path: root/script/calendar_generator/src/main.rs
diff options
authorAeddis Desauw <aeddis@deuxfleurs.fr>2024-05-07 19:56:27 +0200
committerAeddis Desauw <aeddis@deuxfleurs.fr>2024-05-07 21:09:55 +0200
commitb3725ac2ac548a99e4e70c4ee39ab9d05205a62a (patch)
tree29757009c83062aace56e768da0f2d9904c3ef70 /script/calendar_generator/src/main.rs
parent1c9ff174cf10893162e40e2ec7f6b3f034b88fdc (diff)
add script to generate ascii calendar
Diffstat (limited to 'script/calendar_generator/src/main.rs')
1 files changed, 129 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/script/calendar_generator/src/main.rs b/script/calendar_generator/src/main.rs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4acb2c6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/script/calendar_generator/src/main.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
+use chrono::prelude::*;
+use std::env;
+use chrono::NaiveDate;
+fn get_month( num :i8) -> & 'static str {
+ match num {
+ 1 => return "JANVIER",
+ 2 => return "FEVRIER",
+ 3 => return "MARS",
+ 4 => return "AVRIL",
+ 5 => return "MAI",
+ 6 => return "JUIN",
+ 7 => return "JUILLET",
+ 8 => return "AOUT",
+ 9 => return "SEPTEMBRE",
+ 10 => return "OCTOBRE",
+ 11 => return "NOVEMBRE",
+ 12 => return "DECEMBRE",
+ _=> return "",
+ }
+fn nb_empty_space_before(day : Weekday) -> i8{
+ match day {
+ Weekday::Mon => return 0,
+ Weekday::Tue => return 1,
+ Weekday::Wed => return 2,
+ Weekday::Thu => return 3,
+ Weekday::Fri => return 4,
+ Weekday::Sat => return 5,
+ Weekday::Sun => return 6,
+ }
+fn get_pretty_day(day_nb : i8) -> String {
+ if day_nb < 10 {
+ return "0".to_owned() + &day_nb.to_string();
+ }
+ return day_nb.to_string();
+fn get_ascii_calendar(date : NaiveDate) -> String {
+ let binding = date.to_string();
+ let split_date = binding.split("-").collect::<Vec<_>>();
+ let month = split_date[1];
+ let year = split_date[0];
+ let month_name = get_month(month.parse::<i8>().expect("REASON"));
+ let space = 38 - "CALENDRIER".len() - 1 - month_name.len() - 1 - 4;
+ let mut calendar = String::from(".——————————————————————————————————————.\n");
+ calendar += "|";
+ for _ in 0..(space/2){
+ calendar += " ";
+ }
+ calendar += &("CALENDRIER".to_owned() + " " + month_name + " " + year);
+ for _ in 0..(space/2 + (space % 2)){
+ calendar = calendar.to_string() + " ";
+ }
+ calendar += "|\n";
+ calendar += "|——————————————————————————————————————|\n";
+ let mut top_line = String::from("| ");
+ let mut middle_line = String::from("| |");
+ let base_date = NaiveDate::from_ymd_opt(year.parse::<i32>().expect("REASON"),
+ 1 + month.parse::<u32>().expect("REASON"),
+ 1).unwrap();
+ // fill empty spaces
+ let nb_space = nb_empty_space_before(base_date.weekday());
+ for _ in 0..nb_space{
+ top_line += "———— ";
+ middle_line += " |"
+ }
+ let mut day_nb = 1;
+ for day in base_date.iter_days().take(50){
+ if day.month() != base_date.month(){
+ // complete to the end of the week
+ top_line += "———— ";
+ middle_line += " |";
+ if day.weekday() == Weekday::Sun {
+ calendar += &(top_line.clone() + " |\n");
+ calendar += &(middle_line .clone() + &(" |\n"));
+ calendar += &(top_line.clone() + " |\n");
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ if day.weekday() == Weekday::Sun {
+ calendar += &(top_line.clone() + "———— |\n");
+ calendar += &(middle_line .clone() + &(" ".to_owned() + &get_pretty_day(day_nb) + " | |\n"));
+ top_line = String::from("| ");
+ middle_line = String::from("| |");
+ }
+ else {
+ top_line += "———— ";
+ middle_line += &(" ".to_owned() + &get_pretty_day(day_nb) + " |");
+ }
+ }
+ day_nb += 1
+ }
+ calendar += "|______________________________________|\n";
+ return calendar;
+fn main() {
+ let args: Vec<_> = env::args().collect();
+ if args.len() <= 1
+ {
+ println!("At least one month must be specified");
+ return;
+ }
+ for month in env::args(){
+ match NaiveDate::parse_from_str(&("01-".to_owned() + &month), "%d-%m-%Y") {
+ Ok(date) => println!("{}", get_ascii_calendar(date)),
+ Err(error) => println!("could not parse .{}. due to: {}", month, error),
+ }
+ }