open Ast open Ast_util open Formula open Typing open Cmdline open Util open Abs_domain open Varenv module I (D0 : ENVIRONMENT_DOMAIN) : sig val do_prog : cmdline_opt -> rooted_prog -> unit end = struct (* Abstract analysis based on dynamic partitionning of the state space. Idea : use somme conditions appearing in the text of the program as disjunctions. We don't want to consider them all at once in the first place because it would be way too costly ; instead we try to dynamically partition tye system. But we haven't got a very good heuristic for that, so it doesn't work very well. *) type location = { id : int; depth : int; mutable def : D0.t; is_init : bool; mutable f : bool_expr; mutable cl : conslist; (* For chaotic iteration fixpoint *) mutable in_c : int; mutable v : D0.t; mutable out_t : int list; mutable in_t : int list; mutable verif_g : id list; mutable violate_g : id list; } type env = { rp : rooted_prog; opt : cmdline_opt; ve : varenv; (* program expressions *) f : bool_expr; guarantees : (id * bool_expr * id) list; (* data *) loc : (int, location) Hashtbl.t; counter : int ref; } (* ************************** ABSTRACT VALUES ************************** *) (* apply_cl : D0.t -> conslist -> D0.t *) let rec apply_cl v (ec, nc, r) = begin match r with | CLTrue -> D0.apply_ncl (D0.apply_ecl v ec) nc | CLFalse -> D0.bottom (D0.varenv v) | CLAnd(a, b) -> let v = apply_cl v (ec, nc, a) in let v = apply_cl v ([], nc, b) in v | CLOr((eca, nca, ra), (ecb, ncb, rb)) -> let a = apply_cl v (ec@eca, nc@nca, ra) in let b = apply_cl v (ec@ecb, nc@ncb, rb) in D0.join a b end (* apply_cl_all_cases : D0.t -> conslist -> D0.t list *) let rec apply_cl_all_cases v (ec, nc, r) = match r with | CLTrue -> let v = D0.apply_ncl (D0.apply_ecl v ec) nc in if D0.is_bot v then [] else [v] | CLFalse -> [] | CLAnd(a, b) -> let q1 = apply_cl_all_cases v (ec, nc, a) in List.flatten ( (fun c -> apply_cl_all_cases c ([], [], b)) q1) | CLOr((eca, nca, ra), (ecb, ncb, rb)) -> let la = apply_cl_all_cases v (ec@eca, nc@nca, ra) in let lb = apply_cl_all_cases v (ec@ecb, nc@ncb, rb) in lb@(List.filter (fun a -> not (List.exists (fun b -> D0.eq a b) lb)) la) (* *************************** INTERPRET *************************** *) (* init_env : cmdline_opt -> rooted_prog -> env *) let init_env opt rp = let f = Transform.f_of_prog_incl_init rp false in let f = simplify_k (get_root_true f) f in Format.printf "Complete formula:@.%a@.@." Formula_printer.print_expr f; let facts = get_root_true f in let f, rp, repls = List.fold_left (fun (f, (rp : rooted_prog), repls) eq -> match eq with | BEnumCons(E_EQ, a, EIdent b) when a.[0] <> 'L' && b.[0] <> 'L' -> let a = try List.assoc a repls with Not_found -> a in let b = try List.assoc b repls with Not_found -> b in if a = b then f, rp, repls else begin let keep, repl = if String.length a <= String.length b then a, b else b, a in Format.printf "Replacing %s with %s@." repl keep; let f = formula_replace_evars [repl, keep; "L"^repl, "L"^keep] f in let rp = { rp with all_vars = List.filter (fun (_, id, _) -> id <> repl) rp.all_vars } in let repls = [repl, keep; "L"^repl, "L"^keep]@ ( (fun (r, k) -> r, if k = repl then keep else k) repls) in f, rp, repls end | _ -> f, rp, repls) (f, rp, []) facts in let f = simplify_k (get_root_true f) f in Format.printf "Complete formula after simpl:@.%a@.