const bound: int = 10; node updown2() returns(probe x, probe y, probe z: int) var last_x, last_y: int; let last_x = 0 -> pre x; automaton initial state UP let x = last_x + 1; tel until if x >= bound resume DOWN; state DOWN let x = last_x - 1; tel until if x <= -bound resume UP; returns x; guarantee x_bounded: x >= -bound and x <= bound; last_y = 0 -> pre y; automaton initial state DOWN let y = last_y - 1; tel until if y <= -bound resume UP; state UP let y = last_y + 1; tel until if y >= bound resume DOWN; returns y; guarantee y_bounded: y >= -bound and y <= bound; z = x + y; guarantee x_y_opp: z = 0; tel node test(i: int) returns(a, b, c: int; exit: bool) let exit = i >= 30; a, b, c = updown2(); tel