path: root/cluster/prod/app/matrix/deploy/im.hcl
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'cluster/prod/app/matrix/deploy/im.hcl')
1 files changed, 200 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/cluster/prod/app/matrix/deploy/im.hcl b/cluster/prod/app/matrix/deploy/im.hcl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0e219dd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cluster/prod/app/matrix/deploy/im.hcl
@@ -0,0 +1,200 @@
+job "matrix" {
+ datacenters = ["orion"]
+ type = "service"
+ priority = 60
+ group "matrix" {
+ count = 1
+ network {
+ port "api_port" { static = 8008 }
+ }
+ task "synapse" {
+ driver = "docker"
+ config {
+ image = "superboum/amd64_synapse:v54"
+ network_mode = "host"
+ readonly_rootfs = true
+ ports = [ "api_port" ]
+ command = "python"
+ args = [
+ "-m", "synapse.app.homeserver",
+ "-n",
+ "-c", "/etc/matrix-synapse/homeserver.yaml"
+ ]
+ volumes = [
+ "secrets/conf:/etc/matrix-synapse",
+ "/tmp/synapse-media:/var/lib/matrix-synapse/media",
+ "/tmp/synapse-uploads:/var/lib/matrix-synapse/uploads",
+ "/tmp/synapse-logs:/var/log/matrix-synapse",
+ "/tmp/synapse:/tmp"
+ ]
+ }
+ template {
+ data = file("../config/synapse/homeserver.yaml")
+ destination = "secrets/conf/homeserver.yaml"
+ }
+ template {
+ data = file("../config/synapse/log.yaml")
+ destination = "secrets/conf/log.yaml"
+ }
+ template {
+ data = file("../config/synapse/conf.d/server_name.yaml")
+ destination = "secrets/conf/server_name.yaml"
+ }
+ template {
+ data = file("../config/synapse/conf.d/report_stats.yaml")
+ destination = "secrets/conf/report_stats.yaml"
+ }
+ # --- secrets ---
+ template {
+ data = "{{ key \"secrets/chat/synapse/homeserver.tls.crt\" }}"
+ destination = "secrets/conf/homeserver.tls.crt"
+ }
+ template {
+ data = "{{ key \"secrets/chat/synapse/homeserver.tls.dh\" }}"
+ destination = "secrets/conf/homeserver.tls.dh"
+ }
+ template {
+ data = "{{ key \"secrets/chat/synapse/homeserver.tls.key\" }}"
+ destination = "secrets/conf/homeserver.tls.key"
+ }
+ template {
+ data = "{{ key \"secrets/chat/synapse/homeserver.signing.key\" }}"
+ destination = "secrets/conf/homeserver.signing.key"
+ }
+ env {
+ }
+ resources {
+ cpu = 1000
+ memory = 1000
+ }
+ service {
+ name = "synapse"
+ port = "api_port"
+ address_mode = "host"
+ tags = [
+ "matrix",
+ "tricot im.deuxfleurs.fr/_matrix 100",
+ "tricot im.deuxfleurs.fr:443/_matrix 100",
+ "tricot im.deuxfleurs.fr/_synapse 100",
+ "tricot-add-header Access-Control-Allow-Origin *",
+ ]
+ check {
+ type = "tcp"
+ port = "api_port"
+ interval = "60s"
+ timeout = "5s"
+ check_restart {
+ limit = 3
+ grace = "90s"
+ ignore_warnings = false
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ task "media-async-upload" {
+ driver = "docker"
+ config {
+ image = "superboum/amd64_synapse:v54"
+ readonly_rootfs = true
+ command = "/usr/local/bin/matrix-s3-async"
+ work_dir = "/tmp"
+ volumes = [
+ "/tmp/synapse-media:/var/lib/matrix-synapse/media",
+ "/tmp/synapse-uploads:/var/lib/matrix-synapse/uploads",
+ "/tmp/synapse:/tmp"
+ ]
+ }
+ resources {
+ cpu = 100
+ memory = 100
+ }
+ template {
+ data = <<EOH
+AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID={{ key "secrets/chat/synapse/s3_access_key" | trimSpace }}
+AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY={{ key "secrets/chat/synapse/s3_secret_key" | trimSpace }}
+PG_USER={{ key "secrets/chat/synapse/postgres_user" | trimSpace }}
+PG_PASS={{ key "secrets/chat/synapse/postgres_pwd" | trimSpace }}
+PG_DB={{ key "secrets/chat/synapse/postgres_db" | trimSpace }}
+ destination = "secrets/env"
+ env = true
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ group "riotweb" {
+ count = 1
+ network {
+ port "web_port" { to = 8043 }
+ }
+ task "server" {
+ driver = "docker"
+ config {
+ image = "superboum/amd64_riotweb:v31"
+ ports = [ "web_port" ]
+ volumes = [
+ "secrets/config.json:/srv/http/config.json"
+ ]
+ }
+ template {
+ data = file("../config/riot_web/config.json")
+ destination = "secrets/config.json"
+ }
+ resources {
+ memory = 21
+ }
+ service {
+ tags = [
+ "webstatic",
+ "tricot im.deuxfleurs.fr 10",
+ "tricot riot.deuxfleurs.fr 10",
+ ]
+ port = "web_port"
+ address_mode = "host"
+ name = "webstatic"
+ check {
+ type = "tcp"
+ port = "web_port"
+ interval = "60s"
+ timeout = "5s"
+ check_restart {
+ limit = 3
+ grace = "90s"
+ ignore_warnings = false
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }