import theano from theano import tensor import numpy from blocks.algorithms import Momentum, AdaDelta, RMSProp, Adam from blocks.bricks import Activation, Tanh, Logistic, Softmax, Rectifier, Linear, MLP, Initializable, Identity from blocks.bricks.base import application, lazy from blocks.bricks.recurrent import BaseRecurrent, recurrent from blocks.initialization import IsotropicGaussian, Constant from blocks.utils import shared_floatx_zeros from blocks.filter import VariableFilter from blocks.roles import WEIGHT, INITIAL_STATE, add_role from blocks.graph import ComputationGraph, apply_noise, apply_dropout class TRectifier(Activation): @application(inputs=['input_'], outputs=['output']) def apply(self, input_): return tensor.switch(input_ > 1, input_, 0) # An epoch will be composed of 'num_seqs' sequences of len 'seq_len' # divided in chunks of lengh 'seq_div_size' num_seqs = 10 seq_len = 2000 seq_div_size = 100 io_dim = 256 state_dim = 1024 activation = Tanh() transition_hidden = [1024, 1024] transition_hidden_activations = [Tanh(), Tanh()] max_reset = 0.8 output_hidden = [] output_hidden_activations = [] weight_noise_std = 0.05 output_h_dropout = 0.0 l1_state = 0.1 l1_reset = 1 step_rule = 'adam' learning_rate = 0.1 momentum = 0.99 param_desc = '%s,t%s,o%s,mr%s-n%s-d%s-L1:%s,%s-%s' % ( repr(state_dim), repr(transition_hidden), repr(output_hidden), repr(max_reset), repr(weight_noise_std), repr(output_h_dropout), repr(l1_state), repr(l1_reset), step_rule ) save_freq = 5 on_irc = False # parameters for sample generation sample_len = 100 sample_temperature = 0.7 #0.5 sample_freq = 1 if step_rule == 'rmsprop': step_rule = RMSProp() elif step_rule == 'adadelta': step_rule = AdaDelta() elif step_rule == 'momentum': step_rule = Momentum(learning_rate=learning_rate, momentum=momentum) elif step_rule == 'adam': step_rule = Adam() else: assert(False) class DGSRNN(BaseRecurrent, Initializable): def __init__(self, input_dim, state_dim, act, transition_h, tr_h_activations, max_reset, **kwargs): super(DGSRNN, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.input_dim = input_dim self.state_dim = state_dim self.max_reset = max_reset self.inter = MLP(dims=[input_dim + state_dim] + transition_h, activations=tr_h_activations, name='inter') self.reset = MLP(dims=[transition_h[-1], state_dim], activations=[Logistic()], name='reset') self.update = MLP(dims=[transition_h[-1], state_dim], activations=[act], name='update') self.children = [self.inter, self.reset, self.update] # init state self.params = [shared_floatx_zeros((state_dim,), name='init_state')] add_role(self.params[0], INITIAL_STATE) def get_dim(self, name): if name == 'state': return self.state_dim return super(GFGRU, self).get_dim(name) @recurrent(sequences=['inputs'], states=['state'], outputs=['state', 'reset'], contexts=[]) def apply(self, inputs=None, state=None): inter_v = self.inter.apply(tensor.concatenate([inputs, state], axis=1)) reset_v = self.reset.apply(inter_v) update_v = self.update.apply(inter_v) new_state = state * (1 - max_reset * reset_v) + update_v return new_state, reset_v @application def initial_state(self, state_name, batch_size, *args, **kwargs): return tensor.repeat(self.params[0][None, :], repeats=batch_size, axis=0) class Model(): def __init__(self): inp = tensor.lmatrix('bytes') in_onehot = tensor.eq(tensor.arange(io_dim, dtype='int16').reshape((1, 1, io_dim)), inp[:, :, None]) = 'in_onehot' dgsrnn = DGSRNN(input_dim=io_dim, state_dim=state_dim, act=activation, transition_h=transition_hidden, tr_h_activations=transition_hidden_activations, max_reset=max_reset, name='dgsrnn') prev_state = theano.shared(numpy.zeros((num_seqs, state_dim)).astype(theano.config.floatX), name='state') states, resets = dgsrnn.apply(in_onehot.dimshuffle(1, 0, 2), state=prev_state) states = states.dimshuffle(1, 0, 2) resets = resets.dimshuffle(1, 0, 2) self.states = [(prev_state, states[:, -1, :])] out_mlp = MLP(dims=[state_dim] + output_hidden + [io_dim], activations=output_hidden_activations + [None], name='output_mlp') states_sh = states.reshape((inp.shape[0]*inp.shape[1], state_dim)) out = out_mlp.apply(states_sh).reshape((inp.shape[0], inp.shape[1], io_dim)) # Do prediction and calculate cost pred = out.argmax(axis=2) cost = Softmax().categorical_cross_entropy(inp[:, 1:].flatten(), out[:, :-1, :].reshape((inp.shape[0]*(inp.shape[1]-1), io_dim))) error_rate = tensor.neq(inp[:, 1:].flatten(), pred[:, :-1].flatten()).mean() # Initialize all bricks for brick in [dgsrnn, out_mlp]: brick.weights_init = IsotropicGaussian(0.01) brick.biases_init = Constant(0.001) brick.initialize() # Apply noise and dropout cg = ComputationGraph([cost, error_rate]) if weight_noise_std > 0: noise_vars = VariableFilter(roles=[WEIGHT])(cg) cg = apply_noise(cg, noise_vars, weight_noise_std) if output_h_dropout > 0: dv = VariableFilter(name='input_', bricks=out_mlp.linear_transformations)(cg) print "Output H dropout on", len(dv), "vars" cg = apply_dropout(cg, dv, output_h_dropout) [cost_reg, error_rate_reg] = cg.outputs if l1_state > 0: cost_reg = cost_reg + l1_state * abs(states).mean() if l1_reset > 0: cost_reg = cost_reg + l1_reset * abs(resets).mean() self.cost = cost self.error_rate = error_rate self.cost_reg = cost_reg self.error_rate_reg = error_rate_reg self.out = out self.pred = pred