{ open Asm open Asmpars let keywords_ri = List.map (fun (k,o) -> (k ^ "i",o)) keywords_r let keywords = [ "pop",POP; "push",PUSH; "incri",INCRI; "shi",SHI; "j",JJ; "jal",JAL; "jr",JR; "jalr",JALR; "lw",LW; "sw",SW; "lb",LB; "sb",SB; "not",NOT; "lil",LIL; "lilz",LILZ; "liu",LIU; "liuz",LIUZ; "lra",LRA; "li",LI; "move",MOVE; "jz",JZ; "jnz",JNZ ] let regs = [ "Z",0; "RA",6; "F",6; "A",1; "B",2; "C",3; "D",4; "E",5; "G",7; "SP",7 ] let read_16 n = let res = ref 0 in for i = 0 to String.length n - 1 do res := 16 * !res; let v = let c = Char.code n.[i] in if c >= Char.code '0' && c <= Char.code '9' then c - (Char.code '0') else if c >= Char.code 'a' && c <= Char.code 'f' then c - (Char.code 'a') else c - (Char.code 'A') in res := !res + v done; !res let read_2 n = let res = ref 0 in for i = 0 to String.length n - 1 do res := 2 * !res; let v = Char.code n.[i] - Char.code '0' in res := !res + v done; !res } let digit = ['0'-'9'] let alpha = ['a'-'z' 'A'-'Z'] let hexdigit = ['a'-'f' 'A'-'F' '0'-'9'] rule token = parse | eof { EOF } | '#' { comment lexbuf } | ['\t' '\r' ' '] { token lexbuf } | ':' { COLON } | '\n' { Lexing.new_line lexbuf; token lexbuf } | ((['a'-'z'] | '_') (alpha | digit | '_')*) as id { try ROP (List.assoc id keywords_r) with Not_found -> try RIOP (List.assoc id keywords_ri) with Not_found -> try List.assoc id keywords with Not_found -> ID id } | "0x" (((hexdigit)+) as n) { INT (read_16 n) } | (digit)+ as n { INT (int_of_string n) } | "0b" (['0' '1']+ as n) { INT (read_2 n) } | ['A'-'Z']+ as name { REG (List.assoc name regs) } | '$' (['0'-'7'] as n) { REG (Char.code n - (Char.code '0')) } | ".text" { TEXT } | ".data" { DATA } | '-' { MINUS } | '(' { LP } | ')' { RP } and comment = parse | eof { EOF } | '\n' { Lexing.new_line lexbuf; token lexbuf } | _ { comment lexbuf }