open Util open Khs_ast open Khs_exec (* TODO : channels cannot be communicated over channels, although it should totally be possible because it's so great and so usefull ! *) let childs = ref [] let wait_childs () = Unix.handle_unix_error (fun () -> List.iter (fun pid -> ignore (Unix.waitpid [] pid)) !childs) () let newchan proc = let id = "khs_ch_" ^ string_of_int ( 1000000) ^ "-" ^ string_of_int ( 1000000) in Unix.mkfifo ("/tmp/" ^ id) 0o666; Many (Smap.add (psep^"in") (VStr id) (Smap.add (psep^"out") (VStr id) Smap.empty)) let exec_proc proc = while proc.xstatus <> PSDone do match proc.xstatus with | PSDone -> assert false | PSExec | PSExecRecvd _ -> exec_stmt proc | PSSend(c, kv) -> let c = str_of_kbval c in proc.xstatus <- PSExec; begin if c == "stdout" then Format.printf "%s@." (kval_descr kv) else let c_out = Unix.openfile ("/tmp/"^c) [Unix.O_WRONLY] 0 in Marshal.to_channel (Unix.out_channel_of_descr c_out) kv []; Unix.close c_out end | PSRecv c -> let c = str_of_kbval c in let c_in = Unix.openfile ("/tmp/"^c) [Unix.O_RDONLY] 0 in let data = Marshal.from_channel (Unix.in_channel_of_descr c_in) in proc.xstatus <- PSExecRecvd data; Unix.close c_in done let spawn proc pos = let pid = Unix.fork () in if pid = 0 then begin childs := []; exec_proc { proc with xpos = pos}; wait_childs(); exit 0 end else childs := pid::!childs let exec_program p = Random.init (int_of_float (Unix.time())); let proc = { xspawn = spawn; xnewchan = newchan; xprog = p; xvals = Smap.empty; xstatus = PSExec; xpos = 0; } in proc.xvals <- Smap.add framevar (VInt 0) proc.xvals; proc.xvals <- Smap.add "stdout" (VStr "stdout") proc.xvals; exec_proc proc; wait_childs()