module type S = sig type 'a process type 'a in_port type 'a out_port val io_read: unit -> string val io_write: string -> unit val new_channel: unit -> 'a in_port * 'a out_port val put: 'a -> 'a out_port -> unit process val get: 'a in_port -> 'a process val doco: unit process list -> unit process val return: 'a -> 'a process val bind: 'a process -> ('a -> 'b process) -> 'b process val run: 'a process -> 'a end module Lib (K : S) = struct let ( >>= ) x f = K.bind x f let delay f x = K.bind (K.return ()) (fun () -> K.return (f x)) let par_map f l = let rec build_workers l (ports, workers) = match l with | [] -> (ports, workers) | x :: l -> let qi, qo = K.new_channel () in build_workers l (qi :: ports, ((delay f x) >>= (fun v -> K.put v qo)) :: workers) in let ports, workers = build_workers l ([], []) in let rec collect l acc qo = match l with | [] -> K.put acc qo | qi :: l -> (K.get qi) >>= (fun v -> collect l (v :: acc) qo) in let qi, qo = K.new_channel () in ((K.doco ((collect ports [] qo) :: workers)) >>= (fun _ -> K.get qi)) end module Th: S = struct type 'a process = (unit -> 'a) type 'a channel = { q: 'a Queue.t ; m: Mutex.t; } type 'a in_port = 'a channel type 'a out_port = 'a channel let new_channel () = let q = { q = Queue.create (); m = Mutex.create (); } in q, q let io_read () = "" let io_write s = print_string s; flush stdout let put v c () = Mutex.lock c.m; Queue.push v c.q; Mutex.unlock c.m; Thread.yield () let rec get c () = try Mutex.lock c.m; let v = Queue.pop c.q in Mutex.unlock c.m; v with Queue.Empty -> Mutex.unlock c.m; Thread.yield (); get c () let doco l () = let ths = (fun f -> Thread.create f ()) l in List.iter (fun th -> Thread.join th) ths let return v = (fun () -> v) let bind e e' () = let v = e () in Thread.yield (); e' v () let run e = e () end module Seq: S = struct type 'a process = (('a -> unit) option) -> unit type 'a channel = 'a Queue.t type 'a in_port = 'a channel type 'a out_port = 'a channel type task = unit -> unit let tasks = Queue.create () let io_read () = "" let io_write s = print_string s; flush stdout let new_channel () = let q = Queue.create () in q, q let put x c = fun cont -> Queue.push x c; match cont with | None -> () | Some cont -> Queue.push cont tasks let rec get c = fun cont -> try let v = Queue.pop c in match cont with | None -> () | Some cont -> Queue.push (fun () -> cont v) tasks with Queue.Empty -> Queue.push (fun () -> get c cont) tasks let doco l = fun cont -> List.iter (fun proc -> Queue.push (fun () -> proc None) tasks) l; match cont with | None -> () | Some cont -> Queue.push cont tasks let return v = fun cont -> match cont with | None -> () | Some cont -> Queue.push (fun () -> cont v) tasks let bind e f = fun cont -> Queue.push (fun () -> e (Some (fun r -> f r cont))) tasks let run e = let ret = ref None in e (Some (fun v -> ret := Some v)); while not (Queue.is_empty tasks) do let task = Queue.pop tasks in task () done; match !ret with | Some k -> k | None -> assert false end module Pipe: S = struct type 'a process = unit -> 'a type 'a in_port = in_channel type 'a out_port = out_channel let children = ref [] let io_read () = "" let io_write s = print_string s; flush stdout let new_channel = fun () -> let i, o = Unix.pipe () in Unix.in_channel_of_descr i, Unix.out_channel_of_descr o let get c = fun () -> Marshal.from_channel c let put x c = fun () -> Marshal.to_channel c x [] let return v = fun () -> v let bind e f = fun () -> f (e ()) () let run p = let v = p() in List.iter (fun x -> try ignore(Unix.waitpid [] x) with _ -> ()) !children; v let doco l = fun () -> List.iter (fun p -> let i = Unix.fork () in if i = 0 then begin children := []; run p; exit 0 end else begin children := i::!children end) l end