open Ast open Lexing (* Locations *) let string_of_position p = Printf.sprintf "%s:%i:%i" p.pos_fname p.pos_lnum (p.pos_cnum - p.pos_bol) let string_of_extent (p,q) = if p.pos_fname = q.pos_fname then if p.pos_lnum = q.pos_lnum then if p.pos_cnum = q.pos_cnum then Printf.sprintf "%s:%i.%i" p.pos_fname p.pos_lnum (p.pos_cnum - p.pos_bol) else Printf.sprintf "%s:%i.%i-%i" p.pos_fname p.pos_lnum (p.pos_cnum - p.pos_bol) (q.pos_cnum - q.pos_bol) else Printf.sprintf "%s:%i.%i-%i.%i" p.pos_fname p.pos_lnum (p.pos_cnum - p.pos_bol) q.pos_lnum (q.pos_cnum - q.pos_bol) else Printf.sprintf "%s:%i.%i-%s:%i.%i" p.pos_fname p.pos_lnum (p.pos_cnum - p.pos_bol) q.pos_fname q.pos_lnum (q.pos_cnum - q.pos_bol) (* Operators *) let string_of_unary_op = function | AST_UPLUS -> "+" | AST_UMINUS -> "-" let string_of_binary_op = function | AST_MUL -> "*" | AST_DIV -> "/" | AST_MOD -> "mod" | AST_PLUS -> "+" | AST_MINUS -> "-" let string_of_binary_rel = function | AST_EQ -> "=" | AST_NE -> "<>" | AST_LT -> "<" | AST_LE -> "<=" | AST_GT -> ">" | AST_GE -> ">=" let string_of_binary_bool = function | AST_AND -> "and" | AST_OR -> "or" let unary_precedence = 99 let binary_op_precedence = function | AST_MUL| AST_DIV| AST_MOD-> 51 | AST_PLUS | AST_MINUS -> 50 let binary_rel_precedence = function | AST_EQ | AST_NE -> 41 | AST_LT | AST_LE | AST_GT | AST_GE -> 40 let binary_bool_precedence = function | AST_AND -> 31 | AST_OR -> 30 let arrow_precedence = 20 let if_precedence = 10 let expr_precedence = function | AST_unary (_, _) | AST_pre(_, _) | AST_not(_) -> unary_precedence | AST_binary(op, _, _) -> binary_op_precedence op | AST_binary_rel(r, _, _) -> binary_rel_precedence r | AST_binary_bool(r, _, _) -> binary_bool_precedence r | AST_arrow(_, _) -> arrow_precedence | AST_if(_, _, _) -> if_precedence | _ -> 100 (* utility *) let print_list f sep fmt l = let rec aux = function | [] -> () | [a] -> f fmt a | a::b -> f fmt a; Format.pp_print_string fmt sep; aux b in aux l let print_id_ext fmt (i, _) = Format.pp_print_string fmt i (* types *) let rec string_of_typ = function | AST_TINT -> "int" | AST_TBOOL -> "bool" | AST_TREAL -> "real" (* expressions *) let print_id fmt v = Format.pp_print_string fmt v let rec print_expr fmt e = match e with | AST_unary (op,(e1,_)) -> Format.pp_print_string fmt (string_of_unary_op op); if expr_precedence e1 <= expr_precedence e then Format.fprintf fmt "(%a)" print_expr e1 else Format.fprintf fmt "%a" print_expr e1 | AST_not (e1,_) -> Format.pp_print_string fmt "not "; if expr_precedence e1 <= expr_precedence e then Format.fprintf fmt "(%a)" print_expr e1 else Format.fprintf fmt "%a" print_expr e1 | AST_pre ((e1,_), _) -> Format.pp_print_string fmt "pre "; if expr_precedence e1 <= expr_precedence e then Format.fprintf fmt "(%a)" print_expr e1 else Format.fprintf fmt "%a" print_expr e1 | AST_binary (op,(e1,_),(e2,_)) -> if expr_precedence e1 < expr_precedence e then Format.fprintf fmt "(%a) " print_expr e1 else Format.fprintf fmt "%a " print_expr e1; Format.pp_print_string fmt (string_of_binary_op op); if expr_precedence e2 <= expr_precedence e then Format.fprintf fmt " (%a)" print_expr e2 else Format.fprintf fmt " %a" print_expr e2 | AST_binary_rel (op,(e1,_),(e2,_)) -> if expr_precedence e1 < expr_precedence e then Format.fprintf fmt "(%a) " print_expr e1 else Format.fprintf fmt "%a " print_expr e1; Format.pp_print_string fmt (string_of_binary_rel op); if expr_precedence e2 <= expr_precedence e then Format.fprintf fmt " (%a)" print_expr e2 else Format.fprintf fmt " %a" print_expr e2 | AST_binary_bool (op,(e1,_),(e2,_)) -> if expr_precedence e1 < expr_precedence e then Format.fprintf fmt "(%a) " print_expr e1 else