path: root/README.more.md
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-# Additional README
-## Configuring the OS
-This repo contains a bunch of scripts to configure NixOS on all cluster nodes.
-Most scripts are invoked with the following syntax:
-- for scripts that generate secrets: `./gen_<something> <cluster_name>` to generate the secrets to be used on cluster `<cluster_name>`
-- for deployment scripts:
- - `./deploy_<something> <cluster_name>` to run the deployment script on all nodes of the cluster `<cluster_name>`
- - `./deploy_<something> <cluster_name> <node1> <node2> ...` to run the deployment script only on nodes `node1, node2, ...` of cluster `<cluster_name>`.
-All deployment scripts can use the following parameters passed as environment variables:
-- `SUDO_PASS`: optionnally, the password for `sudo` on cluster nodes. If not set, it will be asked at the begninning.
-- `SSH_USER`: optionnally, the user to try to login using SSH. If not set, the username from your local machine will be used.
-### Assumptions (how to setup your environment)
-- you have an SSH access to all of your cluster nodes (listed in `cluster/<cluster_name>/ssh_config`)
-- your account is in group `wheel` and you know its password (you need it to become root using `sudo`);
- the password is the same on all cluster nodes (see below for password management tools)
-- you have a clone of the secrets repository in your `pass` password store, for instance at `~/.password-store/deuxfleurs`
- (scripts in this repo will read and write all secrets in `pass` under `deuxfleurs/cluster/<cluster_name>/`)
-### Deploying the NixOS configuration
-The NixOS configuration makes use of a certain number of files:
-- files in `nix/` that are the same for all deployments on all clusters
-- the file `cluster/<cluster_name>/cluster.nix`, a Nix configuration file that is specific to the cluster but is copied the same on all cluster nodes
-- files in `cluster/<cluster_name>/site/`, which are specific to the various sites on which Nix nodes are deployed
-- files in `cluster/<cluster_name>/node/` which are specific to each node
-To deploy the NixOS configuration on the cluster, simply do:
-./deploy_nixos <cluster_name>
-or to deploy only on a single node:
-./deploy_nixos <cluster_name> <node_name>
-To upgrade NixOS, use the `./upgrade_nixos` script instead (it has the same syntax).
-**When adding a node to the cluster:** just do `./deploy_nixos <cluster_name> <name_of_new_node>`
-### Generating and deploying a PKI for Consul and Nomad
-This is very similar to how we do for Wesher.
-First, if the PKI has not yet been created, create it with:
-./gen_pki <cluster_name>
-Then, deploy the PKI on all nodes with:
-./deploy_pki <cluster_name>
-**When adding a node to the cluster:** just do `./deploy_pki <cluster_name> <name_of_new_node>`
-### Adding administrators and password management
-Adminstrators are defined in the `cluster.nix` file for each cluster (they could also be defined in the site-specific Nix files if necessary).
-This is where their public SSH keys for remote access are put.
-Administrators will also need passwords to administrate the cluster, as we are not using passwordless sudo.
-To set the password for a new administrator, they must have a working `pass` installation as specified above.
-They must then run:
-./passwd <cluster_name> <user_name>
-to set their password in the `pass` database (the password is hashed, so other administrators cannot learn their password even if they have access to the `pass` db).
-Then, an administrator that already has root access must run the following (after syncing the `pass` db) to set the password correctly on all cluster nodes:
-./deploy_passwords <cluster_name>
-## Deploying stuff on Nomad
-### Connecting to Nomad
-Connect using SSH to one of the cluster nodes, forwarding port 14646 to port 4646 on localhost, and port 8501 to port 8501 on localhost.
-You can for instance use an entry in your `~/.ssh/config` that looks like this:
-Host caribou
- HostName 2a01:e0a:c:a720::23
- LocalForward 14646
- LocalForward 8501
- LocalForward 1389 bottin.service.staging.consul:389
-Then, in a separate window, launch `./tlsproxy <cluster_name>`: this will
-launch `socat` proxies that strip the TLS layer and allow you to simply access
-Nomad and Consul on the regular, unencrypted URLs: `http://localhost:4646` for
-Nomad and `http://localhost:8500` for Consul. Keep this terminal window for as
-long as you need to access Nomad and Consul on the cluster.
-### Launching services
-Stuff should be started in this order:
-1. `app/core`
-2. `app/frontend`
-3. `app/telemetry`
-4. `app/garage-staging`
-5. `app/directory`
-Then, other stuff can be started in any order:
-- `app/im` (cluster `staging` only)
-- `app/cryptpad` (cluster `prod` only)
-- `app/drone-ci`