#include #include #include #include class GOL : public ShellApp { public: GOL() : ShellApp("GOL.app", "Melon's Game of Life simulator \\o/") {} int run(); }; APP(GOL); int GOL::run() { if (!outvt.isBoxed()) { outvt << "Error : cannot display GOL on a non-boxed terminal.\n"; return 1; } int h = outvt.height() - 1, w = outvt.width(); bool *cells = new bool[w * h]; bool *newcells = new bool[w * h]; u32int delay = 100; for (u32int x = 0; x < w; x++) { for (u32int y = 0; y < h; y++) { cells[x * h + y] = false; } } ByteArray tmp((w + 1) * (h + 1)); bool run = true; while (run) { //Display cells for (u32int y = 0; y < h; y++) { for (u32int x = 0; x < w; x++) { if (cells[x * h + y]) { tmp[y * w + x] = '#'; } else { tmp[y * w + x] = ' '; } } } outvt << MVT::movecsr(0, 0) << FLUSH; outvt.write(tmp.toString()); //BYPASS buffering outvt<< "Press Ctrl+h for help" << FLUSH; //Compute next generation for (int y = 0; y < h; y++) { for (int x = 0; x < w; x++) { u8int n = 0; for (int yy = y - 1; yy < y + 2; yy++) { for (int xx = x - 1; xx < x + 2; xx++) { if (xx < w and yy < h and xx >= 0 and yy >= 0 and cells[xx * h + yy]) n++; } } newcells[x * h + y] = cells[x * h + y]; if (cells[x * h + y]) { n--; if (n < 2) newcells[x * h + y] = false; if (n > 3) newcells[x * h + y] = false; } else { if (n == 3) newcells[x* h + y] = true; } } } for (u32int x = 0; x < w; x++) { for (u32int y = 0; y < h; y++) { cells[x * h + y] = newcells[x * h + y]; } } keypress_t kp = invt.getKeypress(false, false); while (kp.hascmd && (kp.modifiers & STATUS_CTRL)) { if (kp.character == WChar("c")) { run = false; } else if (kp.character == WChar("r")) { for (u32int i = 0; i < 20; i++) { u64int x = Rand::rand() * w / Rand::max(); u64int y = Rand::rand() * h / Rand::max(); cells[x * h + y] = true; } } else if (kp.character == WChar("R")) { for (u32int i = 0; i < 150; i++) { u64int x = Rand::rand() * w / Rand::max(); u64int y = Rand::rand() * h / Rand::max(); cells[x * h + y] = true; } } else if (kp.character == WChar("p")) { outvt << " [PAUSED] press a key to resume" << FLUSH; invt.getKeypress(); } else if (kp.character == WChar("h")) { outvt << "\n\n** Melon's demo Game Of Life Simulator help :\n"; outvt << " - ctrl+c : quit\n"; outvt << " - ctrl+h : show this\n"; outvt << " - ctrl+p : pause\n"; outvt << " - ctrl+r : add some random cells\n"; outvt << " - ctrl+R : add more cells, still random\n\n"; outvt << "Press any key to return to simultaor..." << FLUSH; invt.getKeypress(); } kp = invt.getKeypress(false, false); } Thread::get().sleep(100); } delete cells; delete newcells; outvt << "\n\n"; }