path: root/app/jitsi/integration/jvb
diff options
authorAlex Auvolat <alex@adnab.me>2022-08-24 15:42:47 +0200
committerAlex Auvolat <alex@adnab.me>2022-08-24 15:42:47 +0200
commit2e8923b383eb06c53261eee8e5c442b857fb67e4 (patch)
tree0ad148f75f7b54dfed2dbac8f43f6df9badc502a /app/jitsi/integration/jvb
parent9848f3090f77363a2fda0f9fa673ebcf1fb8228c (diff)
Move app files into cluster subdirectories; add prod garage
Diffstat (limited to 'app/jitsi/integration/jvb')
2 files changed, 0 insertions, 337 deletions
diff --git a/app/jitsi/integration/jvb/logging.properties b/app/jitsi/integration/jvb/logging.properties
deleted file mode 100644
index 3453971..0000000
--- a/app/jitsi/integration/jvb/logging.properties
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
-handlers= java.util.logging.ConsoleHandler
-#handlers= java.util.logging.ConsoleHandler, com.agafua.syslog.SyslogHandler
-#handlers= java.util.logging.ConsoleHandler, io.sentry.jul.SentryHandler
-java.util.logging.ConsoleHandler.level = ALL
-java.util.logging.ConsoleHandler.formatter = org.jitsi.utils.logging2.JitsiLogFormatter
-# default
-# for debug
-# All of the INFO level logs from MediaStreamImpl are unnecessary in the context of jitsi-videobridge.
-# Syslog (uncomment handler to use)
-com.agafua.syslog.SyslogHandler.transport = udp
-com.agafua.syslog.SyslogHandler.facility = local0
-com.agafua.syslog.SyslogHandler.port = 514
-com.agafua.syslog.SyslogHandler.hostname = localhost
-com.agafua.syslog.SyslogHandler.formatter = org.jitsi.utils.logging2.JitsiLogFormatter
-com.agafua.syslog.SyslogHandler.escapeNewlines = false
-# Sentry (uncomment handler to use)
-# to disable double timestamps in syslog uncomment next line
-# time series logging
-java.util.logging.SimpleFormatter.format= %5$s%n
-java.util.logging.FileHandler.level = ALL
-java.util.logging.FileHandler.formatter = java.util.logging.SimpleFormatter
-java.util.logging.FileHandler.pattern = /tmp/jvb-series.log
-java.util.logging.FileHandler.limit = 200000000
-java.util.logging.FileHandler.count = 1
-java.util.logging.FileHandler.append = false
-timeseries.useParentHandlers = false
-# time series logging is disabled by default. Uncomment the line below to enable it.
-#timeseries.handlers = java.util.logging.FileHandler
diff --git a/app/jitsi/integration/jvb/videobridge.conf b/app/jitsi/integration/jvb/videobridge.conf
deleted file mode 100644
index a11edc6..0000000
--- a/app/jitsi/integration/jvb/videobridge.conf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,290 +0,0 @@
-videobridge {
- entity-expiration {
- # If an entity has no activity after this timeout, it is expired
- timeout=1 minute
- # The interval at which the videobridge will check for expired entities
- check-interval=${videobridge.entity-expiration.timeout}
- }
- health {
- # The interval between health checks
- interval=10 seconds
- # The timeout for a health check
- timeout=30 seconds
- # If performing a health check takes longer than this, it is considered unsuccessful.
