open Ast open Mapfold open Static open Static_utils open Location open Errors (** Simplifies static expression in the program. *) let simplify_program p = let const_dec funs cenv cd = let v = subst cenv cd.c_value in let cenv = NameEnv.add cd.c_name v cenv in { cd with c_value = v }, cenv in let static_exp funs cenv se = let se = subst cenv se in (match se.se_desc with | SVar id -> (* Constants with se.se_loc = no_location are generated and should not be checked *) if not (NameEnv.mem id cenv) && not (se.se_loc == no_location) then ( Format.eprintf "%aThe constant name '%s' is unbound@." print_location se.se_loc id; raise Error ) | _ -> () ); se, cenv in let node_dec funs cenv nd = let cenv' = List.fold_left (fun cenv p -> NameEnv.add p.p_name (mk_static_var p.p_name) cenv) cenv nd.n_params in let nd, _ = Mapfold.node_dec funs cenv' nd in nd, cenv in let funs = { Mapfold.defaults with const_dec = const_dec; static_exp = static_exp; node_dec = node_dec } in let p, _ = Mapfold.program_it funs NameEnv.empty p in p (** Checks the name used in the program are defined. Adds var_decs for all variables defined in a block. *) let check_names p = let rec pat_vars s pat = match pat with | Evarpat id -> IdentSet.add id s | Etuplepat ids -> List.fold_left (fun s id -> IdentSet.add id s) s ids in let build_set vds = List.fold_left (fun s vd -> IdentSet.add vd.v_ident s) IdentSet.empty vds in let block funs (s, _) b = match b with | BEqs(eqs, _) -> let defnames = List.fold_left (fun s (pat, _) -> pat_vars s pat) IdentSet.empty eqs in let ls = IdentSet.diff defnames s in (* remove outputs from the set *) let vds = IdentSet.fold (fun id l -> (mk_var_dec id invalid_type)::l) ls [] in let new_s = IdentSet.union s defnames in let eqs,_ = Misc.mapfold (Mapfold.equation_it funs) (new_s, IdentSet.empty) eqs in BEqs (eqs, vds), (s, defnames) | BIf(se, trueb, falseb) -> let trueb, (_, def_true) = Mapfold.block_it funs (s, IdentSet.empty) trueb in let falseb, (_, def_false) = Mapfold.block_it funs (s, IdentSet.empty) falseb in let defnames = IdentSet.inter def_true def_false in BIf(se, trueb, falseb), (s, defnames) in let exp funs (s, defnames) e = match e.e_desc with | Evar id -> if not (IdentSet.mem id s) then ( Format.eprintf "%aThe identifier '%a' is unbound@." print_location e.e_loc Ident.print_ident id; raise Error ); e, (s, defnames) | _ -> Mapfold.exp funs (s, defnames) e in let node n = let funs = { Mapfold.defaults with block = block; exp = exp } in let s = build_set (n.n_inputs@n.n_outputs) in let n_body, (_, defnames) = Mapfold.block_it funs (s, IdentSet.empty) n.n_body in (* check for undefined outputs *) let undefined_outputs = List.filter (fun vd -> not (IdentSet.mem vd.v_ident defnames)) n.n_outputs in if undefined_outputs <> [] then ( Format.eprintf "%aThe following outputs are not defined: %a@." print_location n.n_loc Printer.print_var_decs undefined_outputs; raise Error ); { n with n_body = n_body } in { p with p_nodes = node p.p_nodes } let program p = let p = simplify_program p in check_names p