path: root/sched
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'sched')
5 files changed, 578 insertions, 578 deletions
diff --git a/sched/ b/sched/
index 08762a1..d5f34a9 100644
--- a/sched/
+++ b/sched/
@@ -32,29 +32,29 @@ let find_roots g =
List.filter (fun n -> n.n_linked_by = []) g.g_nodes
let has_cycle g =
- clear_marks g;
- let rec visit n =
- match n.n_mark with
- | InProgress -> true
- | Visited -> false
- | NotVisited ->
- n.n_mark <- InProgress;
- let ret = List.fold_left (fun x n -> x || (visit n)) false n.n_link_to in
- n.n_mark <- Visited;
- ret
- in
- let ret = List.fold_left (fun x n -> x || (if n.n_mark = Visited then false else visit n)) false g.g_nodes
- in clear_marks g; ret
+ clear_marks g;
+ let rec visit n =
+ match n.n_mark with
+ | InProgress -> true
+ | Visited -> false
+ | NotVisited ->
+ n.n_mark <- InProgress;
+ let ret = List.fold_left (fun x n -> x || (visit n)) false n.n_link_to in
+ n.n_mark <- Visited;
+ ret
+ in
+ let ret = List.fold_left (fun x n -> x || (if n.n_mark = Visited then false else visit n)) false g.g_nodes
+ in clear_marks g; ret
let topological g =
- clear_marks g;
- let rec aux acc n =
- if n.n_mark = Visited
- then acc
- else begin
- n.n_mark <- Visited;
- n.n_label :: (List.fold_left (fun x n -> aux x n) acc n.n_linked_by)
- end
- in
- let ret = List.fold_left (fun x n -> aux x n) [] g.g_nodes
- in clear_marks g; List.rev ret
+ clear_marks g;
+ let rec aux acc n =
+ if n.n_mark = Visited
+ then acc
+ else begin
+ n.n_mark <- Visited;
+ n.n_label :: (List.fold_left (fun x n -> aux x n) acc n.n_linked_by)
+ end
+ in
+ let ret = List.fold_left (fun x n -> aux x n) [] g.g_nodes
+ in clear_marks g; List.rev ret
diff --git a/sched/ b/sched/
index c8ea58e..326a2bd 100644
--- a/sched/
+++ b/sched/
@@ -7,14 +7,14 @@ let compile filename =
let p = Netlist.read_file filename in
let out_name = (Filename.chop_suffix filename ".net") ^ ".snet" in
- let dumb_out_name = (Filename.chop_suffix filename ".net") ^ ".dumb" in
+ let dumb_out_name = (Filename.chop_suffix filename ".net") ^ ".dumb" in
let out_opt_name = (Filename.chop_suffix filename ".net") ^ "_opt.snet" in
- let dumb_opt_out_name = (Filename.chop_suffix filename ".net") ^ "_opt.dumb" in
- let q, q_opt = ref p, ref p in
+ let dumb_opt_out_name = (Filename.chop_suffix filename ".net") ^ "_opt.dumb" in
+ let q, q_opt = ref p, ref p in
begin try
- q := Scheduler.schedule p;
- q_opt := Simplify.simplify p
+ q := Scheduler.schedule p;
+ q_opt := Simplify.simplify p
| Scheduler.Combinational_cycle ->
Format.eprintf "The netlist has a combinatory cycle.@.";
@@ -23,24 +23,24 @@ let compile filename =
let out = open_out out_name in
Netlist_printer.print_program out !q;
- close_out out;
- let dumb_out = open_out dumb_out_name in
- Netlist_dumb.print_program dumb_out !q;
- close_out dumb_out;
+ close_out out;
+ let dumb_out = open_out dumb_out_name in
+ Netlist_dumb.print_program dumb_out !q;
+ close_out dumb_out;
- let out_opt = open_out out_opt_name in
- Netlist_printer.print_program out_opt !q_opt;
- close_out out_opt;
- let dumb_opt_out = open_out dumb_opt_out_name in
- Netlist_dumb.print_program dumb_opt_out !q_opt;
- close_out dumb_opt_out;
+ let out_opt = open_out out_opt_name in
+ Netlist_printer.print_program out_opt !q_opt;
+ close_out out_opt;
+ let dumb_opt_out = open_out dumb_opt_out_name in
+ Netlist_dumb.print_program dumb_opt_out !q_opt;
+ close_out dumb_opt_out;
if !simulate then (
let simulator =
if !number_steps = -1 then
- !sim_path
+ !sim_path
- !sim_path ^ " -n " ^ (string_of_int !number_steps)
+ !sim_path ^ " -n " ^ (string_of_int !number_steps)
ignore (Unix.system (simulator^" "^(if !dumb_down then dumb_out_name else out_name)))
@@ -50,8 +50,8 @@ let compile filename =
let main () =
["-s", Arg.Set simulate, "Launch the simulator";
- "-sim", Arg.Set_string sim_path, "Path to the circuit simulator";
- "-d", Arg.Set dumb_down, "Pass the dumbed-down netlist to the simulator (for the C simulator)";
+ "-sim", Arg.Set_string sim_path, "Path to the circuit simulator";
+ "-d", Arg.Set dumb_down, "Pass the dumbed-down netlist to the simulator (for the C simulator)";
"-n", Arg.Set_int number_steps, "Number of steps to simulate"]
diff --git a/sched/ b/sched/
index 01c187b..646787e 100644
--- a/sched/
+++ b/sched/
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- (the format used by the C simulator)
+ (the format used by the C simulator)
open Netlist_ast
@@ -8,165 +8,165 @@ open Format
(* Alternative program AST format, better corresponding to the dumb syntax *)
type var_def = {
- name : string;
- size : int }
+ name : string;
+ size : int }
type var_id = int
type const_val = bool array
(* keep type binop from netlist_ast *)
type reg_var = { reg_dest : var_id; source : var_id }
type ram_var = { ram_id : int;
- addr_size : int; word_size : int;
- write_enable : var_id;
- write_addr : var_id; data : var_id }