- max-check-duration=3 seconds
- # Whether or not health check failures should be 'sticky'
- # (i.e. once the bridge becomes unhealthy, it will never
- # go back to a healthy state)
- sticky-failures=false
- }
- ep-connection-status {
- # How long we'll wait for an endpoint to *start* sending
- # data before we consider it 'inactive'
- first-transfer-timeout=15 seconds
- # How long an endpoint can be 'inactive' before it will
- # be considered disconnected
- max-inactivity-limit=3 seconds
- # How often we check endpoint's connectivity status
- check-interval=500 milliseconds
- }
- cc {
- bwe-change-threshold=0.15
- thumbnail-max-height-px=180
- onstage-ideal-height-px=1080
- onstage-preferred-height-px=360
- onstage-preferred-framerate=30
- enable-onstage-video-suspend=false
- trust-bwe=true
- # How often we check to send probing data
- padding-period=15ms
- # How often we'll force recalculations of forwarded
- # streams
- max-time-between-calculations = 15 seconds
- # A JVB-wide last-n value, observed by all endpoints. Endpoints
- # will take the minimum of their setting and this one (-1 implies
- # no last-n limit)
- jvb-last-n = -1
- }
- # The APIs by which the JVB can be controlled
- apis {
- xmpp-client {
- # The interval at which presence is published in the configured MUCs.
- presence-interval = ${videobridge.stats.interval}
- configs {
- unique-xmpp-server {
- hostname="jitsi-xmpp"
- domain = "auth.jitsi"
- username = "jvb"
- password = "jvbpass"
- port = 5222
- muc_jids = "jvbbrewery@internal.auth.jitsi"
- # The muc_nickname must be unique across all jitsi-videobridge instances
- muc_nickname = "unique-jvb-server"
- disable_certificate_verification = false
- }
- # example-connection-id {
- # For the properties which should be
- # filled out here, see MucClientConfiguration
- # }
- }
- }
- rest {
- enabled = true
- }
- jvb-api {
- enabled = true
- }
- }
- # Configuration of the different REST APIs.
- # Note that the COLIBRI REST API is configured under videobridge.apis.rest instead.
- rest {
- debug {
- enabled = true
- }
- health {
- enabled = true
- }
- shutdown {
- # Note that the shutdown API requires the COLIBRI API to also be enabled.
- enabled = false
- }
- version {
- enabled = true
- }
- }
- http-servers {
- # The HTTP server which hosts services intended for 'public' use
- # (e.g. websockets for the bridge channel connection)
- public {
- # See JettyBundleActivatorConfig in Jicoco for values
- port = -1
- tls-port = -1
- }
- # The HTTP server which hosts services intended for 'private' use
- # (e.g. health or debug stats)
- private {
- # See JettyBundleActivatorConfig in Jicoco for values
- host =
- }
- }
- octo {
- # Whether or not Octo is enabled
- enabled=false
- # A string denoting the 'region' of this JVB. This region
- # will be used by Jicofo in the selection of a bridge for
- # a client by comparing it to the client's region.
- # Must be set when 'enabled' is true
- #region="us-west-1"
- # The address on which the Octo relay should bind
- # Must be set when 'enabled' is true
- #bind-address=
- # The port to which the Octo relay should bind
- bind-port=4096
- # The address which controls the public address which
- # will be part of the Octo relayId
- #public-address=
- # The size of the incoming octo queue. This queue is per-remote-endpoint,
- # so it matches what we use for local endpoints
- recv-queue-size=1024
- # The size of the outgoing octo queue. This is a per-originating-endpoint
- # queue, so assuming all packets are routed (as they currently are for Octo)
- # it should be the same size as the transceiver recv queue in
- # jitsi-media-transform. Repeating the description from there:
- # Assuming 300pps for high-definition, 200pps for standard-definition,
- # 100pps for low-definition and 50pps for audio, this queue is fed
- # 650pps, so its size in terms of millis is 1024/650*1000 ~= 1575ms.
