open Ast open Util (* Utility : find declaration of a const / a node *) let find_const_decl p id = match List.find (function | AST_const_decl (c, _) when c.c_name = id -> true | _ -> false) p with | AST_const_decl d -> d | _ -> assert false let find_node_decl p id = match List.find (function | AST_node_decl (c, _) when c.n_name = id -> true | _ -> false) p with | AST_node_decl d -> d | _ -> assert false let extract_const_decls = List.fold_left (fun l d -> match d with | AST_const_decl d -> d::l | _ -> l) [] (* Utility : find instances declared in an expression *) (* extract_instances : prog -> expr ext -> (id * eqs * (var_def * expr ext) list) list *) let rec extract_instances p e = match fst e with | AST_idconst _ | AST_identifier _ | AST_int_const _ | AST_real_const _ | AST_bool_const _ -> [] | AST_unary (_, e') | AST_pre (e', _) | AST_not e' -> extract_instances p e' | AST_binary(_, e1, e2) | AST_binary_rel (_, e1, e2) | AST_binary_bool (_, e1, e2) | AST_arrow(e1, e2) -> extract_instances p e1 @ extract_instances p e2 | AST_if(e1, e2, e3) -> extract_instances p e1 @ extract_instances p e2 @ extract_instances p e3 | AST_instance((f, _), args, id) -> let more = List.flatten ( (extract_instances p) args) in let (node, _) = find_node_decl p f in let args_x = List.map2 (fun id arg -> id, arg) node.args args in (id, node.body, args_x)::more (* Utility : find pre declarations in an expression *) (* extract_pre : expr ext -> (id * expr ext) list *) let rec extract_pre e = match fst e with | AST_identifier _ | AST_idconst _ | AST_int_const _ | AST_real_const _ | AST_bool_const _ -> [] | AST_unary (_, e') | AST_not e' -> extract_pre e' | AST_binary(_, e1, e2) | AST_binary_rel (_, e1, e2) | AST_binary_bool (_, e1, e2) | AST_arrow(e1, e2) -> extract_pre e1 @ extract_pre e2 | AST_if(e1, e2, e3) -> extract_pre e1 @ extract_pre e2 @ extract_pre e3 | AST_instance((f, _), args, id) -> List.flatten ( extract_pre args) | AST_pre(e', n) -> (n, e')::(extract_pre e') (* Some errors *) let combinatorial_cycle v = error ("Combinatorial cycle with variable: " ^ v) let no_variable e = error ("No such variable: " ^ e) let type_error e = error ("Type error: " ^ e) let not_implemented e = error ("Not implemented: " ^ e) let invalid_arity e = error ("Invalid arity (" ^ e ^ ")")