+ addr_size : int; word_size : int;
+ write_enable : var_id;
+ write_addr : var_id; data : var_id }
type dumb_exp =
- | Dcopy of var_id (* copy a variable - these cannot be eliminated totally *)
- | Dnot of var_id
- | Dbinop of binop * var_id * var_id
- | Dmux of var_id * var_id * var_id
- | Drom of int * int * var_id
- | Dconcat of var_id * var_id
- | Dslice of int * int * var_id
- | Dselect of int * var_id
- | Dreadram of int * var_id
+ | Dcopy of var_id (* copy a variable - these cannot be eliminated totally *)
+ | Dnot of var_id
+ | Dbinop of binop * var_id * var_id
+ | Dmux of var_id * var_id * var_id
+ | Drom of int * int * var_id
+ | Dconcat of var_id * var_id
+ | Dslice of int * int * var_id
+ | Dselect of int * var_id
+ | Dreadram of int * var_id
type dumb_equation = var_id * dumb_exp
type dumb_program = {
- d_vars : var_def list;
- d_inputs : var_id list;
- d_outputs : var_id list;
- d_regs : reg_var list;
- d_rams : ram_var list;
- d_eqs : dumb_equation list }
+ d_vars : var_def list;
+ d_inputs : var_id list;
+ d_outputs : var_id list;
+ d_regs : reg_var list;
+ d_rams : ram_var list;
+ d_eqs : dumb_equation list }
-(* Convert a program to a dumb program *)
+(* Convert a program to a dumb program *)
let mkbinstr a =
- let r = String.make (Array.length a) '0' in
- for i = 0 to Array.length a - 1 do
- if a.(i) then r.[i] <- '1'
- done;
- r
+ let r = String.make (Array.length a) '0' in
+ for i = 0 to Array.length a - 1 do
+ if a.(i) then r.[i] <- '1'
+ done;
+ r
let const_info a =
- "$" ^ (mkbinstr a), Array.length a, a
+ "$" ^ (mkbinstr a), Array.length a, a
let make_program_dumb p =
- (*
- 1. Identify constants and create new variables for them,
- put them on the variable list
- 2. Create map from variable identifier to variable ID,
- add them to variable list
- 3. Extract regs and rams into separate list
- 4. Reformat equation list (replace constants by the
- coresponding constant variables)
- 5. Done.
- *)
- let next_id = ref 0 in
- let vars = ref [] in
- let var_map = Hashtbl.create (Env.cardinal p.p_vars) in
- (* Extract constants *)
- List.iter
- (fun (_, eq) ->
- let add = function
- | Aconst(k) ->
- let id, sz, v = const_info k in
- if not (Hashtbl.mem var_map id) then begin
- vars := { name= id; size= sz }::(!vars);
- Hashtbl.add var_map id (!next_id);
- next_id := !next_id + 1
- end
- | _ -> ()
- in match eq with
- | Earg(a) -> add a
- | Enot(a) -> add a
- | Ebinop(_, a, b) -> add a; add b
- | Emux(a, b, c) -> add a; add b; add c
- | Erom(_, _, a) -> add a
- | Eram(_, _, a, b, c, d) -> add a; add b; add c; add d
- | Econcat(a, b) -> add a; add b
- | Eslice(_, _, a) -> add a
- | Eselect(_, a) ->add a
- | _ -> ())
- p.p_eqs;
- (* Make ids for variables *)
- let add_var n =
- if not (Hashtbl.mem var_map n) then begin
- vars := { name = n; size = Env.find n p.p_vars }::(!vars);
- Hashtbl.add var_map n (!next_id);
- next_id := !next_id + 1
- end
- in
- List.iter add_var p.p_inputs;
- List.iter (fun (n, _) -> add_var n) p.p_eqs;
- Env.iter (fun n _ -> add_var n) p.p_vars;
- let var_id = Hashtbl.find var_map in
- let arg_id = function
- | Avar(x) -> var_id x
- | Aconst(x) ->
- let n, _, _ = const_info x in var_id n
- in
- (* Extract registers *)
- let regs, eq2 = List.fold_left
- (fun (regs, eqs) (n, eq) ->
- match eq with
- | Ereg(x) ->
- {
- reg_dest = var_id n;
- source = var_id x;
- }::regs, eqs
- | _ -> regs, (n, eq)::eqs)
- ([],[])
- p.p_eqs in
- (* Extract rams, replace arguments by variable id's *)
- let ram_id = ref 0 in
- let rams, eq3 = List.fold_left
- (fun (rams, eqs) (n, eq) ->
- let ram2 = ref None in
- let eq2 = match eq with
- | Eram(asz, wsz, ra, we, wa, d) ->
- ram_id := !ram_id + 1;
- ram2 := Some({
- ram_id = !ram_id - 1;
- addr_size = asz;
- word_size = wsz;
- write_enable = arg_id we;
- write_addr = arg_id wa;
- data = arg_id d;
- });
- Dreadram(!ram_id - 1, arg_id ra)
- | Earg(a) -> Dcopy(arg_id a)
- | Enot(a) -> Dnot(arg_id a)
- | Ebinop(o, a, b) -> Dbinop(o, arg_id a, arg_id b)
- | Emux(a, b, c) -> Dmux(arg_id a, arg_id b, arg_id c)
- | Erom(u, v, a) -> Drom(u, v, arg_id a)
- | Econcat(a, b) -> Dconcat(arg_id a, arg_id b)
- | Eslice(u, v, a) -> Dslice(u, v, arg_id a)
- | Eselect(i, a) -> Dselect(i, arg_id a)
- | _ -> failwith "This should not happen."
- in
- (match !ram2 with | None -> rams | Some k -> k::rams),
- (var_id n, eq2)::eqs
- )
- ([],[])
- eq2 in
- (* Replace arguments by variable id's *)
- {
- d_vars = List.rev (!vars);
- d_inputs = var_id p.p_inputs;
- d_outputs = var_id p.p_outputs;
- d_regs = regs;
- d_rams = List.rev rams;
- d_eqs = eq3;
- }
+ (*
+ 1. Identify constants and create new variables for them,
+ put them on the variable list
+ 2. Create map from variable identifier to variable ID,
+ add them to variable list
+ 3. Extract regs and rams into separate list
+ 4. Reformat equation list (replace constants by the
+ coresponding constant variables)
+ 5. Done.
