#include "VESADisplay.class.h" #include #include using namespace Disp; /**************************************** * COLOR HANDLING FUNCTIONS * *********************************************/ inline u16int rgbTo15(u32int color) { return ( (((color >> 16 & 0xFF) / 8) << 10) | (((color >> 8 & 0xFF) / 8) << 5) | ((color & 0xFF) / 8)); } inline u32int rgbFrom15(u16int color) { return ( (((color >> 10 & 0x1F) * 8) << 16) | (((color >> 5 & 0x1F) * 8) << 8) | ((color & 0x1F) * 8)); } inline u16int rgbTo16(u32int color) { return ( (((color >> 16 & 0xFF) / 8) << 11) | (((color >> 8 & 0xFF) / 4) << 5) | ((color & 0xFF) / 8)); } inline u32int rgbFrom16(u16int color) { return ( (((color >> 11 & 0x1F) * 8) << 16) | (((color >> 5 & 0x3F) * 4) << 8) | ((color & 0x1F) * 8)); } /**************************************** * DEVICE INFORMATION RELATED FUNCTIONS * *********************************************/ String VESADisplay::getClass() { return "display.vesa"; } String VESADisplay::getName() { return "Standard VESA display"; } vbe_controller_info_t VESADisplay::getCtrlrInfo() { V86::map(); vbe_controller_info_t *info = (vbe_controller_info_t*)V86::alloc(sizeof(vbe_controller_info_t)); info->signature[0] = 'V'; info->signature[1] = 'B'; info->signature[2] = 'E'; info->signature[3] = '2'; info->videomodes = 0; v86_regs_t regs; regs.ax = 0x4F00; regs.es = LIN_SEG(info); regs.di = LIN_OFF(info); V86::biosInt(0x10, regs); if (regs.ax != 0x004F) PANIC("Something went wrong in detecting VBE modes."); if (info->signature[3] != 'A') PANIC("No vesa sinature"); return *info; } vbe_mode_info_t VESADisplay::getModeInfo(u16int id) { V86::map(); vbe_mode_info_t *mode = (vbe_mode_info_t*)V86::alloc(sizeof(vbe_mode_info_t)); CMem::memset((u8int*)mode, 0, sizeof(vbe_mode_info_t)); v86_regs_t regs; regs.ax = 0x00004F01; regs.cx = id; regs.es = LIN_SEG(mode); regs.di = LIN_OFF(mode); V86::biosInt(0x10, regs); return *mode; } void VESADisplay::getModes(Vector &to) { vbe_controller_info_t info = getCtrlrInfo(); u16int *modes = (u16int*)(((info.videomodes & 0xFFFF0000) >> 12) | ((info.videomodes) & 0x0000FFFF)); for (int i = 0; i < 64; i++) { if (modes[i] == 0xFFFF) break; vbe_mode_info_t mode = getModeInfo(modes[i]); if ((mode.attributes & 0x90) != 0x90) continue; if (mode.memory_model != 4 and mode.memory_model != 6) continue; if (mode.bpp != 24 and mode.bpp != 16 and mode.bpp != 15 and mode.bpp != 8) continue; mode_t m; m.device = this; m.textCols = mode.Xres / C_FONT_WIDTH; m.textRows = mode.Yres / C_FONT_HEIGHT; m.identifier = modes[i]; m.graphWidth = mode.Xres; m.graphHeight = mode.Yres; m.graphDepth = mode.bpp; to.push(m); } } /**************************************** * MODE SELECTION FUNCTIONS * *********************************************/ bool VESADisplay::setMode(mode_t &mode) { if (mode.device != this) return false; m_currMode = getModeInfo(mode.identifier); v86_regs_t regs; //Set mode regs.ax = 0x4F02; regs.bx = mode.identifier | 0x4000; V86::biosInt(0x10, regs); if (regs.ax != 0x004F) return false; if (m_currMode.bpp == 8) { //Set palette to 8 bit regs.ax = 0x4F08; regs.bx = 0x0800; V86::biosInt(0x10, regs); if ((regs.ax & 0xFF) != 0x4F or regs.bx != 0x0800) return false; //Set palette data for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) { m_8bitPalette[i].pixels = 0; m_8bitPalette[i].color = rgbTo15(consoleColor[i]); setPalette(i, consoleColor[i]); } for (int i = 16; i < 256; i++) { m_8bitPalette[i].pixels = 0; m_8bitPalette[i].color = 0; } } m_fb = (u8int*)0xF0000000; for (u32int i = 0; i < (u32int)(m_currMode.Yres * m_currMode.pitch); i += 0x1000) { kernelPageDirectory->map( kernelPageDirectory->getPage((u32int)(m_fb + i), true), (m_currMode.physbase + i) / 0x1000, false, false); } m_pixWidth = (m_currMode.bpp + 1) / 8; clear(); return true; } void VESADisplay::unsetMode() { for (u32int i = 0; i < (u32int)(m_currMode.Yres * m_currMode.pitch); i += 