- send-queue-size=1024
- }
- load-management {
- # Whether or not the reducer will be enabled to take actions to mitigate load
- reducer-enabled = false
- load-measurements {
- packet-rate {
- # The packet rate at which we'll consider the bridge overloaded
- load-threshold = 50000
- # The packet rate at which we'll consider the bridge 'underloaded' enough
- # to start recovery
- recovery-threshold = 40000
- }
- }
- load-reducers {
- last-n {
- # The factor by which we'll reduce the current last-n when trying to reduce load
- reduction-scale = .75
- # The factor by which we'll increase the current last-n when trying to recover
- recover-scale = 1.25
- # The minimum time in between runs of the last-n reducer to reduce or recover from
- # load
- impact-time = 1 minute
- # The lowest value we'll set for last-n
- minimum-last-n-value = 0
- # The highest last-n value we'll enforce. Once the enforced last-n exceeds this value
- # we'll remove the limit entirely
- maximum-enforced-last-n-value = 40
- }
- }
- }
- sctp {
- # Whether SCTP data channels are enabled.
- enabled=true
- }
- stats {
- # Whether periodic collection of statistics is enabled or not. When enabled they are accessible through the REST
- # API (at `/colibri/stats`), and are available to other modules (e.g. to be pushed to callstats or in a MUC).
- enabled = true
- # The interval at which stats are gathered.
- interval = 5 seconds
- # Configuration related to pushing statistics to callstats.io.
- callstats {
- # An integer application ID (use 0 to disable pushing stats to callstats).
- app-id = 0
- # The shared secred to authentication with callstats.io.
- //app-secret = "s3cret"
- # ID of the key that was used to generate token.
- //key-id = "abcd"
- # The path to private key file.
- //key-path = "/etc/jitsi/videobridge/ecpriv.jwk"
- # The ID of the server instance to be used when reporting to callstats.
- bridge-id = "jitsi"
- # TODO: document
- //conference-id-prefix = "abcd"
- # The interval at which statististics will be published to callstats. This affects both per-conference and global
- # statistics.
- # Note that this value will be overriden if a "callstatsio" transport is defined in the parent "stats" section.
- interval = ${videobridge.stats.interval}
- }
- }
- websockets {
- enabled=false
- server-id="default-id"
- # Optional, even when 'enabled' is set to true
- # tls=true
- # Must be set when enabled = true
- #domain="some-domain"
- }
- ice {
- tcp {
- # Whether ICE/TCP is enabled.
- enabled = true
- # The port to bind to for ICE/TCP.
- port = 8089
- # An optional additional port to advertise.
- # mapped-port = 8443
- # Whether to use "ssltcp" or plain "tcp".
- ssltcp = true
- }
- udp {
- # The port for ICE/UDP.
- port = 10000
- }
- # An optional prefix to include in STUN username fragments generated by the bridge.
- #ufrag-prefix = "jvb-123:"
- # Which candidate pairs to keep alive. The accepted values are defined in ice4j's KeepAliveStrategy:
- # "selected_and_tcp", "selected_only", or "all_succeeded".
- keep-alive-strategy = "selected_and_tcp"
- # Whether to use the "component socket" feature of ice4j.
- use-component-socket = true
- # Whether to attempt DNS resolution for remote candidates that contain a non-literal address. When set to 'false'
- # such candidates will be ignored.
- resolve-remote-candidates = false
- # The nomination strategy to use for ICE. THe accepted values are defined in ice4j's NominationStrategy:
- # "NominateFirstValid", "NominateHighestPriority", "NominateFirstHostOrReflexiveValid", or "NominateBestRTT".
- nomination-strategy = "NominateFirstValid"
- }
- transport {
- send {
- # The size of the dtls-transport outgoing queue. This is a per-participant
- # queue. Packets from the egress end-up in this queue right before
- # transmission by the outgoing srtp pipeline (which mainly consists of the
- # packet sender).
- #
- # Its size needs to be of the same order of magnitude as the rtp sender
- # queue. In a 100 participant call, assuming 300pps for the on-stage and
- # 100pps for low-definition, last-n 20 and 2 participants talking, so
- # 2*50pps for audio, this queue is fed 300+19*100+2*50 = 2300pps, so its
- # size in terms of millis is 1024/2300*1000 ~= 445ms.
- queue-size=1024
- }
- }
- version {
- // Wheather to announe the jitsi-videobridge version to clients in the ServerHello message.
- announce = false
- }