-- U turn system for a subway -- See paper HLR-lustre.tse.ps node edge(X: bool) returns (EDGE: bool) let EDGE = X -> (X and not pre X); tel node UMS(on_A, on_B, on_C, ack_AB, ack_BC: bool) returns (grant_access, grant_exit, do_AB, do_BC: bool) var empty_section, only_on_B: bool; let grant_access = empty_section and ack_AB; grant_exit = only_on_B and ack_BC; do_AB = (not ack_AB) and empty_section; do_BC = (not ack_BC) and only_on_B; empty_section = not (on_A or on_B or on_C); only_on_B = on_B and not (on_C or on_A); tel node always_from_to(B, A, C: bool) returns (X: bool) let X = implies(after(A), always_since(B, A) or once_since(C, A)); tel node implies(A, B: bool) returns (AimpliesB: bool) let AimpliesB = (not A) or B; tel node after(A: bool) returns (afterA: bool) let afterA = false -> pre(A or afterA); tel node always_since(B, A: bool) returns (alwaysBsinceA: bool) let alwaysBsinceA = if A then B else if after(A) then B and pre alwaysBsinceA else true; tel node once_since(C, A: bool) returns (onceCsinceA: bool) let onceCsinceA = if A then C else if after(A) then C or pre onceCsinceA else true; tel node UMS_verif(on_A, on_B, on_C, ack_AB, ack_BC: bool) returns() var grant_access, grant_exit: bool; do_AB, do_BC: bool; empty_section, only_on_B: bool; let empty_section = not (on_A or on_B or on_C); only_on_B = on_B and not(on_A or on_C); assume h1: not(ack_AB and ack_BC); assume h2: always_from_to(ack_AB, ack_AB, do_BC) and always_from_to(ack_BC, ack_BC, do_AB); assume h3: empty_section -> true; assume h4: true -> implies(edge(not empty_section), pre grant_access); assume h5: true -> implies(edge(on_C), pre grant_exit); assume h6: true -> implies(edge(not on_A), on_B); assume h7: true -> implies(edge(not on_B), on_A or on_C); grant_access, grant_exit, do_AB, do_BC = UMS(on_A, on_B, on_C, ack_AB, ack_BC); guarantee no_collision: implies(grant_access, empty_section); guarantee exclusive_req: not(do_AB and do_BC); guarantee no_derail_AB: always_from_to(ack_AB, grant_access, only_on_B); guarantee no_derail_BC: always_from_to(ack_BC, grant_exit, empty_section); tel