Format.fprintf fmt "%a " print_expr e1; Format.pp_print_string fmt (string_of_binary_bool op); if expr_precedence e2 <= expr_precedence e then Format.fprintf fmt " (%a)" print_expr e2 else Format.fprintf fmt " %a" print_expr e2 | AST_arrow ((e1,_),(e2,_)) -> if expr_precedence e1 < expr_precedence e then Format.fprintf fmt "(%a) " print_expr e1 else Format.fprintf fmt "%a " print_expr e1; Format.pp_print_string fmt "->"; if expr_precedence e2 <= expr_precedence e then Format.fprintf fmt " (%a)" print_expr e2 else Format.fprintf fmt " %a" print_expr e2 | AST_int_const (i,_) -> Format.pp_print_string fmt i | AST_real_const (i,_) -> Format.pp_print_string fmt i | AST_bool_const b -> Format.pp_print_bool fmt b | AST_if((c,_), (t,_), (e,_)) -> Format.fprintf fmt "if %a then %a else %a" print_expr c print_expr t print_expr e | AST_identifier (v,_) -> print_id fmt v | AST_idconst (v,_) -> print_id fmt v | AST_instance ((i,_),l, _) -> Format.fprintf fmt "%a(%a)" print_id i (print_list print_expr ", ") ( fst l) (* equations *) let indent ind = ind^" " let rec print_vars ind fmt = function | [] -> () | v -> Format.fprintf fmt "%svar" ind; List.iter (fun d -> Format.fprintf fmt " %a;" print_var_decl d) v; Format.fprintf fmt "@\n"; and print_var_decl fmt (pr, (i, _), ty) = Format.fprintf fmt "%s%s: %s" (if pr then "probe " else "") i (string_of_typ ty) and print_body ind fmt body = Format.fprintf fmt "%slet@\n%a%stel@\n" ind (print_block ind) body ind and print_eqn ind fmt = function | AST_assign (l,(e,_)) -> Format.fprintf fmt "%s%a = %a;@\n" ind (print_list print_id_ext ", ") l print_expr e | AST_assume((i, _), (e, _)) -> Format.fprintf fmt "%sassume %s: %a;@\n" ind i print_expr e | AST_guarantee((i, _), (e, _)) -> Format.fprintf fmt "%sguarantee %s: %a;@\n" ind i print_expr e | AST_automaton a -> print_automaton ind fmt a | AST_activate a -> print_activate ind fmt a and print_activate ind fmt (x, r) = Format.fprintf fmt "%sactivate@\n" ind; print_activate_if (indent ind) fmt x; Format.fprintf fmt "%sreturns %a;@\n" ind (print_list print_id ", ") r and print_activate_if ind fmt = function | AST_activate_if((c, _), t, e) -> Format.fprintf fmt "%sif %a then@\n" ind print_expr c; print_activate_if (indent ind) fmt t; Format.fprintf fmt "%selse@\n" ind; print_activate_if (indent ind) fmt e | AST_activate_body(b) -> print_vars ind fmt b.act_locals; print_body ind fmt b.body and print_automaton ind fmt (n, sts, r) = Format.fprintf fmt "%sautomaton %s@\n" ind n; List.iter (print_state (indent ind) fmt) sts; Format.fprintf fmt "%sreturns %a;@\n" ind (print_list print_id ", ") r and print_state ind fmt (st, _) = Format.fprintf fmt "%s%sstate %s@\n" ind (if st.initial then "initial " else "") st.st_name; print_vars ind fmt st.st_locals; print_body ind fmt st.body; if st.until <> [] then begin Format.fprintf fmt "%suntil@\n" ind; List.iter (fun ((e, _),(s, _), reset) -> Format.fprintf fmt "%sif %a %s %s;@\n" (indent ind) print_expr e (if reset then "restart" else "resume") s) st.until end and print_block ind fmt b = List.iter (fun (bb,_) -> print_eqn (indent ind) fmt bb) b (* declarations *) and print_node_decl fmt (d : node_decl) = Format.fprintf fmt "node %s(%a) returns(%a)@\n" d.n_name (print_list print_var_decl "; ") d.args (print_list print_var_decl "; ") d.ret; print_vars "" fmt d.var; print_body "" fmt d.body let print_const_decl fmt (d : const_decl) = Format.fprintf fmt "const %s: %s = %a@\n@\n" d.c_name (string_of_typ d.typ) print_expr (fst d.value) let print_toplevel fmt = function | AST_node_decl (n, _) -> print_node_decl fmt n | AST_const_decl (c, _) -> print_const_decl fmt c let print_prog fmt p = List.iter (print_toplevel fmt) p