+ *)
+ let next_id = ref 0 in
+ let vars = ref [] in
+ let var_map = Hashtbl.create (Env.cardinal p.p_vars) in
+ (* Extract constants *)
+ List.iter
+ (fun (_, eq) ->
+ let add = function
+ | Aconst(k) ->
+ let id, sz, v = const_info k in
+ if not (Hashtbl.mem var_map id) then begin
+ vars := { name= id; size= sz }::(!vars);
+ Hashtbl.add var_map id (!next_id);
+ next_id := !next_id + 1
+ end
+ | _ -> ()
+ in match eq with
+ | Earg(a) -> add a
+ | Enot(a) -> add a
+ | Ebinop(_, a, b) -> add a; add b
+ | Emux(a, b, c) -> add a; add b; add c
+ | Erom(_, _, a) -> add a
+ | Eram(_, _, a, b, c, d) -> add a; add b; add c; add d
+ | Econcat(a, b) -> add a; add b
+ | Eslice(_, _, a) -> add a
+ | Eselect(_, a) ->add a
+ | _ -> ())
+ p.p_eqs;
+ (* Make ids for variables *)
+ let add_var n =
+ if not (Hashtbl.mem var_map n) then begin
+ vars := { name = n; size = Env.find n p.p_vars }::(!vars);
+ Hashtbl.add var_map n (!next_id);
+ next_id := !next_id + 1
+ end
+ in
+ List.iter add_var p.p_inputs;
+ List.iter (fun (n, _) -> add_var n) p.p_eqs;
+ Env.iter (fun n _ -> add_var n) p.p_vars;
+ let var_id = Hashtbl.find var_map in
+ let arg_id = function
+ | Avar(x) -> var_id x
+ | Aconst(x) ->
+ let n, _, _ = const_info x in var_id n
+ in
+ (* Extract registers *)
+ let regs, eq2 = List.fold_left
+ (fun (regs, eqs) (n, eq) ->
+ match eq with
+ | Ereg(x) ->
+ {
+ reg_dest = var_id n;
+ source = var_id x;
+ }::regs, eqs
+ | _ -> regs, (n, eq)::eqs)
+ ([],[])
+ p.p_eqs in
+ (* Extract rams, replace arguments by variable id's *)
+ let ram_id = ref 0 in
+ let rams, eq3 = List.fold_left
+ (fun (rams, eqs) (n, eq) ->
+ let ram2 = ref None in
+ let eq2 = match eq with
+ | Eram(asz, wsz, ra, we, wa, d) ->
+ ram_id := !ram_id + 1;
+ ram2 := Some({
+ ram_id = !ram_id - 1;
+ addr_size = asz;
+ word_size = wsz;
+ write_enable = arg_id we;
+ write_addr = arg_id wa;
+ data = arg_id d;
+ });
+ Dreadram(!ram_id - 1, arg_id ra)
+ | Earg(a) -> Dcopy(arg_id a)
+ | Enot(a) -> Dnot(arg_id a)
+ | Ebinop(o, a, b) -> Dbinop(o, arg_id a, arg_id b)
+ | Emux(a, b, c) -> Dmux(arg_id a, arg_id b, arg_id c)
+ | Erom(u, v, a) -> Drom(u, v, arg_id a)
+ | Econcat(a, b) -> Dconcat(arg_id a, arg_id b)
+ | Eslice(u, v, a) -> Dslice(u, v, arg_id a)
+ | Eselect(i, a) -> Dselect(i, arg_id a)
+ | _ -> failwith "This should not happen."
+ in
+ (match !ram2 with | None -> rams | Some k -> k::rams),
+ (var_id n, eq2)::eqs
+ )
+ ([],[])
+ eq2 in
+ (* Replace arguments by variable id's *)
+ {
+ d_vars = List.rev (!vars);
+ d_inputs = var_id p.p_inputs;
+ d_outputs = var_id p.p_outputs;
+ d_regs = regs;
+ d_rams = List.rev rams;
+ d_eqs = eq3;
+ }
(* Printer code *)
@@ -182,53 +182,53 @@ let c_select = 7
let c_readram = 8
let binop_id = function
- | Or -> 0
- | Xor -> 1
- | And -> 2
- | Nand -> 3
+ | Or -> 0
+ | Xor -> 1
+ | And -> 2
+ | Nand -> 3
let print_dumb_program oc p =
- let ff = formatter_of_out_channel oc in
- (* print variable list *)
- fprintf ff "%d\n" (List.length p.d_vars);
- List.iter
- (fun v ->
- fprintf ff "%d %s\n" v.size
- p.d_vars;
- (* print input list *)
- fprintf ff "%d" (List.length p.d_inputs);
- List.iter (fun k -> fprintf ff " %d" k) p.d_inputs;
- fprintf ff "\n";
- (* print output list *)
- fprintf ff "%d" (List.length p.d_outputs);
- List.iter (fun k -> fprintf ff " %d" k) p.d_outputs;
- fprintf ff "\n";
- (* print register list *)
- fprintf ff "%d\n" (List.length p.d_regs);
- List.iter (fun (r: reg_var) ->
- fprintf ff "%d %d\n" r.reg_dest r.source) p.d_regs;
- (* print ram list *)
- fprintf ff "%d\n" (List.length p.d_rams);
- List.iter (fun r -> fprintf ff "%d %d %d %d %d\n"
- r.addr_size r.word_size r.write_enable
- r.write_addr p.d_rams;
- (* print equation list *)
- fprintf ff "%d\n" (List.length p.d_eqs);
- List.iter (fun (n, e) ->
- fprintf ff "%d " n; match e with
- | Dcopy(x) -> fprintf ff "%d %d\n" c_copy x
- | Dnot(x) -> fprintf ff "%d %d\n" c_not x
- | Dbinop(o, a, b) -> fprintf ff "%d %d %d %d\n" c_binop (binop_id o) a b
- | Dmux(a, b, c) -> fprintf ff "%d %d %d %d\n" c_mux a b c
- | Drom(u, v, a) -> fprintf ff "%d %d %d %d\n" c_rom u v a
- | Dconcat(a, b) -> fprintf ff "%d %d %d\n" c_concat a b
- | Dslice(u, v, a) -> fprintf ff "%d %d %d %d\n" c_slice u v a
- | Dselect(i, a) -> fprintf ff "%d %d %d\n" c_select i a
- | Dreadram(i, k) -> fprintf ff "%d %d %d\n" c_readram i k)
- p.d_eqs;
- (*flush*)
- fprintf ff "@."
