#include "Disp.ns.h" #include #include #include #include namespace Disp { mode_t mode; Vector modes; u16int textCols() { return mode.textCols; } u16int textRows() { return mode.textRows; } void putChar(u16int line, u16int col, WChar c, u8int color) { if (line >= mode.textRows or col >= mode.textCols) return; mode.device->putChar(line, col, c, color); } void moveCursor(u16int line, u16int col) { if (line >= mode.textRows or col >= mode.textCols) return; mode.device->moveCursor(line, col); } bool textScroll(u16int line, u16int col, u16int height, u16int width, u8int color) { return mode.device->textScroll(line, col, height, width, color); } void clear() { mode.device->clear(); } void getModes() { modes.clear(); Vector disps = Dev::findDevices("display"); for (u32int i = 0; i < disps.size(); i++) { ((Display*)(disps[i]))->getModes(modes); } } bool setMode(mode_t& newmode) { mode.device->unsetMode(); if (newmode.device->setMode(newmode)) { mode = newmode; VT::redrawScreen(); return true; } return false; } void selectMode() { getModes(); *kvt << "\nPlease select a graphic mode in the list below:\n"; for (u32int i = 0; i < Disp::modes.size(); i++) { Disp::mode_t& m = Disp::modes[i]; *kvt << (s32int)i << ":\t" << "Text " << m.textRows << "x" << m.textCols << MVT::setcsrcol(21); if (m.graphWidth != 0 and m.graphHeight != 0) { *kvt << "Graphics " << m.graphWidth << "x" << m.graphHeight << "x" << m.graphDepth << "\t"; } else { *kvt << "No graphics"; } *kvt << MVT::setcsrcol(45) << m.device->getName() << "\n"; } while (1) { *kvt << "\nYour selection: "; String answer = kvt->readLine(); u32int n = answer.toInt(); kvt->unmap(); if (n >= 0 and n < Disp::modes.size() and Disp::setMode(Disp::modes[n])) { delete kvt; SB::reinit(); kvt = new ScrollableVT(Disp::mode.textRows - SB::height, Disp::mode.textCols, 100, KVT_FGCOLOR, KVT_BGCOLOR); kvt->map(SB::height); Kbd::setFocus(kvt); return; } else { Disp::setMode(Disp::modes[1]); kvt->map(); *kvt << "Error while switching video mode, please select another one."; } } } void setText(VGATextOutput* o) { mode.device = o; o->clear(); mode.textCols = 80; mode.textRows = 25; } }