path: root/abstract
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'abstract')
5 files changed, 433 insertions, 47 deletions
diff --git a/abstract/ b/abstract/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..28f9238
--- /dev/null
+++ b/abstract/
@@ -0,0 +1,375 @@
+open Ast
+open Ast_util
+open Formula
+open Typing
+open Cmdline
+open Util
+open Num_domain
+open Enum_domain
+open Varenv
+: sig
+ val do_prog : cmdline_opt -> rooted_prog -> unit
+end = struct
+ type abs_v = ED.t * ND.t
+ type location = {
+ id : int;
+ def : bool_expr list; (* conjunction of formula *)
+ def_cl : conslist;
+ is_init : bool;
+ f : bool_expr;
+ cl : conslist;
+ (* For chaotic iteration fixpoint *)
+ mutable star : bool;
+ mutable in_c : int;
+ mutable v : abs_v;
+ mutable out_t : int list;
+ mutable in_t : int list;
+ }
+ type env = {
+ rp : rooted_prog;
+ opt : cmdline_opt;
+ ve : varenv;
+ (* program expressions *)
+ f : bool_expr;
+ guarantees : (id * bool_expr) list;
+ (* data *)
+ loc : (int, location) Hashtbl.t;
+ counter : int ref;
+ }
+ (* **************************
+ ************************** *)
+ (*
+ top : env -> abs_v
+ bottom : env -> abs_v
+ *)
+ let top e = (,
+ let bottom e = (, ND.bottom
+ let is_bot (e, n) = ND.is_bot n
+ let print_v fmt (enum, num) =
+ if is_bot (enum, num) then
+ Format.fprintf fmt "⊥"
+ else
+ Format.fprintf fmt "@[<hov 4>(%a,@ %a)@]" ED.print enum ND.print num
+ (*
+ join : abs_v -> abs_v -> abs_v
+ meet : abs_v -> abs_v -> abs_v
+ *)
+ let join (e1, n1) (e2, n2) =
+ if is_bot (e1, n1) then (e2, n2)
+ else if is_bot (e2, n2) then (e1, n1)
+ else (ED.join e1 e2, ND.join n1 n2)
+ let meet (e1, n1) (e2, n2) =
+ if is_bot (e1, n1) then ED.vtop e1, ND.vbottom n1
+ else if is_bot (e2, n2) then ED.vtop e2, ND.vbottom n2
+ else
+ try ( e1 e2 , n1 n2)
+ with Bot -> e1, ND.vbottom n1
+ (*
+ apply_cl : abs_v -> conslist -> abs_v
+ *)
+ let rec apply_cl (enum, num) (ec, nc, r) =
+ try
+ begin match r with
+ | CLTrue ->
+ (ED.apply_cl enum ec, ND.apply_cl num nc)
+ | CLFalse ->
+ (enum, ND.vbottom num)
+ | CLAnd(a, b) ->
+ let enum, num = apply_cl (enum, num) (ec, nc, a) in
+ let enum, num = apply_cl (enum, num) ([], nc, b) in
+ enum, num
+ | CLOr((eca, nca, ra), (ecb, ncb, rb)) ->
+ let a = apply_cl (enum, num) (ec@eca, nc@nca, ra) in
+ let b = apply_cl (enum, num) (ec@ecb, nc@ncb, rb) in
+ join a b
+ end
+ with Bot -> ED.vtop enum, ND.vbottom num
+ (* ***************************
+ *************************** *)
+ (*
+ init_env : cmdline_opt -> rooted_prog -> env
+ *)
+ let init_env opt rp =
+ let f = Transform.f_of_prog_incl_init rp false in
+ let f = simplify_k (get_root_true f) f in
+ Format.printf "Complete formula:@.%a@.@." Formula_printer.print_expr f;
+ let facts = get_root_true f in
+ let f, rp, _ = List.fold_left
+ (fun (f, (rp : rooted_prog), repls) eq ->
+ match eq with
+ | BEnumCons(E_EQ, a, EIdent b)
+ when a.[0] <> 'L' && b.[0] <> 'L' ->
+ let a = try List.assoc a repls with Not_found -> a in
+ let b = try List.assoc b repls with Not_found -> b in
+ if a = b then
+ f, rp, repls
+ else begin
+ let keep, repl =
+ if String.length a <= String.length b
+ then a, b
+ else b, a
+ in
+ Format.printf "Replacing %s with %s@." repl keep;
+ let f = formula_replace_evars [repl, keep; "L"^repl, "L"^keep] f in
+ let rp =
+ { rp with all_vars =
+ List.filter (fun (_, id, _) -> id <> repl) rp.all_vars } in
+ let repls = (repl, keep)::
+ ( (fun (r, k) -> r, if k = repl then keep else k) repls) in
+ f, rp, repls
+ end
+ | _ -> f, rp, repls)
+ (f, rp, []) facts in
+ let f = simplify_k (get_root_true f) f in
+ Format.printf "Complete formula after simpl:@.%a@.@."