+ let ff = formatter_of_out_channel oc in
+ (* print variable list *)
+ fprintf ff "%d\n" (List.length p.d_vars);
+ List.iter
+ (fun v ->
+ fprintf ff "%d %s\n" v.size
+ p.d_vars;
+ (* print input list *)
+ fprintf ff "%d" (List.length p.d_inputs);
+ List.iter (fun k -> fprintf ff " %d" k) p.d_inputs;
+ fprintf ff "\n";
+ (* print output list *)
+ fprintf ff "%d" (List.length p.d_outputs);
+ List.iter (fun k -> fprintf ff " %d" k) p.d_outputs;
+ fprintf ff "\n";
+ (* print register list *)
+ fprintf ff "%d\n" (List.length p.d_regs);
+ List.iter (fun (r: reg_var) ->
+ fprintf ff "%d %d\n" r.reg_dest r.source) p.d_regs;
+ (* print ram list *)
+ fprintf ff "%d\n" (List.length p.d_rams);
+ List.iter (fun r -> fprintf ff "%d %d %d %d %d\n"
+ r.addr_size r.word_size r.write_enable
+ r.write_addr p.d_rams;
+ (* print equation list *)
+ fprintf ff "%d\n" (List.length p.d_eqs);
+ List.iter (fun (n, e) ->
+ fprintf ff "%d " n; match e with
+ | Dcopy(x) -> fprintf ff "%d %d\n" c_copy x
+ | Dnot(x) -> fprintf ff "%d %d\n" c_not x
+ | Dbinop(o, a, b) -> fprintf ff "%d %d %d %d\n" c_binop (binop_id o) a b
+ | Dmux(a, b, c) -> fprintf ff "%d %d %d %d\n" c_mux a b c
+ | Drom(u, v, a) -> fprintf ff "%d %d %d %d\n" c_rom u v a
+ | Dconcat(a, b) -> fprintf ff "%d %d %d\n" c_concat a b
+ | Dslice(u, v, a) -> fprintf ff "%d %d %d %d\n" c_slice u v a
+ | Dselect(i, a) -> fprintf ff "%d %d %d\n" c_select i a
+ | Dreadram(i, k) -> fprintf ff "%d %d %d\n" c_readram i k)
+ p.d_eqs;
+ (*flush*)
+ fprintf ff "@."
let print_program oc p =
- print_dumb_program oc (make_program_dumb p)
+ print_dumb_program oc (make_program_dumb p)
diff --git a/sched/ b/sched/
index d079f64..611aab4 100644
--- a/sched/
+++ b/sched/
@@ -5,80 +5,80 @@ module Smap = Map.Make(String)
exception Combinational_cycle
let read_exp eq =
- let add_arg x l = match x with
- | Avar(f) -> f::l
- | Aconst(_) -> l
- in
- let aux = function
- | Earg(x) -> add_arg x []
- | Ereg(i) -> []
- | Enot(x) -> add_arg x []
- | Ebinop(_, x, y) -> add_arg x (add_arg y [])
- | Emux(a, b, c) -> add_arg a (add_arg b (add_arg c []))
- | Erom(_, _, a) -> add_arg a []
- | Eram(_, _, a, b, c, d) -> []
- | Econcat(u, v) -> add_arg u (add_arg v [])
- | Eslice(_, _, a) -> add_arg a []
- | Eselect(_, a) -> add_arg a []
- in
- aux eq
+ let add_arg x l = match x with
+ | Avar(f) -> f::l
+ | Aconst(_) -> l
+ in
+ let aux = function
+ | Earg(x) -> add_arg x []
+ | Ereg(i) -> []
+ | Enot(x) -> add_arg x []
+ | Ebinop(_, x, y) -> add_arg x (add_arg y [])
+ | Emux(a, b, c) -> add_arg a (add_arg b (add_arg c []))
+ | Erom(_, _, a) -> add_arg a []
+ | Eram(_, _, a, b, c, d) -> []
+ | Econcat(u, v) -> add_arg u (add_arg v [])
+ | Eslice(_, _, a) -> add_arg a []
+ | Eselect(_, a) -> add_arg a []
+ in
+ aux eq
let read_exp_all eq =
- let add_arg x l = match x with
- | Avar(f) -> f::l
- | Aconst(_) -> l
- in
- let aux = function
- | Earg(x) -> add_arg x []
- | Ereg(i) -> [i]
- | Enot(x) -> add_arg x []
- | Ebinop(_, x, y) -> add_arg x (add_arg y [])
- | Emux(a, b, c) -> add_arg a (add_arg b (add_arg c []))
- | Erom(_, _, a) -> add_arg a []
- | Eram(_, _, a, b, c, d) -> add_arg a (add_arg b (add_arg c (add_arg d [])))
- | Econcat(u, v) -> add_arg u (add_arg v [])
- | Eslice(_, _, a) -> add_arg a []
- | Eselect(_, a) -> add_arg a []
- in
- aux eq
+ let add_arg x l = match x with
+ | Avar(f) -> f::l
+ | Aconst(_) -> l
+ in
+ let aux = function
+ | Earg(x) -> add_arg x []
+ | Ereg(i) -> [i]
+ | Enot(x) -> add_arg x []
+ | Ebinop(_, x, y) -> add_arg x (add_arg y [])
+ | Emux(a, b, c) -> add_arg a (add_arg b (add_arg c []))
+ | Erom(_, _, a) -> add_arg a []
+ | Eram(_, _, a, b, c, d) -> add_arg a (add_arg b (add_arg c (add_arg d [])))
+ | Econcat(u, v) -> add_arg u (add_arg v [])
+ | Eslice(_, _, a) -> add_arg a []
+ | Eselect(_, a) -> add_arg a []
+ in
+ aux eq
let prog_eq_map p =
- List.fold_left
- (fun x (vn, eqn) -> Smap.add vn eqn x)
- Smap.empty p.p_eqs
+ List.fold_left
+ (fun x (vn, eqn) -> Smap.add vn eqn x)
+ Smap.empty p.p_eqs
let prog_graph p eq_map =
- let graph = Graph.mk_graph() in
- (* Add variables as graph nodes *)
- List.iter (fun (k, _) -> Graph.add_node graph k) p.p_eqs;
- (* Add dependencies as graph edges *)
- List.iter
- (fun (n, e) -> List.iter
- (fun m -> if Smap.mem m eq_map then Graph.add_edge graph m n else ())
- (read_exp e))
- p.p_eqs;
- (* Verify there are no cycles *)
