_per_sector; fs->m_firstDataSector = bs.s.reserved_sector_count + (fs->m_fatSize * bs.s.table_count); fs->m_clusterSize = bs.s.bytes_per_sector * bs.s.sectors_per_cluster; u32int dataSectors = fs->m_totalSectors - (fs->m_firstDataSector + fs->m_rootDirSectors); fs->m_countOfClusters = dataSectors / bs.s.sectors_per_cluster; if (fs->m_countOfClusters < 4085) { //Find out FAT type fs->m_fatType = 12; } else if (fs->m_countOfClusters < 65525) { fs->m_fatType = 16; } else { fs->m_fatType = 32; } fs->m_readOnly = true; fs->m_bs = bs.s; // *** CREATE ROOT DIRECTORY NODE *** fs->m_rootNode = new FATDirectoryNode("/", fs, mountpoint); FIRSTCLUS(fs->m_rootNode) = 2; if (fs->m_fatType == 32) FIRSTCLUS(fs->m_rootNode) = bs.s.extBS_32.root_cluster; if (!fs->m_rootNode->loadContent()) { *kvt << "Could not read FAT filesystem root directory.\n"; delete fs; return 0; } fs->m_fatCache.init(fs->m_fatType == 12 ? 8 : (fs->m_fatType == 16 ? 20 : 40)); if (mountpoint != 0) mountpoint->mount(fs->m_rootNode); VFS::registerFilesystem(fs); *kvt << "Detected a FAT" << (s64int)fs->m_fatType << " filesystem.\n" << "root_dir_sectors:" << fs->m_rootDirSectors << " fat_size:" << fs->m_fatSize << " total_sectors:" << fs->m_totalSectors << " data_sectors:" << dataSectors << " count_of_clusters:" << fs->m_countOfClusters << " sizeof(fat_dir_entry_t):" << (s64int)sizeof(fat_dir_entry_t) << (const String&)" first_data_sector:" << fs->m_firstDataSector << " cluster_size:" << fs->m_clusterSize << "\n"; return fs; } u32int FATFS::nextCluster(u32int cluster) { u8int fat_table[m_part->blockSize()]; u32int val; if (m_fatType == 12) { u32int fat_offset = cluster + (cluster / 2); u32int fat_sector = m_bs.reserved_sector_count + (fat_offset / m_part->blockSize()); u32int ent_offset = fat_offset % m_part->blockSize(); m_fatCache.readBlocks(fat_sector, 1, fat_table); u16int tblval = *((u16int*)(fat_table + ent_offset)); if (cluster & 1) val = tblval >> 4; else val = tblval & 0x0FFF; if (val >= 0xFF7) val = 0; } else if (m_fatType == 16) { u32int fat_offset = cluster * 2; u32int fat_sector = m_bs.reserved_sector_count + (fat_offset / m_part->blockSize()); u32int ent_offset = fat_offset % m_part->blockSize(); m_fatCache.readBlocks(fat_sector, 1, fat_table); u16int tblval = *(u16int*)(fat_table + ent_offset); val = tblval; if (tblval >= 0xFFF7) val = 0; } else if (m_fatType == 32) { u32int fat_offset = cluster * 4; u32int fat_sector = m_bs.reserved_sector_count + (fat_offset / m_part->blockSize()); u32int ent_offset = fat_offset % m_part->blockSize(); m_fatCache.readBlocks(fat_sector, 1, fat_table); val = *(u32int*)(fat_table + ent_offset) & 0x0FFFFFFF; if (val >= 0x0FFFFFF7) val = 0; } else { val = 0; } return val; } bool FATFS::readCluster(u32int cluster, u8int* data) { u32int firstSector = ((cluster - 2) * m_bs.sectors_per_cluster) + m_firstDataSector; if (cluster > 2 and m_fatType != 32) firstSector += m_rootDirSectors; return m_part->readBlocks(firstSector, m_bs.sectors_per_cluster, data); } bool FATFS::unmount() { if (m_readOnly) return true; return false; } bool FATFS::setName(FSNode* node, String name) { if (m_readOnly) return false; return false; } bool FATFS::setPermissions(FSNode* node, u32int permissions) { if (m_readOnly) return false; return false; } bool FATFS::setUid(FSNode* node, u32int uid) { if (m_readOnly) return false; return false; } bool FATFS::setGid(FSNode* node, u32int gid) { if (m_readOnly) return false; return false; } bool FATFS::setParent(FSNode* node, FSNode* parent) { if (m_readOnly) return false; return false; } u32int FATFS::read(FileNode* file, u64int position, u32int