+ Formula_printer.print_expr f;
+ let guarantees = Transform.guarantees_of_prog rp in
+ Format.printf "Guarantees:@.";
+ List.iter (fun (id, f) ->
+ Format.printf " %s: %a@." id Formula_printer.print_expr f)
+ guarantees;
+ Format.printf "@.";
+ let ve = mk_varenv rp f (conslist_of_f f) in
+ let env = {
+ rp; opt; ve; f; guarantees;
+ loc = Hashtbl.create 2; counter = ref 2; } in
+ (* add initial disjunction : L/must_reset = tt, L/must_reset ≠ tt *)
+ let rstc = [BEnumCons(E_EQ, "L/must_reset", EItem bool_true)] in
+ let rstf = simplify_k rstc f in
+ let rstf = simplify_k (get_root_true rstf) rstf in
+ let nrstc = [BEnumCons(E_NE, "L/must_reset", EItem bool_true)] in
+ let nrstf = simplify_k nrstc f in
+ let nrstf = simplify_k (get_root_true nrstf) nrstf in
+ Hashtbl.add env.loc 0
+ {
+ id = 0;
+ def = rstc;
+ def_cl = conslist_of_f (f_and_list rstc);
+ is_init = true;
+ f = rstf;
+ cl = conslist_of_f rstf;
+ star = false;
+ in_c = 0;
+ v = ( ve.evars, ND.bottom ve.nvars);
+ out_t = [];
+ in_t = [];
+ };
+ Hashtbl.add env.loc 1
+ {
+ id = 1;
+ def = nrstc;
+ def_cl = conslist_of_f (f_and_list nrstc);
+ is_init = false;
+ f = nrstf;
+ cl = conslist_of_f nrstf;
+ star = false;
+ in_c = 0;
+ v = ( ve.evars, ND.bottom ve.nvars);
+ out_t = [];
+ in_t = [];
+ };
+ env
+ (*
+ pass_cycle : env -> edd_v -> edd_v
+ unpass_cycle : env -> edd_v -> edd_v
+ set_target_case : env -> edd_v -> bool_expr -> edd_v
+ cycle : env -> edd_v -> conslist -> edd_v
+ *)
+ let pass_cycle env (enum, num) =
+ let assign_e, assign_n = List.fold_left
+ (fun (ae, an) (a, b, t) -> match t with
+ | TEnum _ -> (a, b)::ae, an
+ | TInt | TReal -> ae, (a, NIdent b)::an)
+ ([], []) env.cycle in
+ let enum = ED.assign enum assign_e in
+ let num = ND.assign num assign_n in
+ let ef, nf = List.fold_left
+ (fun (ef, nf) (var, t) -> match t with
+ | TEnum _ -> var::ef, nf
+ | TReal | TInt -> ef, var::nf)
+ ([], []) env.forget in
+ (ED.forgetvars enum ef, List.fold_left ND.forgetvar num nf)
+ let unpass_cycle env (enum, num) =
+ let assign_e, assign_n = List.fold_left
+ (fun (ae, an) (a, b, t) -> match t with
+ | TEnum _ -> (b, a)::ae, an
+ | TInt | TReal -> ae, (b, NIdent a)::an)
+ ([], []) in
+ let enum = ED.assign enum assign_e in
+ let num = ND.assign num assign_n in
+ let ef, nf = List.fold_left
+ (fun (ef, nf) (var, t) -> match t with
+ | TEnum _ -> var::ef, nf
+ | TReal | TInt -> ef, var::nf)
+ ([], []) in
+ (ED.forgetvars enum ef, List.fold_left ND.forgetvar num nf)
+ let set_target_case e v cl =
+ let tgt = (unpass_cycle e (apply_cl (top e) cl)) in