- if Graph.has_cycle graph then raise Combinational_cycle;
- graph
+ let graph = Graph.mk_graph() in
+ (* Add variables as graph nodes *)
+ List.iter (fun (k, _) -> Graph.add_node graph k) p.p_eqs;
+ (* Add dependencies as graph edges *)
+ List.iter
+ (fun (n, e) -> List.iter
+ (fun m -> if Smap.mem m eq_map then Graph.add_edge graph m n else ())
+ (read_exp e))
+ p.p_eqs;
+ (* Verify there are no cycles *)
+ if Graph.has_cycle graph then raise Combinational_cycle;
+ graph
let schedule p =
- let eq_map = prog_eq_map p in
- let graph = prog_graph p eq_map in
+ let eq_map = prog_eq_map p in
+ let graph = prog_graph p eq_map in
- (* Topological sort of graph nodes *)
- let topo_vars = Graph.topological graph in
- (* Construct new program with sorted expression list *)
- {
- p_eqs = List.fold_right
- (fun n x ->
- if Smap.mem n eq_map then
- (n, Smap.find n eq_map)::x
- else x)
- topo_vars [];
- p_inputs = p.p_inputs;
- p_outputs = p.p_outputs;
- p_vars = p.p_vars;
- }
+ (* Topological sort of graph nodes *)
+ let topo_vars = Graph.topological graph in
+ (* Construct new program with sorted expression list *)
+ {
+ p_eqs = List.fold_right
+ (fun n x ->
+ if Smap.mem n eq_map then
+ (n, Smap.find n eq_map)::x
+ else x)
+ topo_vars [];
+ p_inputs = p.p_inputs;
+ p_outputs = p.p_outputs;
+ p_vars = p.p_vars;
+ }
diff --git a/sched/ b/sched/
index c47a9d0..37e4539 100644
--- a/sched/
+++ b/sched/
@@ -1,17 +1,17 @@
- Order of simplifications :
- - cascade slices and selects
- - transform k = SLICE i j var when var = CONCAT var' var''
- - simplify stupid things (a xor 0 = a, a and 0 = 0, etc.)
- transform k = SLICE i i var into k = SELECT i var
- - transform k = SELECT 0 var into k = var when var is also one bit
- - look for variables with same equation, put the second to identity
- - eliminate k' for each equation k' = k
- - topological sort
+ Order of simplifications :
+ - cascade slices and selects
+ - transform k = SLICE i j var when var = CONCAT var' var''
+ - simplify stupid things (a xor 0 = a, a and 0 = 0, etc.)
+ transform k = SLICE i i var into k = SELECT i var
+ - transform k = SELECT 0 var into k = var when var is also one bit
+ - look for variables with same equation, put the second to identity
+ - eliminate k' for each equation k' = k
+ - topological sort
- TODO : eliminate unused variables. problem : they are hard to identify
+ TODO : eliminate unused variables. problem : they are hard to identify
open Netlist_ast
@@ -21,321 +21,321 @@ module Smap = Map.Make(String)
(* Simplify cascade slicing/selecting *)
let cascade_slices p =
- let usefull = ref false in
- let slices = Hashtbl.create 42 in
- let eqs_new =
- (fun (n, eq) -> (n, match eq with
- | Eslice(u, v, Avar(x)) ->
- let dec, nx =
- if Hashtbl.mem slices x then begin
- Hashtbl.find slices x
- end else
- (0, x)
- in
- Hashtbl.add slices n (u + dec, nx);
- if nx <> x || dec <> 0 then usefull := true;
- Eslice(u + dec, v + dec, Avar(nx))
- | Eselect(u, Avar(x)) ->
- begin try
- let ku, kx = Hashtbl.find slices x in
- usefull := true;
- Eselect(ku + u, Avar(kx))
- with
- Not_found -> Eselect(u, Avar(x))
- end
- | _ -> eq))
- p.p_eqs in
- {
- p_eqs = eqs_new;
- p_inputs = p.p_inputs;
- p_outputs = p.p_outputs;
- p_vars = p.p_vars;
- }, !usefull
+ let usefull = ref false in
+ let slices = Hashtbl.create 42 in
+ let eqs_new =
+ (fun (n, eq) -> (n, match eq with
+ | Eslice(u, v, Avar(x)) ->
+ let dec, nx =
+ if Hashtbl.mem slices x then begin
+ Hashtbl.find slices x
+ end else
+ (0, x)
+ in
+ Hashtbl.add slices n (u + dec, nx);
+ if nx <> x || dec <> 0 then usefull := true;
+ Eslice(u + dec, v + dec, Avar(nx))
+ | Eselect(u, Avar(x)) ->
+ begin try
+ let ku, kx = Hashtbl.find slices x in
+ usefull := true;
+ Eselect(ku + u, Avar(kx))
+ with
+ Not_found -> Eselect(u, Avar(x))
+ end
+ | _ -> eq))
+ p.p_eqs in
+ {
+ p_eqs = eqs_new;
+ p_inputs = p.p_inputs;
+ p_outputs = p.p_outputs;
+ p_vars = p.p_vars;
+ }, !usefull
(* If
- var = CONCAT a b
- x = SLICE i j var
- or
- y = SELECT i var
- then x or y may be simplified
+ var = CONCAT a b
+ x = SLICE i j var
+ or
+ y = SELECT i var
+ then x or y may be simplified
let pass_concat p =
- let usefull = ref false in
- let concats = Hashtbl.create 42 in
- List.iter (fun (n, eq) -> match eq with
- | Econcat(x, y) ->
- let s1 = match x with
- | Aconst(a) -> Array.length a
- | Avar(z) -> Env.find z p.p_vars
- in let s2 = match y with
