path: root/model/memory_network_bidir.py
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Diffstat (limited to 'model/memory_network_bidir.py')
1 files changed, 143 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/model/memory_network_bidir.py b/model/memory_network_bidir.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9dad091
--- /dev/null
+++ b/model/memory_network_bidir.py
@@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
+from theano import tensor
+from blocks.bricks import application, MLP, Rectifier, Initializable, Softmax, Linear
+from blocks.bricks.parallel import Fork
+from blocks.bricks.recurrent import Bidirectional, LSTM
+import data
+from data import transformers
+from data.cut import TaxiTimeCutScheme
+from data.hdf5 import TaxiDataset, TaxiStream
+import error
+from model import ContextEmbedder
+from memory_network import StreamRecurrent as Stream
+from memory_network import MemoryNetworkBase
+class RecurrentEncoder(Initializable):
+ def __init__(self, config, output_dim, activation, **kwargs):
+ super(RecurrentEncoder, self).__init__(**kwargs)
+ self.config = config
+ self.context_embedder = ContextEmbedder(config)
+ self.rec = Bidirectional(LSTM(dim=config.rec_state_dim, name='encoder_recurrent'))
+ self.fork = Fork(
+ [name for name in self.rec.prototype.apply.sequences
+ if name != 'mask'],
+ prototype=Linear())
+ rto_in = config.rec_state_dim * 2 + sum(x[2] for x in config.dim_embeddings)
+ self.rec_to_output = MLP(
+ activations=[Rectifier() for _ in config.dim_hidden] + [activation],
+ dims=[rto_in] + config.dim_hidden + [output_dim],
+ name='encoder_rto')
+ self.children = [self.context_embedder, self.rec, self.fork, self.rec_to_output]
+ self.rec_inputs = ['latitude', 'longitude', 'latitude_mask']
+ self.inputs = self.context_embedder.inputs + self.rec_inputs
+ def _push_allocation_config(self):
+ self.fork.input_dim = 2
+ self.fork.output_dims = [ self.rec.children[0].get_dim(name)
+ for name in self.fork.output_names ]
+ def _push_initialization_config(self):
+ for brick in self.children:
+ brick.weights_init = self.config.weights_init
+ brick.biases_init = self.config.biases_init
+ @application
+ def apply(self, latitude, longitude, latitude_mask, **kwargs):
+ latitude = (latitude.T - data.train_gps_mean[0]) / data.train_gps_std[0]
+ longitude = (longitude.T - data.train_gps_mean[1]) / data.train_gps_std[1]
+ latitude_mask = latitude_mask.T
+ rec_in = tensor.concatenate((latitude[:, :, None], longitude[:, :, None]),
+ axis=2)
+ path = self.rec.apply(self.fork.apply(rec_in), mask=latitude_mask)[0]
+ last_id = tensor.cast(latitude_mask.sum(axis=0) - 1, dtype='int64')
+ path_representation = (path[0][:, -self.config.rec_state_dim:],
+ path[last_id - 1, tensor.arange(last_id.shape[0])]
+ [:, :self.config.rec_state_dim])
+ embeddings = tuple(self.context_embedder.apply(
+ **{k: kwargs[k] for k in self.context_embedder.inputs }))
+ inputs = tensor.concatenate(path_representation + embeddings, axis=1)
+ outputs = self.rec_to_output.apply(inputs)
+ return outputs
+class Model(MemoryNetworkBase):
+ def __init__(self, config, **kwargs):
+ super(Model, self).__init__(config, **kwargs)
+ # Build prefix encoder : recurrent then MLP
+ self.prefix_encoder = RecurrentEncoder(self.config.prefix_encoder,
+ self.config.representation_size,
+ self.config.representation_activation(),
+ name='prefix_encoder')
+ # Build candidate encoder
+ self.candidate_encoder = RecurrentEncoder(self.config.candidate_encoder,
+ self.config.representation_size,
+ self.config.representation_activation(),
+ name='candidate_encoder')
+ # Rest of the stuff
+ self.softmax = Softmax()
+ self.inputs = self.prefix_encoder.inputs \
+ + ['candidate_'+k for k in self.candidate_encoder.inputs]
+ self.children = [ self.prefix_encoder,
+ self.candidate_encoder,
+ self.softmax ]
+ @application(outputs=['destination'])
+ def predict(self, **kwargs):
+ prefix_representation = self.prefix_encoder.apply(
+ **{ name: kwargs[name] for name in self.prefix_encoder.inputs })
+ candidate_representation = self.prefix_encoder.apply(
+ **{ name: kwargs['candidate_'+name] for name in self.candidate_encoder.inputs })
+ if self.config.normalize_representation:
+ candidate_representation = candidate_representation \
+ / tensor.sqrt((candidate_representation ** 2).sum(axis=1, keepdims=True))
+ similarity_score = tensor.dot(prefix_representation, candidate_representation.T)
+ similarity = self.softmax.apply(similarity_score)
+ candidate_mask = kwargs['candidate_latitude_mask']
+ candidate_last = tensor.cast(candidate_mask.sum(axis=1) - 1, 'int64')
+ candidate_destination = tensor.concatenate(
+ (kwargs['candidate_latitude'][tensor.arange(candidate_mask.shape[0]), candidate_last]
+ [:, None],
+ kwargs['candidate_longitude'][tensor.arange(candidate_mask.shape[0]), candidate_last]
+ [:, None]),
+ axis=1)
+ return tensor.dot(similarity, candidate_destination)
+ @predict.property('inputs')
+ def predict_inputs(self):
+ return self.inputs
+ @application(outputs=['cost'])
+ def cost(self, **kwargs):
+ y_hat = self.predict(**kwargs)
+ y = tensor.concatenate((kwargs['destination_latitude'][:, None],
+ kwargs['destination_longitude'][:, None]), axis=1)
+ return error.erdist(y_hat, y).mean()
+ @cost.property('inputs')
+ def cost_inputs(self):
+ return self.inputs + ['destination_latitude', 'destination_longitude']