0x1000) { page_t* p = kernelPageDirectory->getPage((u32int)(m_fb + i), false); if (p != 0) p->present = 0, p->frame = 0; } } void VESADisplay::clear() { for (u32int* i = (u32int*)(memPos(0, 0)); i < (u32int*)(memPos(m_currMode.Xres, 0)); i++) { *i = 0; } } /**************************************** * 8BIT PALLET HANDLING * *********************************************/ void VESADisplay::setPalette(u8int id, u32int color) { Sys::outb(0x03C6, 0xFF); Sys::outb(0x03C8, id); Sys::outb(0x03C9, ((color >> 16) & 0xFF) / 4); Sys::outb(0x03C9, ((color >> 8) & 0xFF) / 4); Sys::outb(0x03C9, (color & 0xFF) / 4); } u8int VESADisplay::get8Bit(u32int color) { u16int c = rgbTo15(color); c &= ~0x0C63; //Make the color very approximate (keep only 3bits per primary color) for (u16int i = 0; i < 256; i++) { if (m_8bitPalette[i].color == c) { return i; } } for (u16int i = 16; i < 256; i++) { if (m_8bitPalette[i].pixels == 0) { m_8bitPalette[i].color = c; setPalette(i, rgbFrom15(c)); return i; } } return 0; } /**************************************** * DRAWING FUNCTIONS * *********************************************/ void VESADisplay::putPix(u16int x, u16int y, u32int c) { if (x >= m_currMode.Xres or y >= m_currMode.Yres) return; union { u8int* c; u16int* w; u32int* d; } p = {memPos(x, y)}; if (m_currMode.bpp == 24) { *p.d = (*p.d & 0xFF000000) | c; } else if (m_currMode.bpp == 15) { *p.w = rgbTo15(c); } else if (m_currMode.bpp == 16) { *p.w = rgbTo16(c); } else if (m_currMode.bpp == 8) { m_8bitPalette[*p.c].pixels--; *p.c = get8Bit(c); m_8bitPalette[*p.c].pixels++; } } u32int VESADisplay::getPix(u16int x, u16int y) { if (x >= m_currMode.Xres or y >= m_currMode.Yres) return 0; u32int ret = 0; union { u8int* c; u16int* w; u32int* d; } p = {memPos(x, y)}; if (m_currMode.bpp == 24) { ret = *p.d & 0x00FFFFFF; } else if (m_currMode.bpp == 15) { ret = rgbFrom15(*p.w); } else if (m_currMode.bpp == 16) { ret = rgbFrom16(*p.w); } else if (m_currMode.bpp == 8) { ret = rgbFrom15(m_8bitPalette[*p.c].color); } return ret; } void VESADisplay::drawChar(u16int line, u16int col, WChar c, u8int color) { u8int ch = c.toAscii(); if (ch == 0) return; u16int sx = col * C_FONT_WIDTH, sy = line * C_FONT_HEIGHT; u32int fgcolor = 1, bgcolor = 0; if (m_currMode.bpp == 24) { fgcolor = consoleColor[color & 0xF]; bgcolor = consoleColor[(color >> 4) & 0xF]; } else if (m_currMode.bpp == 15) { fgcolor = rgbTo15(consoleColor[color & 0xF]); bgcolor = rgbTo15(consoleColor[(color >> 4) & 0xF]); } else if (m_currMode.bpp == 16) { fgcolor = rgbTo16(consoleColor[color & 0xF]); bgcolor = rgbTo16(consoleColor[(color >> 4) & 0xF]); } else if (m_currMode.bpp == 8) { fgcolor = color & 0xF; bgcolor = (color >> 4) & 0xF; } if (c == WChar(" ")) { u8int* p = memPos(sx, sy); for (int y = 0; y < C_FONT_HEIGHT; y++) { if (m_pixWidth == 1) memset(p, bgcolor, 9); if (m_pixWidth == 2) memsetw((u16int*)p, bgcolor, 9); if (m_pixWidth == 3) { for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++) { p[0] = (bgcolor >> 16); p[1] = (bgcolor >> 8); p[2] = (bgcolor); p += 3; } p -= (9 * 3); } p += m_currMode.pitch; } return; } int y = 0; for (u8int* p = memPos(sx, sy); p < memPos(sx, sy + C_FONT_HEIGHT); p += m_currMode.pitch) { union { u8int* c; u16int* w; u32int* d; } pos = {p + (8 * m_pixWidth)}; u8int pixs = consoleFont[ch][y]; if (m_pixWidth == 3) { *pos.d = (*pos.d & 0xFF000000) | bgcolor; for (int x = 0; x < 8; x++) { pos.c -= m_pixWidth; *pos.d = (*pos.d & 0xFF000000) | ((pixs & 1) != 0 ? fgcolor : bgcolor); pixs = pixs >> 1; } } else if (m_pixWidth == 2) { *pos.w = bgcolor; for (int x = 0; x < 8; x++) { pos.c -= m_pixWidth; *pos.w = ((pixs & 1) != 0 ? fgcolor : bgcolor); pixs = pixs >> 1; } } else if (m_pixWidth == 1) { m_8bitPalette[*pos.c].pixels--; *pos.c = bgcolor; for (int x = 0; x < 8; x++) { pos.c--; m_8bitPalette[*pos.c].pixels--; *pos.c = ((pixs & 1) != 0 ? fgcolor : bgcolor); pixs = pixs >> 1; } } y++; } }