open Ast open Formula open Util exception Bot module type ENUM_ENVIRONMENT_DOMAIN = sig type t type item = string (* construction *) val top : (id * item list) list -> t (* variable management *) val vars : t -> (id * item list) list val forgetvar : t -> id -> t val project : t -> id -> item list (* set-theoretic operations *) val join : t -> t -> t (* union *) val meet : t -> t -> t (* intersection, may raise Bot *) val subset : t -> t -> bool val eq : t -> t -> bool (* abstract operations *) val apply_cons : t -> enum_cons -> t list (* may disjunct *) val assign : t -> (id * id) list -> t (* pretty-printing *) val print : Format.formatter -> t -> unit end module Valuation : ENUM_ENVIRONMENT_DOMAIN = struct type item = string type t = { vars : (id * item list) list; value : item VarMap.t; } let top vars = { vars; value = VarMap.empty } let vars x = x.vars let forgetvar x id = { x with value = VarMap.remove id x.value } let project x id = try [VarMap.find id x.value] with Not_found -> List.assoc id x.vars let join x1 x2 = let v = VarMap.merge (fun _ a b -> match a, b with | Some a, Some b when a = b -> Some a | _ -> None) x1.value x2.value in { x1 with value = v } let meet x1 x2 = let v = VarMap.merge (fun _ a b -> match a, b with | Some a, None | None, Some a -> Some a | Some a, Some b -> if a = b then Some a else raise Bot | _ -> None) x1.value x2.value in { x1 with value = v } let subset a b = VarMap.for_all (fun id v -> try v = VarMap.find id b.value with Not_found -> true) a.value let eq a b = VarMap.equal (=) a.value b.value let cc op = match op with | E_EQ -> (=) | E_NE -> (<>) let apply_cons x (op, id, e) = match e with | EItem s -> begin try let t = VarMap.find id x.value in if cc op s t then [x] else [] with Not_found -> (fun v -> { x with value = VarMap.add id v x.value }) (List.filter (cc op s) (List.assoc id x.vars)) end | EIdent id2 -> match (try Some (VarMap.find id x.value) with _ -> None), (try Some (VarMap.find id2 x.value) with _ -> None) with | None, None -> [x] | None, Some s -> (fun v -> { x with value = VarMap.add id v x.value}) (List.filter (cc op s) (List.assoc id x.vars)) | Some s, None -> (fun v -> { x with value = VarMap.add id2 v x.value}) (List.filter (cc op s) (List.assoc id2 x.vars)) | Some s, Some t -> if cc op s t then [x] else [] let assign x idl = let v = List.fold_left (fun v (id, id2) -> try VarMap.add id (VarMap.find id2 x.value) v with Not_found -> VarMap.remove id v ) x.value idl in { x with value = v } let print fmt x = let b = (fun (x, y) -> y, x) (VarMap.bindings x.value) in let s = List.sort b in let rec bl = function | [] -> [] | (v, id)::q -> begin match bl q with | (vv, ids)::q when vv = v -> (v, id::ids)::q | r -> (v, [id])::r end in let sbl = bl s in Format.fprintf fmt "@[{ "; List.iteri (fun j (v, ids) -> if j > 0 then Format.fprintf fmt "@ "; Format.fprintf fmt "@["; List.iteri (fun i id -> if i > 0 then Format.fprintf fmt ",@ "; Format.fprintf fmt "%a" Formula_printer.print_id id) ids; Format.fprintf fmt " ≡ %s@]" v) sbl; Format.fprintf fmt " }@]" end