+ (*Format.printf "Target %a = %a@." Formula_printer.print_conslist cl print_v tgt;*)
+ meet v tgt
+ (*
+ chaotic_iter : env -> unit
+ Fills the values of loc[*].v, and updates out_t and in_t
+ *)
+ let chaotic_iter e =
+ let delta = ref [] in
+ (* Fill up initial states *)
+ Hashtbl.iter
+ (fun q loc ->
+ loc.out_t <- [];
+ loc.in_t <- [];
+ if loc.is_init then begin
+ loc.v <- apply_cl (top e);
+ delta := q::!delta
+ end else
+ loc.v <- bottom e)
+ e.loc;
+ (* Iterate *)
+ let it_counter = ref 0 in
+ while !delta <> [] do
+ let s = List.hd !delta in
+ let loc = Hashtbl.find e.loc s in
+ incr it_counter;
+ Format.printf "@.Iteration %d: q%d@." !it_counter s;
+ let start = loc.v in
+ let f i =
+ (*Format.printf "I: %a@." print_v i;*)
+ let i' = set_target_case e i loc.def_cl in
+ (*Format.printf "I': %a@." print_v i';*)
+ let j = join start (apply_cl (apply_cl (pass_cycle i') loc.def_cl) in
+ (*Format.printf "J: %a@." print_v j;*)
+ j
+ in
+ let rec iter n (i_enum, i_num) =
+ let fi_enum, fi_num = f (i_enum, i_num) in
+ let j_enum, j_num =
+ if ND.is_bot fi_num then
+ i_enum, i_num
+ else
+ if n < e.opt.widen_delay then
+ ED.join i_enum fi_enum, ND.join i_num fi_num
+ else
+ ED.join i_enum fi_enum, ND.widen i_num fi_num
+ in
+ if ED.eq j_enum i_enum && ND.eq j_num i_num
+ then (i_enum, i_num)
+ else iter (n+1) (j_enum, j_num)
+ in
+ let y = iter 0 start in
+ let z = fix (fun (a, b) (c, d) -> ED.eq a c && ND.eq b d) f y in
+ Format.printf "Fixpoint: %a@." print_v z;
+ loc.v <- z;
+ Hashtbl.iter
+ (fun t loc2 ->
+ let u = pass_cycle z in
+ let v = apply_cl u loc2.def_cl in
+ let w = apply_cl v in
+ (*Format.printf "u: %a@.v: %a@. w: %a@." print_v u print_v v print_v w;*)
+ let r_enum, r_num = w in
+ if not (is_bot (r_enum, r_num)) then begin
+ Format.printf "%d -> %d with:@. %a@." s t print_v (r_enum, r_num);
+ if not (List.mem s loc2.in_t)
+ then loc2.in_t <- s::loc2.in_t;
+ if not (List.mem t loc.out_t)
+ then loc.out_t <- t::loc.out_t;
+ let enum, num = loc2.v in
+ let enum2, num2 = join (enum, num) (r_enum, r_num) in
+ if not (ED.subset enum2 enum) || not (ND.subset num2 num) then
+ begin
+ loc2.v <- (enum2, num2);
+ if not (List.mem t !delta)
+ then delta := t::!delta
+ end
+ end)
+ e.loc;
+ delta := List.filter ((<>) s) !delta;
+ done
+ let print_locs e =
+ Hashtbl.iter
+ (fun id loc ->
+ Format.printf "@.";
+ Format.printf "q%d: @[<hov 4>[ %a ]@]@." id
+ (print_list Formula_printer.print_expr " ∧ ") loc.def;
+ (*Format.printf "F: %a@." Formula_printer.print_conslist;*)
+ Format.printf " @[<hv 0>%a ∧@ %a@]@."
+ ED.print (fst loc.v) ND.print (snd loc.v);
+ Format.printf " -> @[<hov>[%a]@]@."
+ (print_list (fun fmt i -> Format.fprintf fmt "q%d" i) ", ") loc.out_t;
+ )
+ e.loc
+ let do_prog opt rp =
+ let e = init_env opt rp in
+ Format.printf "@.Initializing.@.";
+ chaotic_iter e;
+ print_locs e
diff --git a/abstract/ b/abstract/
index a439995..23d4734 100644
--- a/abstract/
+++ b/abstract/
@@ -557,7 +557,8 @@ end = struct
last_vars = [];
all_vars = [];
cycle = [];
- forget = []; } in
+ forget = [];
+ forget_inv = []; } in
Hashtbl.add ve.ev_order "x" 0;
Hashtbl.add ve.ev_order "y" 1;
Hashtbl.add ve.ev_order "z" 2;
@@ -755,13 +756,10 @@ end = struct
let v = edd_num_apply v (fun nv -> ND.assign nv assign_n) in
let ef, nf = List.fold_left
- (fun (ef, nf) (_, var, t) ->
- if var.[0] <> 'N' then
- match t with
- | TEnum _ -> var::ef, nf
- | TReal | TInt -> ef, var::nf
- else ef, nf)
- ([], []) env.rp.all_vars in
+ (fun (ef, nf) (var, t) -> match t with
+ | TEnum _ -> var::ef, nf
+ | TReal | TInt -> ef, var::nf)
+ ([], []) in
let v = edd_forget_vars v ef in
edd_num_apply v (fun nv -> List.fold_left ND.forgetvar nv nf)
@@ -779,8 +777,9 @@ end = struct
let facts = get_root_true f in
- let f, rp, _ = List.fold_left
+ let f, rp, repls = List.fold_left
(fun (f, (rp : rooted_prog), repls) eq ->
match eq with
| BEnumCons(E_EQ, a, EIdent b)
@@ -802,8 +801,12 @@ end = struct
let rp =
{ rp with all_vars =
List.filter (fun (_, id, _) -> id <> repl) rp.all_vars } in
- let repls = (repl, keep)::
- ( (fun (r, k) -> r, if k = repl then keep else k) repls) in
+ let repls = (repl, keep; "L"^repl, "L"^keep)::
+ (
+ (fun (r, k) -> r,
+ if k = repl then keep else
+ if k = "L"^repl then "L"^keep else k)
+ repls) in
f, rp, repls
| _ -> f, rp, repls)
@@ -825,6 +828,9 @@ end = struct
Format.printf "Cycle conslist:@.%a@.@." Formula_printer.print_conslist cl;
let guarantees = Transform.guarantees_of_prog rp in
+ let guarantees =
+ (fun (id, f) -> id, formula_replace_evars repls f)
+ guarantees in
Format.printf "Guarantees:@.";
List.iter (fun (id, f) ->
Format.printf " %s: %a@." id Formula_printer.print_expr f)
diff --git a/abstract/ b/abstract/
index ea2b053..4f6aacd 100644
--- a/abstract/
+++ b/abstract/
@@ -11,11 +11,15 @@ module type ENUM_ENVIRONMENT_DOMAIN = sig
(* construction *)
val top : (id * item list) list -> t
+ val bottom : (id * item list) list -> t
+ val vtop : t -> t (* top with same vars *)
+ val is_bot : t -> bool
(* variable management *)
val vars : t -> (id * item list) list
val forgetvar : t -> id -> t
+ val forgetvars : t -> id list -> t
val project : t -> id -> item list
(* set-theoretic operations *)
@@ -27,6 +31,7 @@ module type ENUM_ENVIRONMENT_DOMAIN = sig
(* abstract operations *)
val apply_cons : t -> enum_cons -> t list (* may disjunct *)
+ val apply_cl : t -> enum_cons list -> t (* join any disjunction ; may raise Bot *)
val assign : t -> (id * id) list -> t
(* pretty-printing *)
@@ -47,11 +52,15 @@ module Valuation : ENUM_ENVIRONMENT_DOMAIN = struct
let top vars = { vars; value = VarMap.empty }
+ let vtop x = { x with value = VarMap.empty }
+ let bottom vars = raise Bot (* we don't represent Bot *)
+ let is_bot x = false
let vars x = x.vars
let forgetvar x id =
{ x with value = VarMap.remove id x.value }
+ let forgetvars = List.fold_left forgetvar
let project x id =
try [VarMap.find id x.value]
with Not_found -> List.assoc id x.vars
