@INPROCEEDINGS{halbwachs94c, AUTHOR={N. Halbwachs}, TITLE={About synchronous programming and abstract interpretation}, BOOKTITLE={International Symposium on Static Analysis, SAS'94}, EDITOR = {B. {LeCharlier}}, PUBLISHER = {LNCS 864, Springer Verlag}, ADDRESS = {Namur (belgium)}, MONTH = {September}, YEAR= 1994 } @ARTICLE{lesartse, AUTHOR = {N. Halbwachs and F. Lagnier and C. Ratel }, TITLE = {Programming and verifying real-time systems by means of the synchronous data-flow programming language Lustre}, JOURNAL = {IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, Special Issue on the Specification and Analysis of Real-Time Systems}, MONTH={September }, YEAR=1992 }