open Ast open Ast_util open Formula open Util open Environment_domain module I (E : ENVIRONMENT_DOMAIN) : sig type st val do_prog : int -> prog -> id -> unit end = struct type st = { p : prog; widen_delay : int; root_scope : scope; all_vars : var_def list; env : E.t; f : bool_expr; cl : conslist; } let node_vars p f nid = let (n, _) = find_node_decl p f in (fun (p, id, t) -> p, nid^"/"^id, t) (n.args @ n.ret @ n.var) (* extract_all_vars : prog -> scope -> var_decl list Extracts all variables with names given according to naming convention used here and in : - pre variables are not prefixed by scope - next values for variables are prefixed by capital N *) let rec extract_all_vars p (node, prefix, eqs) = let vars_of_expr e = List.flatten ( (fun (f, id, eqs, args) -> node_vars p f (node^"/"^id) @ extract_all_vars p (node^"/"^id, "", eqs)) (extract_instances p e)) @ List.flatten ( (fun (id, _) -> [false, id, AST_TINT; false, "N"^id, AST_TINT]) (* TODO : type of pre value ? *) (extract_pre e)) in let vars_of_eq e = match fst e with | AST_assign(_, e) | AST_assume(_, e) | AST_guarantee(_, e) -> vars_of_expr e | AST_activate (b, _) -> let rec do_branch = function | AST_activate_body b -> (fun (p, id, t) -> p, node^"/"^id, t) b.act_locals @ extract_all_vars p (node, b.act_id^".", b.body) | AST_activate_if(c, a, b) -> vars_of_expr c @ do_branch a @ do_branch b in do_branch b | AST_automaton _ -> not_implemented "extract_all vars automaton" in (false, node^"/"^prefix^"time", AST_TINT):: (false, "N"^node^"/"^prefix^"time", AST_TINT):: (List.flatten ( vars_of_eq eqs)) (* init state *) let init_state widen_delay p root = let root_scope = get_root_scope p root in let f = Formula.eliminate_not (Transform.f_of_prog p root) in let cl = Formula.conslist_of_f f in let all_vars = node_vars p root "" @ extract_all_vars p root_scope in let env = List.fold_left (fun env (_, id, ty) -> E.addvar env id (ty = AST_TREAL)) E.init all_vars in let init_f = Transform.init_f_of_prog p root in Format.printf "Init formula: %a@.@." Formula_printer.print_expr init_f; Format.printf "Cycle formula: %a@.@." Formula_printer.print_expr f; Format.printf "Vars: @[%a@]@.@." (Ast_printer.print_list Ast_printer.print_var_decl ", ") all_vars; let env = E.apply_f env init_f in { p; root_scope; widen_delay; f; cl; all_vars; env } (* pass_cycle : var_def list -> E.t -> E.t Does : - x <- Nx, for all x - ignore x for all x such that Nx does not exist *) let pass_cycle vars e = let tr_assigns = List.fold_left (fun q (_, id, _) -> if id.[0] = 'N' then (String.sub id 1 (String.length id - 1), NIdent id)::q else q) [] vars in let e = E.assign e tr_assigns in let forget_vars = (fun (_, id, _) -> id) (List.filter (fun (_, id, _) -> not (List.exists (fun (_, id2, _) -> id2 = "N"^id) vars)) vars) in let e = List.fold_left E.forgetvar e forget_vars in e (* cycle : st -> cl -> env -> env *) let cycle st cl i = (pass_cycle st.all_vars (E.apply_cl i cl)) (* loop : st -> cl -> env -> env -> env *) let loop st cycle_cl pnew stay = Format.printf "Loop @[%a@]@.New @[%a@]@.Stay @[%a@]@." Formula_printer.print_conslist cycle_cl E.print_all pnew E.print_all stay; let add_stay = cycle st cycle_cl pnew in let acc0 = E.join stay add_stay in let fsharp i = Format.printf "Acc @[%a@]@." E.print_all i; let j = cycle st cycle_cl i in E.join acc0 j in let rec iter n i = let i' = if n < st.widen_delay then E.join i (fsharp i) else E.widen i (fsharp i) in if E.eq i i' then i else iter (n+1) i' in let x = iter 0 acc0 in fix E.eq fsharp x (* decreasing iteration *) (* do_prog : prog -> id -> unit *) let do_prog widen_delay p root = let st = init_state widen_delay p root in let pnew = st.env in let stay = loop st pnew (E.vbottom pnew) in let final = E.join (E.apply_cl pnew (E.apply_cl stay in Format.printf "@[Final %a@]@." E.print_all final; Format.printf "Probes:@["; List.iter (fun (p, id, _) -> if p then Format.printf "@ %a ∊ %a," Formula_printer.print_id id E.print_itv (E.var_itv final id)) st.all_vars; Format.printf "@]@." end