max_length, u8int *data) { u32int len = max_length; if (position >= file->getLength()) return 0; if (position + len > file->getLength()) len = file->getLength() - position; u32int firstCluster = position / m_clusterSize, clusterOffset = position % m_clusterSize; u32int clusters = (len + clusterOffset) / m_clusterSize + 1, lastClusBytesToRead = (len + clusterOffset) % m_clusterSize; u32int clust = FIRSTCLUS(file); //Find first cluster for (u32int i = 0; i < firstCluster and clust != 0; i++) clust = nextCluster(clust); if (clust == 0) return 0; //Read first cluster u8int* temp = (u8int*)Mem::alloc(m_clusterSize); readCluster(clust, temp); memcpy(data, temp + clusterOffset, (len > m_clusterSize - clusterOffset ? m_clusterSize - clusterOffset : len)); //Read next cluster u32int pos = (m_clusterSize - clusterOffset); for (u32int i = 1; i < clusters; i++) { clust = nextCluster(clust); if (clust == 0) break; readCluster(clust, temp); memcpy(data + pos, temp, (i == clusters - 1 ? lastClusBytesToRead : m_clusterSize)); pos += m_clusterSize; } Mem::free(temp); return len; } bool FATFS::write(FileNode* file, u64int position, u32int length, u8int* data) { if (m_readOnly) return false; return false; } bool FATFS::truncate(FileNode* file) { if (m_readOnly) return false; return false; } bool FATFS::loadContents(DirectoryNode* dir) { u32int cluster = FIRSTCLUS(dir); union { u8int *c; fat_dir_entry_t *e; } e; u32int entries = m_clusterSize / sizeof(fat_dir_entry_t); if (cluster == 2 and m_fatType != 32) { //This is the value we use for the root directory e.c = (u8int*)Mem::alloc(m_rootDirSectors * m_part->blockSize()); if (!m_part->readBlocks(m_firstDataSector, m_rootDirSectors, e.c)) return false; } else { e.c = (u8int*)Mem::alloc(m_clusterSize); } ByteArray lfnBuffer; while (cluster != 0) { if (cluster != 2 or m_fatType == 32) { if (!readCluster(cluster, e.c)) return false; } for (u32int i = 0; i < entries; i++) { if (e.e[i].attributes == FA_LFN && e.c[i*32] != 0xE5) { //Long file name entry u8int num = e.c[i*32] & 0x3; if (lfnBuffer.size() < num * 26) lfnBuffer.resize(num * 26); num--; memcpy(lfnBuffer + (num * 26), e.c + (i*32 + 1), 10); memcpy(lfnBuffer + (num * 26 + 10), e.c + (i*32 + 14), 12); memcpy(lfnBuffer + (num * 26 + 22), e.c + (i*32 + 28), 4); } if (e.e[i].attributes & FA_VOLUMEID) continue; if (e.e[i].name[0] == 0 or e.e[i].name[0] == 0xE5) continue; //Nothing intresting here. String name; if (lfnBuffer.empty()) { for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++) { if (e.e[i].name[j] == ' ') break; name += WChar(e.e[i].name[j]); } for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) { if (e.e[i].extension[j] == ' ') break; if (j == 0) name += "."; name += WChar(e.e[i].extension[j]); } } else { name = lfnBuffer.toString(UE_UTF16_LE); lfnBuffer.clear(); } u32int first_clus = (e.e[i].first_clust_high << 16) + e.e[i].first_clust_low; FSNode* n; if (e.e[i].attributes & FA_DIRECTORY) { if (name == "." or name == "..") continue; n = new FATDirectoryNode(name, this, dir); } else { n = new FATFileNode(name, this, dir, e.e[i].size); } FIRSTCLUS(n) = first_clus; dir->getChildren().push(n); } if (cluster == 2 && m_fatType != 32) break; //We are in a FAT12/16 root directory cluster = nextCluster(cluster); } Mem::free(e.c); return true; } FileNode* FATFS::createFile(DirectoryNode* parent, String name) { if (m_readOnly) return 0; return 0; } DirectoryNode* FATFS::createDirectory(DirectoryNode* parent, String name) { if (m_readOnly) return 0; return 0; } bool FATFS::remove(DirectoryNode* parent, FSNode* node) { if (m_readOnly) return false; return false; }