@." Formula_printer.print_expr f; let guarantees = Transform.guarantees_of_prog rp in let guarantees = (fun (id, f, v) -> id, formula_replace_evars repls f, v) guarantees in Format.printf "Guarantees:@."; List.iter (fun (id, f, _) -> Format.printf " %s: %a@." id Formula_printer.print_expr f) guarantees; Format.printf "@."; let ve = mk_varenv rp opt.disjunct f (conslist_of_f f) in let env = { rp; opt; ve; f; guarantees; loc = Hashtbl.create 2; counter = ref 2; } in (* add initial disjunction : L/must_reset = tt, L/must_reset ≠ tt *) let id = let i = ref 0 in fun () -> (incr i; !i) in let add_loc is_init conds = let cf = simplify_k conds f in let cf = simplify_k (get_root_true cf) cf in let id = id() in Hashtbl.add env.loc id { id; depth = 0; def = apply_cl ( (conslist_of_f cf); is_init; f = cf; cl = conslist_of_f cf; in_c = 0; v = D0.bottom; out_t = []; in_t = []; verif_g = []; violate_g = []; }; in add_loc true [BEnumCons(E_EQ, "L/must_reset", EItem bool_true)]; let rec div_g conds = function | [] -> add_loc false conds | (_, _, v)::r -> add_loc false ((BEnumCons(E_NE, v, EItem bool_true))::conds); div_g ((BEnumCons(E_EQ, v, EItem bool_true))::conds) r in div_g [BEnumCons(E_NE, "L/must_reset", EItem bool_true)] env.guarantees; env (* ternary_conds : bool_expr -> bool_expr list *) let rec ternary_conds = function | BAnd(a, b) -> ternary_conds a @ ternary_conds b | BTernary(c, a, b) as x -> [c, x] | _ -> [] (* pass_cycle : env -> edd_v -> edd_v unpass_cycle : env -> edd_v -> edd_v set_target_case : env -> edd_v -> bool_expr -> edd_v cycle : env -> edd_v -> conslist -> edd_v *) let pass_cycle env v = let assign_e, assign_n = List.fold_left (fun (ae, an) (a, b, t) -> match t with | TEnum _ -> (a, b)::ae, an | TInt | TReal -> ae, (a, NIdent b)::an) ([], []) env.cycle in let v = D0.eassign v assign_e in let v = D0.nassign v assign_n in D0.forgetvars v ( fst env.forget) let unpass_cycle env v = let assign_e, assign_n = List.fold_left (fun (ae, an) (a, b, t) -> match t with | TEnum _ -> (b, a)::ae, an | TInt | TReal -> ae, (b, NIdent a)::an) ([], []) in let v = D0.eassign v assign_e in let v = D0.nassign v assign_n in D0.forgetvars v ( fst (* print_locs : env -> unit *) let print_locs_defs e = Hashtbl.iter (fun id loc -> Format.printf "q%d: @[%a@]@." id D0.print loc.def; ) e.loc let print_locs e = Hashtbl.iter (fun id loc -> Format.printf "@."; Format.printf "q%d (depth = %d):@. D: @[%a@]@." id loc.depth D0.print loc.def; (*Format.printf " F: (%a)@." Formula_printer.print_expr loc.f;*) Format.printf " V: %a@." D0.print loc.v; Format.printf " -> @[[%a]@]@." (print_list (fun fmt i -> Format.fprintf fmt "q%d" i) ", ") loc.out_t; ) e.loc let dump_graphwiz_trans_graph e file = let o = open_out file in let fmt = Format.formatter_of_out_channel o in Format.fprintf fmt "digraph G{@."; Hashtbl.iter (fun id loc -> if loc.is_init then Format.fprintf fmt " q%d [shape=doublecircle, label=\"q%d [%a]\"];@." id id (print_list Format.pp_print_string ", ") loc.violate_g else Format.fprintf fmt " q%d [label=\"q%d [%a]\"];@." id id (print_list Format.pp_print_string ", ") loc.violate_g; let n1 = List.length loc.violate_g in List.iter (fun v -> let n2 = List.length (Hashtbl.find e.loc v).violate_g in let c, w = if n2 > n1 then "#770000", 1 else "black", 2 in Format.fprintf fmt " q%d -> q%d [color = \"%s\", weight = %d];@." id v c w) loc.out_t) e.loc; Format.fprintf fmt "}@."; close_out o (* chaotic_iter : env -> unit Fills the values of loc[*].v, and updates out_t and in_t *) let chaotic_iter e = let delta = ref [] in (* Fill up initial states *) Hashtbl.iter (fun q loc -> loc.out_t <- []; loc.in_t <- []; loc.in_c <- 0; if loc.is_init then begin loc.v <- apply_cl (; delta := q::!delta end else loc.v <- D0.bottom e.loc; (*print_locs_defs e;*) (* Iterate *) let it_counter = ref 0 in while !delta <> [] do let s = List.hd !delta in let loc = Hashtbl.find e.loc s in incr it_counter; Format.printf "@.Iteration %d: q%d@." !it_counter s; let start = loc.v in let f i = (*Format.printf "I: %a@." D0.print i;*) let i' = i (unpass_cycle e loc.def) in (*Format.printf "I': %a@." D0.print i';*) let j = D0.join