** Conflict (shift/reduce) in state 17. ** Token involved: IDENT ** This state is reached from file after reading: NODE IDENT LPAREN vars RPAREN RETURNS vars RPAREN VAR var SEMICOLON ** The derivations that appear below have the following common factor: ** (The question mark symbol (?) represents the spot where the derivations begin to differ.) file list(toplevel) EOF toplevel list(toplevel) node_decl (?) ** In state 17, looking ahead at IDENT, reducing production ** nonempty_list(terminated(var,SEMICOLON)) -> var SEMICOLON ** is permitted because of the following sub-derivation: NODE IDENT LPAREN vars RPAREN RETURNS vars RPAREN var_decl dbody // lookahead token appears because dbody can begin with IDENT VAR nonempty_list(terminated(var,SEMICOLON)) // lookahead token is inherited var SEMICOLON . ** In state 17, looking ahead at IDENT, shifting is permitted ** because of the following sub-derivation: NODE IDENT LPAREN vars RPAREN RETURNS vars RPAREN var_decl dbody VAR nonempty_list(terminated(var,SEMICOLON)) var SEMICOLON nonempty_list(terminated(var,SEMICOLON)) var SEMICOLON . IDENT COLON typ