job "jitsi" { datacenters = ["neptune"] type = "service" priority = "10" constraint { attribute = "${attr.cpu.arch}" value = "amd64" } group "core" { network { port "bosh_port" { } port "xmpp_port" { } port "https_port" { } port "video_port" { static = 8080 } } task "xmpp" { driver = "docker" config { image = "superboum/amd64_jitsi_xmpp:v10" ports = [ "bosh_port", "xmpp_port" ] network_mode = "host" volumes = [ "secrets/prosody.cfg.lua:/etc/prosody/prosody.cfg.lua", "secrets/certs/auth.jitsi.crt:/var/lib/prosody/auth.jitsi.crt", "secrets/certs/auth.jitsi.key:/var/lib/prosody/auth.jitsi.key", "secrets/certs/jitsi.crt:/var/lib/prosody/jitsi.crt", "secrets/certs/jitsi.key:/var/lib/prosody/jitsi.key" ] } template { data = <<EOF JICOFO_AUTH_PASSWORD={{ key "secrets/jitsi/jicofo_pass" | trimSpace }} JVB_AUTH_PASSWORD={{ key "secrets/jitsi/jvb_pass" | trimSpace }} EOF destination = "secrets/global_env" env = true } template { data = file("../config/prosody.cfg.lua") destination = "secrets/prosody.cfg.lua" } # --- secrets --- template { data = "{{ key \"secrets/jitsi/auth.jitsi.crt\" }}" destination = "secrets/certs/auth.jitsi.crt" } template { data = "{{ key \"secrets/jitsi/auth.jitsi.key\" }}" destination = "secrets/certs/auth.jitsi.key" } template { data = "{{ key \"secrets/jitsi/jitsi.crt\" }}" destination = "secrets/certs/jitsi.crt" } template { data = "{{ key \"secrets/jitsi/jitsi.key\" }}" destination = "secrets/certs/jitsi.key" } resources { cpu = 300 memory = 200 } service { tags = [ "jitsi", "bosh" ] port = "bosh_port" address_mode = "host" name = "bosh-jitsi" check { type = "tcp" port = "bosh_port" interval = "60s" timeout = "5s" check_restart { limit = 3 grace = "90s" ignore_warnings = false } } } service { tags = [ "jitsi", "xmpp" ] port = "xmpp_port" address_mode = "host" name = "xmpp-jitsi" } } task "front" { driver = "docker" config { image = "superboum/amd64_jitsi_meet:v5" network_mode = "host" ports = [ "https_port" ] volumes = [ "secrets/certs/jitsi.crt:/etc/nginx/jitsi.crt", "secrets/certs/jitsi.key:/etc/nginx/jitsi.key", "secrets/config.js:/srv/jitsi-meet/config.js", "secrets/nginx.conf:/etc/nginx/nginx.conf" ] } template { data = file("../config/config.js") destination = "secrets/config.js" } template { data = file("../config/nginx.conf") destination = "secrets/nginx.conf" } # --- secrets --- template { data = "{{ key \"secrets/jitsi/jitsi.crt\" }}" destination = "secrets/certs/jitsi.crt" } template { data = "{{ key \"secrets/jitsi/jitsi.key\" }}" destination = "secrets/certs/jitsi.key" } resources { cpu = 300 memory = 200 } service { tags = [ "jitsi", "tricot", ] port = "https_port" address_mode = "host" name = "https-jitsi" check { type = "tcp" port = "https_port" interval = "60s" timeout = "5s" check_restart { limit = 3 grace = "90s" ignore_warnings = false } } } } task "jicofo" { driver = "docker" config { image = "superboum/amd64_jitsi_conference_focus:v9" network_mode = "host" volumes = [ "secrets/certs/jitsi.crt:/usr/local/share/ca-certificates/jitsi.crt", "secrets/certs/auth.jitsi.crt:/usr/local/share/ca-certificates/auth.jitsi.crt", "secrets/jicofo.conf:/etc/jitsi/jicofo.conf" ] } template { data = file("../config/jicofo.conf") destination = "secrets/jicofo.conf" } #--- secrets --- template { data = "{{ key \"secrets/jitsi/jitsi.crt\" }}" destination = "secrets/certs/jitsi.crt" } template { data = "{{ key \"secrets/jitsi/auth.jitsi.crt\" }}" destination = "secrets/certs/auth.jitsi.crt" } resources { cpu = 300 memory = 400 } } task "videobridge" { driver = "docker" config { image = "superboum/amd64_jitsi_videobridge:v20" network_mode = "host" ports = [ "video_port" ] ulimit { nofile = "1048576:1048576" nproc = "65536:65536" } volumes = [ "secrets/certs/jitsi.crt:/usr/local/share/ca-certificates/jitsi.crt", "secrets/certs/auth.jitsi.crt:/usr/local/share/ca-certificates/auth.jitsi.crt", "secrets/videobridge.conf:/etc/jitsi/videobridge.conf" ] } env { # Our container can autodetect the public IP with the service # However we would like to avoid relying on a 3rd party service for production use # That's why I am setting the public IP address statically here VVVV JITSI_NAT_PUBLIC_IP = "" } template { data = file("../config/videobridge.conf") destination = "secrets/videobridge.conf" } # --- secrets --- template { data = "{{ key \"secrets/jitsi/jitsi.crt\" }}" destination = "secrets/certs/jitsi.crt" } template { data = "{{ key \"secrets/jitsi/auth.jitsi.crt\" }}" destination = "secrets/certs/auth.jitsi.crt" } resources { cpu = 900 memory = 3000 } service { tags = [ "jitsi", "(diplonat (tcp_port 8080) (udp_port 8080))" ] port = "video_port" address_mode = "host" name = "video-jitsi" check { type = "tcp" port = "video_port" interval = "60s" timeout = "5s" } } } } }