-- Cet exemple est clairement trop compliqué. node diff(incr, decr: bool) returns (diff: int) let diff = (0 -> pre diff) + (if incr and not decr then 1 else if not incr and decr then -1 else 0); tel node train(beacon, second: bool) returns (early, late: bool) var probe advance: int; let advance = diff(beacon, second); automaton initial state NotEarly let early = false; tel until if advance >= 10 resume Early; state Early let early = true; tel until if advance = 0 resume NotEarly; returns early; automaton initial state NotLate let late = false; tel until if advance <= -10 resume Late; state Late let late = true; tel until if advance = 0 resume NotLate; returns late; tel node observer(early, late: bool) returns (alarm: bool) var ontime: bool; let ontime = not (late or early); automaton initial state Ok let alarm = false; tel until if early resume Early; state Early let alarm = late and not early; tel until if ontime resume Ok; returns alarm; tel node train_check(beacon, second: bool) returns (early, late, alarm: bool) let early, late = train(beacon, second); alarm = observer(early, late); guarantee ok : not alarm; tel node test(i: int) returns(a, b, c: int; exit: bool) var early, late, alarm: bool; let exit = i >= 100; early, late, alarm = train_check((i+1) mod 2 = 0, i mod 3 = 0); c = if alarm then 1 else 0; a = if early then 1 else 0; b = if late then 1 else 0; tel