- | Aconst(a) -> Array.length a
- | Avar(z) -> Env.find z p.p_vars
- in
- Hashtbl.add concats n (x, s1, y, s2)
- | _ -> ()) p.p_eqs;
- let eqs_new =
- (fun (n, eq) -> (n, match eq with
- | Eselect(i, Avar(n)) ->
- begin try
- let (x, s1, y, s2) = Hashtbl.find concats n in
- usefull := true;
- if i < s1 then
- Eselect(i, x)
- else
- Eselect(i-s1, y)
- with Not_found -> eq end
- | Eslice(i, j, Avar(n)) ->
- begin try
- let (x, s1, y, s2) = Hashtbl.find concats n in
- if j < s1 then begin
- usefull := true;
- Eslice(i, j, x)
- end else if i >= s1 then begin
- usefull := true;
- Eslice(i - s1, j - s1, y)
- end else eq
- with Not_found -> eq end
- | _ -> eq))
- p.p_eqs in
- {
- p_eqs = eqs_new;
- p_inputs = p.p_inputs;
- p_outputs = p.p_outputs;
- p_vars = p.p_vars;
- }, !usefull
+ let usefull = ref false in
+ let concats = Hashtbl.create 42 in
+ List.iter (fun (n, eq) -> match eq with
+ | Econcat(x, y) ->
+ let s1 = match x with
+ | Aconst(a) -> Array.length a
+ | Avar(z) -> Env.find z p.p_vars
+ in let s2 = match y with
+ | Aconst(a) -> Array.length a
+ | Avar(z) -> Env.find z p.p_vars
+ in
+ Hashtbl.add concats n (x, s1, y, s2)
+ | _ -> ()) p.p_eqs;
+ let eqs_new =
+ (fun (n, eq) -> (n, match eq with
+ | Eselect(i, Avar(n)) ->
+ begin try
+ let (x, s1, y, s2) = Hashtbl.find concats n in
+ usefull := true;
+ if i < s1 then
+ Eselect(i, x)
+ else
+ Eselect(i-s1, y)
+ with Not_found -> eq end
+ | Eslice(i, j, Avar(n)) ->
+ begin try
+ let (x, s1, y, s2) = Hashtbl.find concats n in
+ if j < s1 then begin
+ usefull := true;
+ Eslice(i, j, x)
+ end else if i >= s1 then begin
+ usefull := true;
+ Eslice(i - s1, j - s1, y)
+ end else eq
+ with Not_found -> eq end
+ | _ -> eq))
+ p.p_eqs in
+ {
+ p_eqs = eqs_new;
+ p_inputs = p.p_inputs;
+ p_outputs = p.p_outputs;
+ p_vars = p.p_vars;
+ }, !usefull
(* Simplifies some trivial arithmetic possibilites :
- a and 1 = a
- a and 0 = 0
- a or 1 = 1
- a or 0 = a
- a xor 0 = a
- slice i i x = select i x
- concat const const = const.const
- slice i j const = const.[i..j]
- select i const = const.[i]
+ a and 1 = a
+ a and 0 = 0
+ a or 1 = 1
+ a or 0 = a
+ a xor 0 = a
+ slice i i x = select i x
+ concat const const = const.const
+ slice i j const = const.[i..j]
+ select i const = const.[i]
let arith_simplify p =
- let usefull = ref false in
- {
- p_eqs =
- (fun (n, eq) ->
- let useless = ref false in
- let neq = match eq with
- | Ebinop(Or, Aconst([|false|]), x) -> Earg(x)
- | Ebinop(Or, Aconst([|true|]), x) -> Earg(Aconst([|true|]))
- | Ebinop(Or, x, Aconst([|false|])) -> Earg(x)
- | Ebinop(Or, x, Aconst([|true|])) -> Earg(Aconst([|true|]))
+ let usefull = ref false in
+ {
+ p_eqs =
+ (fun (n, eq) ->
+ let useless = ref false in
+ let neq = match eq with
+ | Ebinop(Or, Aconst([|false|]), x) -> Earg(x)
+ | Ebinop(Or, Aconst([|true|]), x) -> Earg(Aconst([|true|]))
+ | Ebinop(Or, x, Aconst([|false|])) -> Earg(x)
+ | Ebinop(Or, x, Aconst([|true|])) -> Earg(Aconst([|true|]))
- | Ebinop(And, Aconst([|false|]), x) -> Earg(Aconst([|false|]))
- | Ebinop(And, Aconst([|true|]), x) -> Earg(x)
- | Ebinop(And, x, Aconst([|false|])) -> Earg(Aconst([|false|]))
- | Ebinop(And, x, Aconst([|true|])) -> Earg(x)
+ | Ebinop(And, Aconst([|false|]), x) -> Earg(Aconst([|false|]))
+ | Ebinop(And, Aconst([|true|]), x) -> Earg(x)
+ | Ebinop(And, x, Aconst([|false|])) -> Earg(Aconst([|false|]))
+ | Ebinop(And, x, Aconst([|true|])) -> Earg(x)
- | Ebinop(Xor, Aconst([|false|]), x) -> Earg(x)
- | Ebinop(Xor, x, Aconst([|false|])) -> Earg(x)
+ | Ebinop(Xor, Aconst([|false|]), x) -> Earg(x)
+ | Ebinop(Xor, x, Aconst([|false|])) -> Earg(x)
- | Eslice(i, j, k) when i = j -> Eselect(i, k)
+ | Eslice(i, j, k) when i = j -> Eselect(i, k)
- | Econcat(Aconst(a), Aconst(b)) ->
- Earg(Aconst(Array.append a b))
- | Eslice(i, j, Aconst(a)) ->
- Earg(Aconst(Array.sub a i (j - i + 1)))
- | Eselect(i, Aconst(a)) ->
- Earg(Aconst([|a.(i)|]))
- | _ -> useless := true; eq in
- if not !useless then usefull := true;
- (n, neq))
- p.p_eqs;
- p_inputs = p.p_inputs;
- p_outputs = p.p_outputs;
- p_vars = p.p_vars;
- }, !usefull
+ | Econcat(Aconst(a), Aconst(b)) ->
+ Earg(Aconst(Array.append a b))
+ | Eslice(i, j, Aconst(a)) ->
+ Earg(Aconst(Array.sub a i (j - i + 1)))
+ | Eselect(i, Aconst(a)) ->
+ Earg(Aconst([|a.(i)|]))
+ | _ -> useless := true; eq in
+ if not !useless then usefull := true;
+ (n, neq))
+ p.p_eqs;
+ p_inputs = p.p_inputs;
