//This automatically includes Sys.ns.h #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define DEBUGVT(x) SimpleVT *x = new SimpleVT(4, 56, PANIC_FGCOLOR, PANIC_BGCOLOR); x->map(); x->put('\n'); using namespace CMem; namespace Sys { void outb (u16int port, u8int value) { asm volatile ("outb %1, %0" : : "dN" (port), "a" (value)); } void outw (u16int port, u16int value) { asm volatile ("outw %1, %0" : : "dN" (port), "a" (value)); } u8int inb (u16int port) { u8int ret; asm volatile ("inb %1, %0" : "=a" (ret) : "dN" (port)); return ret; } u16int inw (u16int port) { u16int ret; asm volatile ("inw %1, %0" : "=a" (ret) : "dN" (port)); return ret; } //Used by DEBUG() macro (see common.wtf.h) void bochs_output(char *message, char *file, u32int line) { for (u32int i = 0; i < strlen(message); i++) { outb(0xE9, message[i]); } char* t = (char*)" (in "; for (u32int i = 0; i < strlen(t); i++) { outb(0xE9, t[i]); } for (u32int i = 0; i < strlen(file); i++) { outb(0xE9, file[i]); } outb(0xE9, ')'); outb(0xE9, '\n'); } void bochs_output(String message, char *file, u32int line) { for (u32int i = 0; i < message.size(); i++) { outb(0xE9, message[i].toAscii()); } char* t = (char*)" (in "; for (u32int i = 0; i < strlen(t); i++) { outb(0xE9, t[i]); } for (u32int i = 0; i < strlen(file); i++) { outb(0xE9, file[i]); } outb(0xE9, ')'); outb(0xE9, '\n'); } void bochs_output_hex(u32int i) { char hexdigits[] = "0123456789ABCDEF"; outb(0xE9, '0'); outb(0xE9, 'x'); for (u32int j = 0; j < 8; j++) { outb(0xE9, hexdigits[(i & 0xF0000000) >> 28]); i = i << 4; } } void dumpRegs(registers_t *regs, VirtualTerminal& vt) { vt << "ds=" << (u32int)regs->ds << ", eip=" << (u32int)regs->eip << ", cs=" << (u32int)regs->cs << "\n"; vt << "edi=" << (u32int)regs->edi << ", esi=" << (u32int)regs->esi << ", ebp=" << (u32int)regs->ebp << ", esp=" << (u32int)regs->esp << "\n"; vt << "eax=" << (u32int)regs->eax << ", ebx=" << (u32int)regs->ebx << ", ecx=" << (u32int)regs->ecx << ", edx=" << (u32int)regs->edx << "\n"; vt << "int_no=" << (s32int)regs->int_no << ", err_code=" << (u32int)regs->err_code << "\n"; vt << "eflags=" << (u32int)regs->eflags << ", useresp=" << (u32int)regs->useresp << ", ss=" << (u32int)regs->ss << "\n"; } void stackTrace(u32int ebp, VirtualTerminal& vt, u32int maxframes, bool isUser) { u32int *stack = (u32int*)ebp; for (u32int i = 0; i < maxframes and (isUser or ((u32int)stack > 0xC0000000)) and (u32int)stack < (ebp + 0x10000); i++) { vt << "Frame: " << (u32int)stack << " n:" << stack[0] << " r:" << stack[1] << "\n"; stack = (u32int*)stack[0]; } } //Used by PANIC() macro (see common.wtf.h) void panic(char *message, char *file, u32int line) { SB::message("PANIC"); asm volatile("cli"); DEBUGVT(vt); bochs_output("PANIC : ", file, line); bochs_output(message, file, 0); *vt << " PANIC : " << message << "\n In " << file << ":" << (s32int)line; while (1) asm volatile("hlt"); //Enter infinite loop for halt } void panic(char *message, registers_t *regs, char *file, u32int line) { SB::message("PANIC"); asm volatile("cli"); SimpleVT vt(15, 70, BSOD_FGCOLOR, BSOD_BGCOLOR); vt.map(); vt.write("\n"); vt << "PANIC : " << message << "\n => in " << file << " at " << (s32int)line << "\n\n"; dumpRegs(regs, vt); if (regs->int_no == 14) { u32int cr2; asm volatile("mov %%cr2, %0" : "=r"(cr2)); vt << "cr2=" << (u32int)cr2 << "\n"; } vt << "\n"; stackTrace(regs->ebp, vt, 5); while (1) asm volatile("cli; hlt"); } //Used by ASSERT() macro (see common.wtf.h) void panic_assert(char *file, u32int line, char *desc) { SB::message("ASSERTION FAILED"); asm volatile("cli"); DEBUGVT(vt); bochs_output("ASSERTION FAILED : ", file, line); bochs_output(desc, file, 0); *vt << " ASSERTION FAILED : " << desc << "\n In " << file << ":" << (s32int)line; while (1) asm volatile("hlt"); //Enter infinite loop for halt } void shutdown_cleanup() { SB::message("Cleaning up system"); asm volatile("cli"); Log::close(); } void reboot() { shutdown_cleanup(); SB::message("Rebooting..."); outb(0x64, 0xFE); } void halt() { shutdown_cleanup(); SB::message("Halting"); String message("MELON SEZ : KTHXBYE, U CAN NAOW TURNZ OFF UR COMPUTER."); SimpleVT vt(3, message.size() + 16, HALT_FGCOLOR, HALT_BGCOLOR); vt.map(); vt << "\n\t" << message; while (1) asm volatile("cli; hlt"); } u32int scall(u8int wat, u32int a, u32int b, u32int c, u32int d) { if (wat == SYIF_HALT && ISROOT) halt(); if (wat == SYIF_REBOOT && ISROOT) reboot(); if (wat == SYIF_UPTIME) return Time::uptime(); if (wat == SYIF_TOTALRAM) return PhysMem::total() * 4; if (wat == SYIF_FREERAM) return PhysMem::free() * 4; return (u32int) - 1; } }