open Abstract_syntax_tree open Environment_domain open Util module Make (E : ENVIRONMENT_DOMAIN) = struct let neg (e, l) = (AST_unary(AST_NOT, (e, l))), l let rec condition cond env = begin match fst cond with | AST_binary (AST_LESS_EQUAL, e1, e2) -> env e1 e2 | AST_binary (AST_GREATER_EQUAL, e1, e2) -> env e2 e1 | AST_binary (AST_AND, e1, e2) -> (condition e1 env) (condition e2 env) | AST_binary (AST_OR, e1, e2) -> E.join (condition e1 env) (condition e2 env) (* transformations *) | AST_unary (AST_NOT, (AST_binary(AST_AND, e1, e2), x)) -> condition (AST_binary(AST_OR, neg e1, neg e2), x) env | AST_unary (AST_NOT, (AST_binary(AST_OR, e1, e2), x)) -> condition (AST_binary(AST_AND, neg e1, neg e2), x) env | _ -> env (* TODO : encode some more transformations *) end let rec interp_stmt env stat = begin match fst stat with | AST_block b -> List.fold_left interp_stmt env b | AST_assign ((id, _), exp) -> E.assign env id exp | AST_if (cond, tb, None) -> E.join (interp_stmt (condition cond env) tb) (condition (neg cond) env) | AST_if (cond, tb, Some eb) -> E.join (interp_stmt (condition cond env) tb) (interp_stmt (condition (neg cond) env) eb) | AST_while (cond, (body, _)) -> (* TODO *) env | AST_HALT -> E.bottom | AST_assert (cond, l) -> if not (E.is_bot (condition (neg (cond, l)) env)) then begin print_string (Abstract_syntax_printer.string_of_extent l); print_string ": ERROR: assertion failure\n" end; condition (cond, l) env | AST_print items -> print_string (Abstract_syntax_printer.string_of_extent (snd stat)); print_string ": "; print_string (E.var_str env ( fst items)); print_string "\n"; env | _ -> assert false (* not implemented *) end let interpret prog = let result = List.fold_left (fun env x -> match x with | AST_stat st -> interp_stmt env st | _ -> env) E.init (fst prog) in print_string "Output: "; print_string (E.all_vars_str result); print_string "\n" end