path: root/doc/nixos-install-luks.md
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'doc/nixos-install-luks.md')
1 files changed, 182 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/doc/nixos-install-luks.md b/doc/nixos-install-luks.md
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index 0000000..3f0feca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/nixos-install-luks.md
@@ -0,0 +1,182 @@
+## Preparation
+Download NixOS 21.11 ISO. Burn to USB.
+## Booting into install environment
+Boot the ISO on PC to install.
+Become root with `sudo su`
+loadkeys fr
+setfont sun12x22
+Do network config if necessary, see [install guide](https://nixos.org/manual/nixos/stable/index.html#sec-installation-booting-networking)
+## Make partitions
+cgdisk /dev/sda
+Recommended layout:
+/dev/sda1 512M ef00 EFI System partition
+/dev/sda2 100% 8309 Linux LUKS
+## Setup cryptography
+cryptsetup luksFormat /dev/sda2
+cryptsetup open /dev/sda2 cryptlvm
+## Create PV, VG and LVs
+pvcreate /dev/mapper/cryptlvm
+vgcreate NixosVG /dev/mapper/cryptlvm
+lvcreate -L 8G NixosVG -n swap
+lvcreate -l 100%FREE NixosVG -n root
+## Format partitions
+mkfs.fat -F 32 -n boot /dev/sda1
+mkswap /dev/NixosVG/swap
+mkfs.ext4 /dev/NixosVG/root
+## Mount partitions
+swapon /dev/NixosVG/swap
+mount /dev/NixosVG/root /mnt
+mkdir /mnt/boot
+mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/boot
+## Generate base NixOS configuration
+nixos-generate-config --root /mnt
+## Update `hardware-configuration.nix`
+This section is needed:
+ boot.initrd.luks.devices."cryptlvm" = {
+ device = "/dev/disk/by-uuid/<uuid of sda2>";
+ allowDiscards = true;
+ };
+And for the root filesystem, remember to add the `relatime` and `discard` options so that it looks like this:
+ fileSystems."/" =
+ { device = "/dev/disk/by-uuid/<...>";
+ fsType = "ext4";
+ options = [ "relatime" "discard" ];
+ };
+## Update `configuration.nix`
+Just enough so that basic tasks can be done from keyboard and remotely:
+- timezone
+- keyboard layout
+- font `sun12x22`
+- vim
+- non-root user
+- ssh
+- tcp port 22 in firewall
+## Do the installation
+## First boot
+Reboot machine. Login as `root`
+passwd <nonroot user>
+If necessary, assign static IP. E.g. `ip addr add dev eno1` or sth (replace ip and device appropriately)
+Remotely: `ssh-copy-id <user>@<ip>`. Check SSH access is good.
+## Deploy from this repo
+See [this documentation](quick-start.md).
+## Old guide
+It's time!
+**Files in this repo to create/change:**
+- create node `.nix` file and symlink for node `.site.nix` (create site and
+ cluster `.nix` files if necessary; use existing files of e.g. the staging
+ cluster as examples/templates)
+- make sure values are filled in correctly
+- add node to `ssh_config` with it's LAN IP, we don't have VPN at this stage
+**Configuration steps on the node:**
+# On node being installed
+mkdir -p /var/lib/deuxfleurs/remote-unlock
+cd /var/lib/deuxfleurs/remote-unlock
+ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -N "" -f ./ssh_host_ed25519_key
+**Try to deploy:**
+# In nixcfg repository from your PC
+./deploy.sh <cluster> <nodename>
+Check remote unlocking works: `ssh -p 222 root@<ip>`
+## Configure wireguard
+# On node being installed
+mkdir -p /var/lib/deuxfleurs/wireguard-keys
+cd /var/lib/deuxfleurs/wireguard-keys
+wg genkey | tee private | wg pubkey > public
+Get the public key, make sure it is in `cluster.nix` so that nodes know one
+another. Also put it anywhere else like in your local wireguard config for
+instance so that you can access the node from your PC by its wireguard address
+and not only its LAN address.
+Redo a deploy (`./deploy.sh <cluster> <nodename>`)
+Check VPN works. Change IP in `ssh_config` to use VPN IP instead of LAN IP (required for deploy when away from home).
+## Commit changes to `nixcfg` repo
+This is a good point to commit your new/modified `.nix` files.
+## Configure Nomad and Consul TLS
+If you are bootstraping a new cluster, you need to `./genpki.sh <cluster>` to
+make a TLS PKI for the Nomad+Consul cluster to work. Then redo a deploy.