module Example (K : Kahn.S) = struct module K = K module Lib = Kahn.Lib(K) open Lib (* First test : distribute calculation of 50 first Fibonacci numbers *) let integers first step nmax (qo : int K.out_port) : unit K.process = let rec loop n = if n > nmax then K.put (-1) qo else begin (K.put n qo) >>= (fun () -> loop (n + step)) end in loop first let rec fib n = if n < 2 then n else fib (n-1) + fib (n-2) let rec slow_fib (qi : int K.in_port) (qo : (int * int) K.out_port) : unit K.process = (K.get qi) >>= (fun i -> if i <> -1 then (K.put (i, fib i) qo) >>= (fun () -> slow_fib qi qo) else (K.put (i, i) qo) >>= (fun () -> K.return ())) let output (qi : (int * int) K.in_port) : unit K.process = let rec loop () = K.bind_io (K.get qi) (fun (v, s) -> if v <> -1 then begin Format.eprintf "f(%d) = %d@." v s; loop () end else K.return ()) in loop () let main : unit K.process = let max = 4 in let rec aux n = (delay K.new_channel ()) >>= (fun (q_in, q_out) -> (delay K.new_channel ()) >>= (fun (q_in2, q_out2) -> K.doco [ integers n max 50 q_out ; slow_fib q_in q_out2 ; output q_in2 ])) in let rec aux2 n = if n = max then [] else aux n :: aux2 (n+1) in (K.return ()) >>= (fun () -> K.doco (aux2 0)) (* Second test : distribute the calculation of fib 53 *) let rec fib_rec n r (qo : int K.out_port) = (K.return ()) >>= (fun () -> if r = 0 then K.put (fib n) qo else (delay K.new_channel ()) >>= (fun (q_in, q_out) -> (delay K.new_channel ()) >>= (fun (q_in2, q_out2) -> K.doco [ fib_rec (n-2) (r-1) q_out ; fib_rec (n-1) (r-1) q_out2 ; K.get q_in >>= (fun x -> K.bind_io (K.get q_in2) (fun y -> Format.eprintf "f(%d) = %d@." n (x+y); K.put (x+y) qo)) ] ))) let main2 : int K.process = (delay K.new_channel()) >>= (fun (qi, qo) -> (fib_rec 47 7 qo) >>= (fun () -> K.get qi)) end module E = Example(Kahn_stdio.ProtoKahn) let () = let r = E.main2 in Format.eprintf "Final result: %d@." r