+ p_outputs = p.p_outputs;
+ p_vars = p.p_vars;
+ }, !usefull
(* if x is one bit, then :
- select 0 x = x
+ select 0 x = x
and same thing with select
let select_to_id p =
- let usefull = ref false in
- {
- p_eqs =
- (fun (n, eq) -> match eq with
- | Eselect(0, Avar(id)) when Env.find id p.p_vars = 1 ->
- usefull := true;
- (n, Earg(Avar(id)))
- | Eslice(0, sz, Avar(id)) when Env.find id p.p_vars = sz + 1 ->
- usefull := true;
- (n, Earg(Avar(id)))
- | _ -> (n, eq))
- p.p_eqs;
- p_inputs = p.p_inputs;
- p_outputs = p.p_outputs;
- p_vars = p.p_vars;
- }, !usefull
+ let usefull = ref false in
+ {
+ p_eqs =
+ (fun (n, eq) -> match eq with
+ | Eselect(0, Avar(id)) when Env.find id p.p_vars = 1 ->
+ usefull := true;
+ (n, Earg(Avar(id)))
+ | Eslice(0, sz, Avar(id)) when Env.find id p.p_vars = sz + 1 ->
+ usefull := true;
+ (n, Earg(Avar(id)))
+ | _ -> (n, eq))
+ p.p_eqs;
+ p_inputs = p.p_inputs;
+ p_outputs = p.p_outputs;
+ p_vars = p.p_vars;
+ }, !usefull
- If a = eqn(v1, v2, ...) and b = eqn(v1, v2, ...) <- the same equation
- then say b = a
+ If a = eqn(v1, v2, ...) and b = eqn(v1, v2, ...) <- the same equation
+ then say b = a
let same_eq_simplify p =
- let usefull = ref false in
- let id_outputs =
- (List.fold_left (fun x k -> Sset.add k x) Sset.empty p.p_outputs) in
- let eq_map = Hashtbl.create 42 in
- List.iter
- (fun (n, eq) -> if Sset.mem n id_outputs then
- Hashtbl.add eq_map eq n)
- p.p_eqs;
- let simplify_eq (n, eq) =
- if Sset.mem n id_outputs then
- (n, eq)
- else if Hashtbl.mem eq_map eq then begin
- usefull := true;
- (n, Earg(Avar(Hashtbl.find eq_map eq)))
- end else begin
- Hashtbl.add eq_map eq n;
- (n, eq)
- end
- in
- let eq2 = simplify_eq p.p_eqs in
- {
- p_eqs = eq2;
- p_inputs = p.p_inputs;
- p_outputs = p.p_outputs;
- p_vars = p.p_vars;
- }, !usefull
+ let usefull = ref false in
+ let id_outputs =
+ (List.fold_left (fun x k -> Sset.add k x) Sset.empty p.p_outputs) in
+ let eq_map = Hashtbl.create 42 in
+ List.iter
+ (fun (n, eq) -> if Sset.mem n id_outputs then
+ Hashtbl.add eq_map eq n)
+ p.p_eqs;
+ let simplify_eq (n, eq) =
+ if Sset.mem n id_outputs then
+ (n, eq)
+ else if Hashtbl.mem eq_map eq then begin
+ usefull := true;
+ (n, Earg(Avar(Hashtbl.find eq_map eq)))
+ end else begin
+ Hashtbl.add eq_map eq n;
+ (n, eq)
+ end
+ in
+ let eq2 = simplify_eq p.p_eqs in
+ {
+ p_eqs = eq2;
+ p_inputs = p.p_inputs;
+ p_outputs = p.p_outputs;
+ p_vars = p.p_vars;
+ }, !usefull
-(* Replace one specific variable by another argument in the arguments of all equations
- (possibly a constant, possibly another variable)
+(* Replace one specific variable by another argument in the arguments of all equations
+ (possibly a constant, possibly another variable)
let eliminate_var var rep p =
- let rep_arg = function
- | Avar(i) when i = var -> rep
- | k -> k
- in
- let rep_eqs =
- (fun (n, eq) -> (n, match eq with
- | Earg(a) -> Earg(rep_arg a)
- | Ereg(i) when i = var ->
- begin match rep with
- | Avar(j) -> Ereg(j)
- | Aconst(k) -> Earg(Aconst(k))
- end
- | Ereg(j) -> Ereg(j)
- | Enot(a) -> Enot(rep_arg a)
- | Ebinop(o, a, b) -> Ebinop(o, rep_arg a, rep_arg b)
- | Emux(a, b, c) -> Emux(rep_arg a, rep_arg b, rep_arg c)
- | Erom(u, v, a) -> Erom(u, v, rep_arg a)
- | Eram(u, v, a, b, c, d) -> Eram(u, v, rep_arg a, rep_arg b, rep_arg c, rep_arg d)
- | Econcat(a, b) -> Econcat(rep_arg a, rep_arg b)
- | Eslice(u, v, a) -> Eslice(u, v, rep_arg a)
- | Eselect(u, a) -> Eselect(u, rep_arg a)
- ))
- p.p_eqs in
- {
- p_eqs = List.fold_left
- (fun x (n, eq) ->
- if n = var then x else (n, eq)::x)
- [] rep_eqs;
- p_inputs = p.p_inputs;
- p_outputs = p.p_outputs;
- p_vars = Env.remove var p.p_vars;
- }
+ let rep_arg = function
+ | Avar(i) when i = var -> rep
+ | k -> k
+ in
+ let rep_eqs =
+ (fun (n, eq) -> (n, match eq with
+ | Earg(a) -> Earg(rep_arg a)
+ | Ereg(i) when i = var ->
+ begin match rep with
+ | Avar(j) -> Ereg(j)
+ | Aconst(k) -> Earg(Aconst(k))
+ end
+ | Ereg(j) -> Ereg(j)
+ | Enot(a) -> Enot(rep_arg a)
+ | Ebinop(o, a, b) -> Ebinop(o, rep_arg a, rep_arg b)
+ | Emux(a, b, c) -> Emux(rep_arg a, rep_arg b, rep_arg c)
+ | Erom(u, v, a) -> Erom(u, v, rep_arg a)
+ | Eram(u, v, a, b, c, d) -> Eram(u, v, rep_arg a, rep_arg b, rep_arg c, rep_arg d)
+ | Econcat(a, b) -> Econcat(rep_arg a, rep_arg b)
+ | Eslice(u, v, a) -> Eslice(u, v, rep_arg a)
+ | Eselect(u, a) -> Eselect(u, rep_arg a)
+ ))
+ p.p_eqs in
+ {
+ p_eqs = List.fold_left
