open Format open Lexing let parse_only = ref false let dump = ref false let dumpt = ref false let ifile = ref "" let set_var v s = v := s let usage = "usage: mini-cpp [options] file.cpp" let localisation pos = let l = pos.pos_lnum in let c = pos.pos_cnum - pos.pos_bol + 1 in eprintf "File \"%s\", line %d, characters %d-%d:\n" !ifile l (c-1) c let localisation2 (pos1,pos2) = let l = pos1.pos_lnum in let c1 = pos1.pos_cnum - pos1.pos_bol + 1 in let c2 = pos2.pos_cnum - pos2.pos_bol + 1 in eprintf "File \"%s\", line %d, characters %d-%d:\n" !ifile l c1 c2 let options = [ "--parse-only", Arg.Set parse_only, "Stops after parsing of the input file."; "--dump", Arg.Set dump, "Dump the AST after parsing."; "--dumpt", Arg.Set dumpt, "Dump the AST after typing." ] let () = Arg.parse options (set_var ifile) usage; if !ifile = "" then ( eprintf "No input file\n@?"; exit 1); if not (Filename.check_suffix !ifile ".cpp") then ( eprintf "Input files must have suffix .cpp\n@?"; Arg.usage options usage; exit 1); let f = open_in !ifile in let buf = Lexing.from_channel f in try let p = Parser.prog Lexer.token buf in close_in f; if !dump then Pretty.print_prog p; if not !parse_only then begin let t = Typing.prog p in if !dumpt then Pretty_typing.print_prog t; end with | Lexer.Lexing_error s -> localisation (Lexing.lexeme_start_p buf); eprintf "Lexical analysis error: %s@." s; exit 1 | Parser.Error -> localisation (Lexing.lexeme_start_p buf); eprintf "Parsing error.@."; exit 1 | Typing.Error(msg) -> eprintf "Typing error (unknown location): %s@." msg; exit 2 | Typing.LocError (loc, msg) -> localisation2 loc; eprintf "%s@." msg; exit 2 | _ -> eprintf "Unexpected error...@."; exit 3