path: root/Source/Kernel/FileSystems
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Diffstat (limited to 'Source/Kernel/FileSystems')
1 files changed, 26 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/Source/Kernel/FileSystems/FAT/FATFS.class.cpp b/Source/Kernel/FileSystems/FAT/FATFS.class.cpp
index 2590785..00107e5 100644
--- a/Source/Kernel/FileSystems/FAT/FATFS.class.cpp
+++ b/Source/Kernel/FileSystems/FAT/FATFS.class.cpp
@@ -50,7 +50,8 @@ FATFS* FATFS::mount(Partition* p, DirectoryNode* mountpoint) {
*kvt << "\nDetected a FAT" << (s64int)fs->m_fatType << " filesystem.\n" <<
"root_dir_sectors:" << fs->m_rootDirSectors << " fat_size:" << fs->m_fatSize << " total_sectors:" <<
fs->m_totalSectors << " data_sectors:" << dataSectors << " count_of_clusters:" << fs->m_countOfClusters <<
- " sizeof(fat_dir_entry_t):" << sizeof(fat_dir_entry_t) << " first_data_sector:" << fs->m_firstDataSector;
+ " sizeof(fat_dir_entry_t):" << sizeof(fat_dir_entry_t) << " first_data_sector:" << fs->m_firstDataSector <<
+ " cluster_size:" << fs->m_clusterSize;
return 0;
@@ -122,7 +123,30 @@ bool FATFS::setParent(FSNode* node, FSNode* parent) {
u32int FATFS::read(FileNode* file, u64int position, u32int max_length, u8int *data) {
- return 0;
+ u32int len = max_length;
+ if (position >= file->getLength()) return 0;
+ if (position + len > file->getLength()) len = len - position;
+ u32int firstCluster = position / m_clusterSize, clusterOffset = position % m_clusterSize;
+ u32int clusters = (len + clusterOffset) / m_clusterSize + 1, lastClusBytesToRead = (len + clusterOffset) % m_clusterSize;
+ u32int clust = FIRSTCLUS(file);
+ //Find first cluster
+ for (u32int i = 0; i < firstCluster and clust != 0; i++) clust = nextCluster(clust);
+ if (clust == 0) return 0;
+ //Read first cluster
+ u8int* temp = (u8int*)Mem::alloc(m_clusterSize);
+ readCluster(clust, temp);
+ memcpy(data, temp + clusterOffset, (m_clusterSize - clusterOffset));
+ //Read next clusters
+ u32int pos = (m_clusterSize - clusterOffset);
+ for (u32int i = 1; i < clusters; i++) {
+ clust = nextCluster(clust);
+ if (clust == 0) break;
+ readCluster(clust, temp);
+ memcpy(data + pos, temp, (i == clusters - 1 ? lastClusBytesToRead : m_clusterSize));
+ pos += m_clusterSize;
+ }
+ Mem::free(temp);
+ return len;
bool FATFS::write(FileNode* file, u64int position, u32int length, u8int* data) {