@@ -108,7 +117,14 @@ module Valuation : ENUM_ENVIRONMENT_DOMAIN = struct
(List.filter (cc op s) (List.assoc id2 x.vars))
| Some s, Some t ->
if cc op s t then [x] else []
+ let apply_cl x l =
+ List.fold_left
+ (fun k c -> match apply_cons k c with
+ | [] -> raise Bot
+ | p::q -> List.fold_left join p q )
+ x l
let assign x idl =
let v = List.fold_left
(fun v (id, id2) ->
@@ -163,11 +179,15 @@ module MultiValuation : ENUM_ENVIRONMENT_DOMAIN = struct
let uniq x = uniq_sorted (sort x)
let top vars = { vars; value = VarMap.empty }
+ let vtop x = { x with value = VarMap.empty }
+ let bottom vars = raise Bot (* we don't represent Bot *)
+ let is_bot x = false
let vars x = x.vars
let forgetvar x id =
{ x with value = VarMap.remove id x.value }
+ let forgetvars = List.fold_left forgetvar
let project x id =
try VarMap.find id x.value
with Not_found -> List.assoc id x.vars
@@ -220,6 +240,13 @@ module MultiValuation : ENUM_ENVIRONMENT_DOMAIN = struct
| [] -> l
| _ -> { x with value = VarMap.add id2 v2 x.value }::l)
[] v1
+ let apply_cl x l =
+ List.fold_left
+ (fun k c -> match apply_cons k c with
+ | [] -> raise Bot
+ | p::q -> List.fold_left join p q )
+ x l
let assign x idl =
let v = List.fold_left
diff --git a/abstract/ b/abstract/
index 47515eb..ae71b09 100644
--- a/abstract/
+++ b/abstract/
@@ -1,41 +1,10 @@
open Ast
open Formula
open Util
+open Enum_domain
-module type ENUM_ENVIRONMENT_DOMAIN2 = sig
- type t
- type item = string
- (* construction *)
- val top : (id * item list) list -> t
- val bottom : (id * item list) list -> t
- val is_bot : t -> bool
- (* variable management *)
- val vars : t -> (id * item list) list
- val forgetvar : t -> id -> t
- val forgetvars : t -> id list -> t
- val project : t -> id -> item list
- (* set-theoretic operations *)
- val join : t -> t -> t (* union *)
- val meet : t -> t -> t (* intersection *)
- val subset : t -> t -> bool
- val eq : t -> t -> bool
- (* abstract operations *)
- val apply_cons : t -> enum_cons -> t
- val apply_cl : t -> enum_cons list -> t
- val assign : t -> (id * id) list -> t
- (* pretty-printing *)
- val print : Format.formatter -> t -> unit
exception Top
type item = string
@@ -173,6 +142,8 @@ module EDD : ENUM_ENVIRONMENT_DOMAIN2 = struct
let bottom vars = let t = top vars in { t with root = DBot }
+ let vtop x = { x with root = DTop }
is_bot : t -> bool
@@ -284,7 +255,8 @@ module EDD : ENUM_ENVIRONMENT_DOMAIN2 = struct
apply_cl : t -> enum_cons list -> t
let apply_cons v x =
- meet v (of_cons v x)
+ let v = meet v (of_cons v x) in
+ if v.root = DBot then [] else [v]
let apply_cl v ec =
let rec cl_k = function
diff --git a/abstract/ b/abstract/
index 8bd3971..450bef3 100644
--- a/abstract/
+++ b/abstract/
@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ type varenv = {
cycle : (id * id * typ) list; (* s'(x) = s(y) *)
forget : (id * typ) list; (* s'(x) not specified *)
+ forget_inv : (id * typ) list;
@@ -267,7 +268,12 @@ let mk_varenv (rp : rooted_prog) f cl =
[] last_vars
let forget = (fun (_, id, ty) -> (id, ty)) rp.all_vars in
+ let forget_inv = (fun (_, id, ty) -> (id, ty))
+ (List.filter
+ (fun (_, id, _) ->
+ not (List.exists (fun (_, b, _) -> b = id) cycle))
+ all_vars) in
{ evars = enum_vars; nvars = num_vars; ev_order;
- last_vars; all_vars; cycle; forget }
+ last_vars; all_vars; cycle; forget; forget_inv }