(* - Instanciate a program with a root node - Enumerate all the variables, give them a type - Give a type to expressions *) open Ast open Ast_util open Util type typ = | TInt | TReal | TEnum of string list let bool_true = "tt" let bool_false = "ff" let bool_type = TEnum [bool_true; bool_false] let t_of_ast_t = function | AST_TINT -> TInt | AST_TREAL -> TReal | AST_TBOOL -> bool_type (* probe? * variable full name * variable type *) type var = bool * id * typ (* path to node * subscope prefix in node * equations in scope *) type scope = id * id * eqn ext list type rooted_prog = { p : prog; no_time_scope : id -> bool; (* scopes in which not to introduce time variable *) init_scope : id -> bool; (* scopes in which to introduce init variable *) root_node : node_decl; root_scope : scope; all_vars : var list; const_vars : var list; } (* Typing *) (* type_expr_vl : prog -> var list -> string -> typ list *) let rec type_expr_vl p vl cvl node expr = let sub = type_expr_vl p vl cvl node in let err = loc_error (snd expr) type_error in match fst expr with (* Identifiers *) | AST_identifier(id, _) -> let _, _, t = List.find (fun (_, x, _) -> x = (node^"/"^id)) vl in [t] | AST_idconst(id, _) -> let _, _, t = List.find (fun (_, x, _) -> x = id) cvl in [t] (* On numerical values *) | AST_int_const _ -> [TInt] | AST_real_const _ -> [TReal] | AST_unary (_, se) -> begin match sub se with | [TInt] -> [TInt] | [TReal] -> [TReal] | _ -> err "Invalid argument for unary." end | AST_binary(_, a, b) -> begin match sub a, sub b with | [TInt], [TInt] -> [TInt] | [TReal], [TReal] -> [TReal] | [TInt], [TReal] | [TReal], [TInt] -> [TReal] | _ -> err "Invalid argument for binary." end | AST_cast(e, ty) -> begin match sub e, ty with | [x], AST_TINT -> [TInt] | [y], AST_TREAL -> [TReal] | _ -> err "Invalid arity for cast." end (* On boolean values *) | AST_bool_const _ -> [bool_type] | AST_binary_rel _ -> [bool_type] (* do not check subtypes... TODO? *) | AST_binary_bool _ -> [bool_type] (* the same *) | AST_not _ -> [bool_type] (* the same *) (* Temporal primitives *) | AST_pre(e, _) -> sub e | AST_arrow(a, b) -> let ta, tb = sub a, sub b in if ta = tb then ta else err "Arrow does not have same type on both sides." (* other *) | AST_if(c, a, b) -> let ta, tb = sub a, sub b in if ta = tb then ta else err "If does not have same type on both branches." | AST_instance((f, _), _, _) -> (* do not check types of arguments... TODO? *) let (n, _) = find_node_decl p f in List.map (fun (_, _, t) -> t_of_ast_t t) n.ret | AST_tuple x -> List.flatten (List.map sub x) (* type_expr : rp -> string -> expr -> typ list *) let type_expr rp = type_expr_vl rp.p rp.all_vars rp.const_vars let type_var tp node id = let _, _, t = List.find (fun (_, x, _) -> x = (node^"/"^id)) tp.all_vars in t (* Program rooting *) (* decls_of_node : node_decl -> var_decl list *) let decls_of_node n = n.args @ n.ret @ n.var (* vars_in_node string -> var_decl list -> var list *) let vars_in_node nid = List.map (fun (p, id, t) -> p, nid^"/"^id, t_of_ast_t t) (* node_vars : prog -> id -> string -> var list *) let node_vars p f nid = let (n, _) = find_node_decl p f in vars_in_node nid (decls_of_node n) (* clock_vars : rooted_prog -> scope -> var list *) let clock_vars rp (node, prefix, _) = let v = if not (rp.no_time_scope (node^"/"^prefix)) then [ false, node^"/"^prefix^"time", TInt; false, "N"^node^"/"^prefix^"time", TInt] else [] in let v = if rp.init_scope (node^"/"^prefix) then (false, node^"/"^prefix^"init", bool_type):: (false, "N"^node^"/"^prefix^"init", bool_type)::v else v in v (* extract_all_vars : rooted_prog -> scope -> var list Extracts all variables with names given according to naming convention used here and in transform.ml : - pre variables are not prefixed by scope - next values for variables are prefixed by capital N *) let rec extract_all_vars rp (node, prefix, eqs) n_vars = let vars_of_expr e = List.flatten (List.map (fun (f, id, eqs, args) -> let nv = node_vars rp.p f (node^"/"^id) in nv @ extract_all_vars rp (node^"/"^id, "", eqs) nv) (extract_instances rp.p e)) @ List.flatten (List.map (fun (id, expr) -> let id = node^"/"^id in let vd = List.mapi (fun i t -> false, id^"."^(string_of_int i), t) (type_expr_vl rp.p n_vars rp.const_vars node expr) in vd @ (List.map (fun (a, x, c) -> (a, "N"^x, c)) vd)) (extract_pre e)) in let vars_of_eq e = match fst e with | AST_assign(_, e) | AST_assume(_, e) -> vars_of_expr e | AST_guarantee((id, _), e) -> let gn = node^"/g_"^id in (false, gn, bool_type)::vars_of_expr e | AST_activate (b, _) -> let rec do_branch = function | AST_activate_body b -> let bvars = vars_in_node node b.act_locals in let b_scope = node, b.act_id^".", b.body in bvars @ clock_vars rp b_scope @ extract_all_vars rp b_scope (bvars@n_vars) | AST_activate_if(c, a, b) -> vars_of_expr c @ do_branch a @ do_branch b in do_branch b | AST_automaton (aid, states, ret) -> (* Determine which states can be reset *) let rst_trans = List.flatten (List.map (fun (st, _) -> List.map (fun (_, (id, _), _) -> (st.st_name, id)) (List.filter (fun (_, _, rst) -> rst) st.until)) states) in List.iter (fun (st, _) -> st.i_rst <- List.mem (st.st_name, st.st_name) rst_trans; st.o_rst <- List.exists (fun (a, b) -> b = st.st_name && a <> b) rst_trans) states; let do_state (st, _) = let tvars = List.flatten (List.map (fun (e, _, _) -> vars_of_expr e) st.until) in let st_scope = (node, aid^"."^st.st_name^".", st.body) in let svars = vars_in_node node st.st_locals in (if st.i_rst || st.o_rst then [false, node^"/"^aid^"."^st.st_name^".next_reset", bool_type] else []) @ svars @ tvars @ clock_vars rp st_scope @ extract_all_vars rp st_scope (tvars@n_vars) in let st_ids = List.map (fun (st, _) -> st.st_name) states in (false, node^"/"^aid^".state", TEnum st_ids):: (false, "N"^node^"/"^aid^".state", TEnum st_ids):: (List.flatten (List.map do_state states)) in let v = List.flatten (List.map vars_of_eq eqs) in v (* root_prog : prog -> id -> string list -> string list -> rooted_prog *) let root_prog p root no_time_scope init_scope = let (root_node, _) = try find_node_decl p root with Not_found -> error ("No such root node: " ^ root) in let root_scope = ("", "", root_node.body) in let const_vars = List.map (fun (cd, _) -> (false, cd.c_name, t_of_ast_t cd.typ)) (extract_const_decls p) in let rp = { p; root_scope; root_node; no_time_scope; init_scope; const_vars; all_vars = [] } in let root_vars = vars_in_node "" (decls_of_node root_node) in let root_clock_vars = clock_vars rp root_scope in { rp with all_vars = root_clock_vars @ root_vars @ extract_all_vars rp root_scope root_vars }