+ (fun x (n, eq) ->
+ if n = var then x else (n, eq)::x)
+ [] rep_eqs;
+ p_inputs = p.p_inputs;
+ p_outputs = p.p_outputs;
+ p_vars = Env.remove var p.p_vars;
+ }
(* Remove all equations of type :
- a = b
- a = const
- (except if a is an output variable)
+ a = b
+ a = const
+ (except if a is an output variable)
let rec eliminate_id p =
- let id_outputs =
- (List.fold_left (fun x k -> Sset.add k x) Sset.empty p.p_outputs) in
+ let id_outputs =
+ (List.fold_left (fun x k -> Sset.add k x) Sset.empty p.p_outputs) in
- let rep =
- List.fold_left
- (fun x (n, eq) ->
- if x = None && (not (Sset.mem n id_outputs)) then
- match eq with
- | Earg(rarg) ->
- Some(n, rarg)
- | _ -> None
- else
- x)
- None p.p_eqs in
- match rep with
- | None -> p, false
- | Some(n, rep) -> fst (eliminate_id (eliminate_var n rep p)), true
+ let rep =
+ List.fold_left
+ (fun x (n, eq) ->
+ if x = None && (not (Sset.mem n id_outputs)) then
+ match eq with
+ | Earg(rarg) ->
+ Some(n, rarg)
+ | _ -> None
+ else
+ x)
+ None p.p_eqs in
+ match rep with
+ | None -> p, false
+ | Some(n, rep) -> fst (eliminate_id (eliminate_var n rep p)), true
(* Eliminate dead variables *)
let eliminate_dead p =
- let rec living basis =
- let new_basis = List.fold_left
- (fun b2 (n, eq) ->
- if Sset.mem n b2 then
- List.fold_left
- (fun x k -> Sset.add k x)
- b2
- (Scheduler.read_exp_all eq)
- else
- b2)
- basis (List.rev p.p_eqs)
- in
- if Sset.cardinal new_basis > Sset.cardinal basis
- then living new_basis
- else new_basis
- in
- let outs = List.fold_left (fun x k -> Sset.add k x) Sset.empty p.p_outputs in
- let ins = List.fold_left (fun x k -> Sset.add k x) Sset.empty p.p_inputs in
- let live = living (Sset.union outs ins) in
- {
- p_eqs = List.filter (fun (n, _) -> Sset.mem n live) p.p_eqs;
- p_inputs = p.p_inputs;
- p_outputs = p.p_outputs;
- p_vars = Env.fold
- (fun k s newenv ->
- if Sset.mem k live
- then Env.add k s newenv
- else newenv)
- p.p_vars Env.empty
- }, (Sset.cardinal live < Env.cardinal p.p_vars)
+ let rec living basis =
+ let new_basis = List.fold_left
+ (fun b2 (n, eq) ->
+ if Sset.mem n b2 then
+ List.fold_left
+ (fun x k -> Sset.add k x)
+ b2
+ (Scheduler.read_exp_all eq)
+ else
+ b2)
+ basis (List.rev p.p_eqs)
+ in
+ if Sset.cardinal new_basis > Sset.cardinal basis
+ then living new_basis
+ else new_basis
+ in
+ let outs = List.fold_left (fun x k -> Sset.add k x) Sset.empty p.p_outputs in
+ let ins = List.fold_left (fun x k -> Sset.add k x) Sset.empty p.p_inputs in
+ let live = living (Sset.union outs ins) in
+ {
+ p_eqs = List.filter (fun (n, _) -> Sset.mem n live) p.p_eqs;
+ p_inputs = p.p_inputs;
+ p_outputs = p.p_outputs;
+ p_vars = Env.fold
+ (fun k s newenv ->
+ if Sset.mem k live
+ then Env.add k s newenv
+ else newenv)
+ p.p_vars Env.empty
+ }, (Sset.cardinal live < Env.cardinal p.p_vars)
(* Topological sort *)
let topo_sort p =
- (Scheduler.schedule p, false)
+ (Scheduler.schedule p, false)
(* Apply all the simplification passes,
- in the order given in the header of this file
+ in the order given in the header of this file
let rec simplify_with steps p =
- let pp, use = List.fold_left
- (fun (x, u) (f, n) ->
- print_string n;
- let xx, uu = f x in
- print_string (if uu then " *\n" else "\n");
- (xx, u || uu))
- (p, false) steps in
- if use then simplify_with steps pp else pp
+ let pp, use = List.fold_left
+ (fun (x, u) (f, n) ->
+ print_string n;
+ let xx, uu = f x in
+ print_string (if uu then " *\n" else "\n");
+ (xx, u || uu))
+ (p, false) steps in
+ if use then simplify_with steps pp else pp
let simplify p =
- let p = simplify_with [
- topo_sort, "topo_sort";
- cascade_slices, "cascade_slices";
- pass_concat, "pass_concat";
- arith_simplify, "arith_simplify";
- select_to_id, "select_to_id";
- same_eq_simplify, "same_eq_simplify";
- eliminate_id, "eliminate_id";
- ] p in
- let p = simplify_with [
- eliminate_dead, "eliminate_dead";
- topo_sort, "topo_sort"; (* make sure last step is a topological sort *)
- ] p in
- p
+ let p = simplify_with [
+ topo_sort, "topo_sort";
+ cascade_slices, "cascade_slices";
+ pass_concat, "pass_concat";
+ arith_simplify, "arith_simplify";
+ select_to_id, "select_to_id";
+ same_eq_simplify, "same_eq_simplify";
+ eliminate_id, "eliminate_id";
+ ] p in
+ let p = simplify_with [
+ eliminate_dead, "eliminate_dead";
+ topo_sort, "topo_sort"; (* make sure last step is a topological sort *)
+ ] p in
+ p