#!/bin/sh # We assume Mount/ is the directory where the image is mounted, and Source/ is the directory with all the compiled files # Update GRUB's menu.cfg cp Grub-menu-fdd.cfg Mount/boot/menu.cfg # Create directories mkdir Mount/{System,Applications,Volumes} mkdir Mount/Applications/Shell mkdir Mount/System/{Applications,Logs,Configuration} mkdir Mount/Volumes/{HDD,InitRFS} # Copy system files cp Source/Kernel/Ressources/Configuration/* Mount/System/Configuration cp Source/Applications/PaperWork/PaperWork Mount/System/Applications/PaperWork.app cp Source/Applications/Shell/Shell Mount/Applications/Shell/Shell.app # Create mount configuration file echo "/Volumes/InitRFS:ramfs:0" > Mount/System/Configuration/Mount echo "/Volumes/HDD:block.ata:0:1" >> Mount/System/Configuration/Mount # Copy demo apps cp Source/Applications/Demos/GOL Mount/Apps/GOL.app cp Source/Applications/Demos/asmdemo Mount/Apps/ASM.dem # Copy kernel and ramfs cp Source/Kernel/Melon.ke Mount/System cp Init.rfs Mount/System #echo "*** Launching a BASH shell, if you want to do any maintenance ***" #bash || exit 0