open Ast open Static let is_not_zero ty = match ty with | TBitArray { se_desc = SInt 0 } -> false | _ -> true let rec simplify_exp e = match e.e_desc with (* replace x[i..j] with [] if j < i *) | Ecall("slice", [{ se_desc = SInt min }; { se_desc = SInt max }; n], _) when max < min -> { e with e_desc = Econst (VBitArray (Array.make 0 false)) } (* replace x[i..i] with x[i] *) | Ecall("slice", [min; max; n], args) when min = max -> let new_e = { e with e_desc = Ecall("select", [min; n], args) } in simplify_exp new_e (* replace x.[] or [].x with x *) | Ecall("concat", _, [{ e_ty = TBitArray { se_desc = SInt 0 } }; e1]) | Ecall("concat", _, [e1; { e_ty = TBitArray { se_desc = SInt 0 } }]) -> e1 | Ecall(f, params, args) -> { e with e_desc = Ecall(f, params, simplify_exp args) } | _ -> e let simplify_eq (pat,e) = (pat, simplify_exp e) let rec block b = match b with | BEqs(eqs, vds) -> let eqs = simplify_eq eqs in (* remove variables with size 0 *) let vds = List.filter (fun vd -> is_not_zero vd.v_ty) vds in let eqs = List.filter (fun (_, e) -> is_not_zero e.e_ty) eqs in BEqs(eqs, vds) | BIf(se, trueb, elseb) -> BIf(se, block trueb, block elseb) let node n = { n with n_body = block n.n_body } let program p = { p with p_nodes = node p.p_nodes }