start (apply_cl ( (pass_cycle i') loc.def) in (*Format.printf "J: %a@." D0.print j;*) j in let rec iter n i = let fi = f i in let j = if n < e.opt.widen_delay then D0.join i fi else D0.widen i fi in if D0.eq i j then i else iter (n+1) j in let y = iter 0 start in let z = f y in let u = pass_cycle z in if e.opt.verbose_ci then Format.printf "Fixpoint: %a@. mem fp: %a@." D0.print z D0.print u; loc.v <- z; Hashtbl.iter (fun t loc2 -> let v = u loc2.def in let w = apply_cl v in (*Format.printf "u: %a@.v: %a@. w: %a@." D0.print u D0.print v D0.print w;*) if not (D0.is_bot w) then begin if e.opt.verbose_ci then Format.printf "%d -> %d with:@. %a@." s t D0.print w; if not (List.mem s loc2.in_t) then loc2.in_t <- s::loc2.in_t; if not (List.mem t loc.out_t) then loc.out_t <- t::loc.out_t; if not (D0.subset w loc2.v) then begin if loc2.in_c < e.opt.widen_delay then loc2.v <- D0.join loc2.v w else loc2.v <- D0.widen loc2.v w; loc2.in_c <- loc2.in_c + 1; if not (List.mem t !delta) then delta := t::!delta end end) e.loc; delta := List.filter ((<>) s) !delta; done; (* remove useless locations *) let useless = ref [] in Hashtbl.iter (fun i loc -> if D0.is_bot loc.v then begin Format.printf "Useless location detected: q%d@." i; useless := i::!useless end) e.loc; List.iter (Hashtbl.remove e.loc) !useless; (* check which states verify/violate guarantees *) Hashtbl.iter (fun _ loc -> let verif, violate = List.partition (fun (_, f, _) -> D0.is_bot (apply_cl loc.v (conslist_of_f f))) e.guarantees in loc.verif_g <- (fun (a, b, c) -> a) verif; loc.violate_g <- (fun (a, b, c) -> a) violate) e.loc; print_locs e; () let do_prog opt rp = let e = init_env opt rp in let rec iter n = Format.printf "@.--------------@.Refinement #%d@." n; chaotic_iter e; dump_graphwiz_trans_graph e (Format.sprintf "/tmp/" n); let qc = ref None in if Hashtbl.length e.loc < e.opt.max_dp_width then begin (* put true or false conditions into location definition *) Hashtbl.iter (fun q (loc : location) -> let rec iter () = try let cond, _ = List.find (fun (c, _) -> D0.is_bot (apply_cl loc.v (conslist_of_f c)) || D0.is_bot (apply_cl loc.v (conslist_of_f (BNot c)))) (ternary_conds loc.f) in let tr = if D0.is_bot (apply_cl loc.v (conslist_of_f cond)) then BNot cond else cond in loc.def <- apply_cl loc.def (conslist_of_f tr); loc.f <- simplify_k [tr] loc.f; loc.f <- simplify_k (get_root_true loc.f) loc.f; <- conslist_of_f loc.f; iter() with Not_found -> () in iter ()) e.loc; (* find splitting condition *) let voi = (fun (a, b, c) -> c) e.guarantees in Hashtbl.iter (fun q (loc:location) -> if loc.depth < e.opt.max_dp_depth then let cs = ternary_conds loc.f in List.iter (fun (c, exprs) -> let cases_t = apply_cl_all_cases ( (conslist_of_f c) in let cases_f = apply_cl_all_cases ( (conslist_of_f (BNot c)) in let cases = List.mapi (fun i c -> i, c) (cases_t @ cases_f) in if List.length (List.filter (fun (_, case) -> not (D0.is_bot ( loc.v case))) cases) >= 2 then (* calculate which transitions qi -> q stay or are destroyed (approximation) *) let in_tc = List.flatten @@ (fun qi -> let loci = Hashtbl.find e.loc qi in let v = apply_cl ( (pass_cycle loci.v) loc.def) in (fun (ci, case) -> qi, ci, not (D0.is_bot ( v case))) cases) loc.in_t in (* calculate which transitions q -> qo stay or are destroyed (approximation) *) let out_tc = List.flatten @@ (fun (ci, case) -> let v = loc.v case in (fun qo -> let loco = Hashtbl.find e.loc qo in let w = apply_cl ( (pass_cycle v) loco.def) in qo, ci, not (D0.is_bot w)) loc.out_t) cases in (* calculate which cases have a good number of disappearing transitions *) let fa = let cs_sc = (fun (ci, case) -> let a = List.length (List.filter (fun (qi, c, a) -> not a && c = ci) in_tc) in let b = List.length (List.filter (fun (qo, c, a) -> not a && c = ci) out_tc) in a + b + a * b) cases in let a = List.fold_left max 0 cs_sc in let b = if a = 0 then 0 else List.length @@ List.filter (fun qi -> let qos = List.flatten @@ (fun (cid, c) -> if List.exists (fun (qi0, c0, a) -> a && qi0 = qi && c0 = cid) in_tc then (fun (qo, _, _) -> qo) @@ List.filter (fun (_, c1, a) -> a && cid = c1) out_tc else []) cases in List.exists (fun qo -> not (List.mem qo qos)) loc.out_t) loc.in_t in 5 * a + 17 * b in if fa <> 0 then begin (* calculate which states become inaccessible *) let fb = if List.for_all (fun (_, _, a) -> a) out_tc then 0 else let ff id = (* transition function for new graph *) if id >= 1000000 then let case = id - 1000000 in (fun (qo, _, _) -> qo) (List.filter (fun (_, c, a) -> c = case && a) out_tc) else let out_t = (Hashtbl.find e.loc id).out_t in if List.mem out_t then ( (fun (_, c, _) -> c + 1000000) (List.filter (fun (qi, _, a) -> qi = id && a) in_tc)) @ (List.filter ((<>) id) out_t) else out_t in let memo = Hashtbl.create 12 in let rec do_x id = if not (Hashtbl.mem memo id) then begin Hashtbl.add memo id (); List.iter do_x (ff id) end in Hashtbl.iter (fun i loc2 -> if loc2.is_init && i <> then do_x i) e.loc; if loc.is_init then List.iter (fun (ci, _) -> do_x (ci+1000000)) cases; let disappear_count = (Hashtbl.length e.loc + List.length cases) - (Hashtbl.length memo) in 21 * disappear_count in (* calculate in/out count, weighted by changing guarantees *) let fc = 1 * (2 * List.length loc.out_t + List.length loc.in_t) in (* calculate number of VOI (variables of interest) that are affected *) let fd = let vlist = refd_evars_of_f exprs in 3 * List.length (List.filter (fun v -> List.mem v vlist) voi) in (* give score to split *) let score = if fa = 0 then 0 else fa + fb + fc + fd in Format.printf " %5d + %5d + %5d + %5d = %5d (q%d)@." fa fb fc fd score; if score > 0 && match !qc with | None -> true | Some (s, _, _, _, _) -> score >= s then qc := Some(score, q, c, cases_t, cases_f) end) cs ) e.loc; match !qc with | None -> Format.printf "@.Found no more possible refinement.@.@." | Some (score, q, c, cases_t, cases_f) -> Format.printf "@.Refine q%d : @[[ %a ]@]@." q (print_list D0.print ", ") (cases_t@cases_f); let loc = Hashtbl.find e.loc q in Hashtbl.remove e.loc; let handle_case cc case = if not (D0.is_bot ( loc.v case)) then let ff = simplify_k [cc] loc.f in let ff = simplify_k (get_root_true ff) ff in let loc2 = { loc with id = (incr e.counter; !(e.counter)); depth = loc.depth + 1; def = loc.def case; f = ff; cl = conslist_of_f ff } in Hashtbl.add e.loc loc2 in List.iter (handle_case c) cases_t; List.iter (handle_case (BNot c)) cases_f; iter (n+1) end in iter 0; (* Check guarantees *) let check_guarantee (id, f, _) = Format.printf "@["; let cl = Formula.conslist_of_f f in Format.printf "%s:@ %a ⇒ ⊥ @ " id Formula_printer.print_conslist cl; let violate = ref [] in Hashtbl.iter (fun lid loc -> if List.mem id loc.violate_g then violate := lid::!violate) e.loc; if !violate = [] then Format.printf "OK" else Format.printf "VIOLATED in @[[ %a ]@]" (print_list (fun fmt i -> Format.fprintf fmt "q%d" i) ", ") !violate; Format.printf "@]@ "; in if e.guarantees <> [] then begin Format.printf "Guarantee @["; List.iter check_guarantee e.guarantees; Format.printf "@]@." end; (* Examine probes *) if List.exists (fun (p, _, _) -> p) then begin let final = Hashtbl.fold (fun _ loc v -> D0.join v loc.v) e.loc (D0.bottom in Format.printf "Probes: @["; List.iter (fun (p, id, ty) -> if p then match ty with | TInt | TReal -> Format.printf "%a ∊ %a@ " Formula_printer.print_id id D0.print_itv (D0.nproject final id) | TEnum _ -> Format.printf "%a : enum variable@ " Formula_printer.print_id id); Format.printf "@]@." end end