import model.simple_mlp as model import data n_begin_end_pts = 5 # how many points we consider at the beginning and end of the known trajectory n_end_pts = 5 n_valid = 1000 dim_embeddings = [ ('origin_call', data.n_train_clients+1, 10), ('origin_stand', data.n_stands+1, 10), ('week_of_year', 52, 10), ('day_of_week', 7, 10), ('qhour_of_day', 24 * 4, 10), ('day_type', 3, 10), ] dim_input = n_begin_end_pts * 2 * 2 + sum(x for (_, _, x) in dim_embeddings) dim_hidden = [200, 100] dim_output = 2 learning_rate = 0.0001 momentum = 0.99 batch_size = 32