type ident = string module Env = struct include Map.Make(struct type t = ident let compare = compare end) let of_list l = List.fold_left (fun env (x, ty) -> add x ty env) empty l end type ty = TBit | TBitArray of int type value = VBit of bool | VBitArray of bool array type binop = Or | Xor | And | Nand type arg = | Avar of ident | Aconst of value type exp = | Earg of arg | Ereg of ident | Enot of arg | Ebinop of binop * arg * arg | Emux of arg * arg * arg | Erom of int (*addr size*) * int (*word size*) * arg (*read_addr*) | Eram of int (*addr size*) * int (*word size*) * arg (*read_addr*) * arg (*write_enable*) * arg (*write_addr*) * arg (*data*) | Econcat of arg * arg | Eslice of int * int * arg | Eselect of int * arg type equation = ident * exp type program = { p_eqs : equation list; p_inputs : ident list; p_outputs : ident list; p_vars : ty Env.t; }